May you all have peace...
Well! I have gone from thinking... "hmmmmm"... to elation... to confusion... to sadness... to joy... to... well... now... SIGH!
Doug... I 'hear' you... as I told you before that I 'heard' you. In your silence. Long before now. We're 'cool', my friend. Truly. To time indefinite. I understood then... and I understand now. Please know, though, that I cannot take 'credit' for any 'good' someone has chosen to do toward you. While I may have mentioned something, I cannot at all say to whom... or what, if anything, they chose to do about it. If there is 'thanks' to be given then, give it to the one who has lovingly sent you a 'gift' of goodwill... and to my Father and my Lord. Please.
Teej and DBearMan... you are my 'bros, dear ones, also to time indefinite. I WILL remember you before my Father. Please know that I 'hear' you, as well. Always. Even if you don't always 'hear' me. But here this, please, and please know... that some people DO change... and, well, we just have to take their word for it. LOVE dictates that, for it is what we wish 'men to do to [us]', take our word when we attempt it sincerely. Yes? If we have the love FOR them that we wish FROM them, that's all that matters, truly. Yes?
If it's true, we WILL 'see' it. If not, and we don't... so what? Doesn't matter, really, does it? Will someone else's changing... or not changing... add... or take away... ONE cubit from OUR life span? Not really. We just have to know that some folks have a bit more difficult 'time'... ummmm... 'adjusting'... and 'growing'... in love. And that's quite understandable because MOST of us... were not TAUGHT love... but, rather, hatred. Yes? We were being, then, what we were taught to be. But hopefully, we will ALL come to see the need to 'change'.
For those of us who know love, though, OUR job is to HELP them adjust to a heart of love... and make whatever adjustment they are going through... a bit easier. "It ain't easy being cheesy". If we doubt them, or challenge them, don't we risk forcing them to conclude 'what the hell, why even try'? Is that what we should want? I, for one, do not want any to feel that way, but to feel FREE... to express whatever they wish: joy, sorrow, regret... and change of heart... in comfort... and safety. I wish to pose NO 'threat' and no 'danger' to anyone's desire to speak from the abundance of their heart. For I would HOPE... that they will ALWAYS permit me the same 'freedom'. Some, my dear one, just don't know how to manifest love outright... but... when they at least try... we HAVE to give them a break. And we HAVE to accept it... without judging their motive. For that is what we wish them to do for us. Yes? Yes. I think you 'hear' me on this. I hope you do.
UB, cheers! I guess. I don't know... are we still 'married'? Just askin...
Tina and Waiting... please... two ladies with minds such as yours shouldn't allow yourselves to hurry to offend... or BE offended. For the taking of offense is what lies with the stupid ones. And NEITHER of you ladies are stupid, by ANY means. I have nothing but love for you... and only wish to help you see the futility of your 'interchange'. As Doug said, 'please... don't'.
And SIGH!... Miss Julie... I have just given a quite boring oration about people's ability to change, and I mean that to include ALL people. Everybody. Including you. Yet I wonder: will you yet attempt to prove me wrong? You only need continue in your present course of self-assumption... and you just might 'win' this one. But I hope not. Truly and sincerely, I hope not. For again, absolutely nothing... would be gained.
Again, I bid you all peace, and I am... to time indefinite...
YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,