Okay, let me clarify with regard to my PERSONAL position:
My 'brothers'...
Are not all black.
Are not all women.
Are not all American.
Are not all old.
Are not all young.
Do no all live on US soil.
Yada, yada, yada...
I am sorry, but my vision... and my 'sight'... is not limited to the soil of the U.S. of A. Indeed, it is not even limited to this 'realm'. I do not 'see' peripherally. Every time a car bomb goes off somewhere, every time a child is molested somewhere, every time a drive-by shooting takes place... somewhere... every time a missle is deployed and detonated... somewhere... every time a family is gunned down... somewhere... every time a building of innocent people is blown up... somewhere... ANYWHERE... in this 'realm'... I feel it. I have even been told by some, when watching movies of heinous acts, that I perhaps have no 'feeling', because I do not react emotionally. To MOVIES. Because I can 'feel' in the REAL world... such that it is.
In truth, I feel almost every last one. From the four African children age 4 to 11 left to fend for themselves after losing two sets of parents to AIDS (28,000,000 people are dying, dear ones... and I FEEL that...), to the babies shown in the Oklahoma bombing, to the little boy and his father gunned down by an Israeli soldier while hiding behind a barrel, to the 255 firefighters, 400+ airline passengers and COUNTLESS others who lost their lives Tuesday. To the 6 million of the Holocaust... to the 250,000 of Hiroshima. I FEEL it.
So, if I sound haughty... and judgmental... it is not my intention, nor is it directed at any one side of the coin. What YOU perceive as haughtiness, to ME... is a bearing of pain. For the loss of life. Life, dear ones... is life. And there is NO justification for 'earthling' man, on his own, taking life. Whether on this country's soil... or another.
I am not anti-American. By place of birth, I AM an "American", and grateful to BE such, for I do not have to suffer a fraction of the atrocities my brothers... and many others... elsewhere do. But just because my national 'leaders' may be for war, just as THEIR national leaders may be for it, their leaders dropping a bomb on me is NO more justified than my leaders dropping one on their innocent.
I am sorry that I cannot get behind the 'patriotism' that many feel at this time. But is only because my 'world'... expands far, FAR past the shores of the United States.
The WTC disaster was a devastating atrocity. Hiroshima... was a devastating atrocity. No matter WHAT the 'justification'. Our 'morality' is not necessarily someone ELSE's 'morality'. The GOVERNMENT of Japan warred against 'us'; NOT the citizens of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Just like the GOVERNMENT (by reason of condoning such) of those responsible for Tuesday's disaster is 'warring' with the GOVERNMENT of the United, and NOT the citizens that were slaughtered. But... since World War I, since battles are no longer fought on the battle fields, it's ALWAYS the citizens that are slaughtered, isn't it?
Bush ain't going nowhere; Ben Laden ain't going nowhere. Did Hassan? Khadafi? Reagan? The Emperor of Japan? Since when do the 'higher' ups of EITHER side 'pay the price'? Not since such ones began sitting in their ivory towers... and hiding behind the innocent. And they do that HERE... as well as THERE.
For those who consider themselves 'christian' (and yes, this applies because for all intents and purposes, the U.S. towts itself as a 'christian' county... yes?), war is justified, dear ones... ONLY with those who wish to 'die by the sword'. It is not, however, with those who have no personal 'interest' in the matter. That... is the slaughter of 'innocent' blood... and that... is not 'justified'.
And if you wish to take this back to ancient Israel, we can. Most certainly. But in another thread.
As always, I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,