"A bigoted group of men who systematically endeavor to throttle all Bible teaching... unless it comes through them."
(What THEY said about the Catholic clergy, Proclaimer's Book, pp. 69-70)
Peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,
here iz mine:.
#1) "a cancer of the soul".
#2) "a fools paradise".
"A bigoted group of men who systematically endeavor to throttle all Bible teaching... unless it comes through them."
(What THEY said about the Catholic clergy, Proclaimer's Book, pp. 69-70)
Peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,
hey yall,.
is 144,00 a literal number?.
(revelation 14:1-4) and i saw, and, look!
Dearest Pureheart... may you have peace... and may I respond? Thank you. Because you have cited so much information, I will address them separately, if I may:
Is 144,00 a literal number?Indeed, it is. It is the number of those of Abraham's seed, those of fleshly Israel, who are 'sealed' in fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham.
What a lot of folks don't understand, though, is that while initially Israel was to be a 'nation of kings and priests', their rejection of the One appointed by God as their 'leader', resulted in their 'stumbling'... and losing out... as a nation... on that blessing. So that, rather than Israel ALONE become a nation of kings and priests to God, a 'great crowd of people of ALL nations, tribes and tongues', have been been 'called and chosen' WITH them to make up this kingship/priesthood. That is why AFTER seeing those of Abraham's seed, 144,000 "from among the sons of ISRAEL", John ALSO saw this 'great crowd'... 'standing before the throne of God... and "rendering SACRED SERVICE IN HIS TEMPLE... day and night." Only priests can 'render sacred service' in a temple, dear one.
Revelation 5:9, 10
Revelation 7: 4, 9, 13, 15
Romans 9:27
Romans 11:13-25
Ephesians 2:19-22
Ephesians 6:5, 6
That is why although my Lord named 12 apostles to Israel, to be witnesses of him 'throughout Judea (Jews; 2-tribe kingdom of Judah) and Samaria (Samaritans; 10-tribe kingdom of Israel), he named Paul... as 'an apostle TO THE NATIONS'... to call THEM into his household.
The Lamb (Symbolic)Actually, it is not totallyl symbolic, but, in a sense, yes. Symbolic in that, true, my Lord is not a member of the mammal sheep species; however, he is the Lamb in that he was the one sacrificed, the one that 'carries away the sins of the world', the one that is obedient to the Father. Lamb, therefore, is a fitting description of his... mannerisms... attitude... countenance... role.
Mount Zion (Symbolic)Actually, Mount Zion is NOT symbolic, and in fact there are/were two: the one on earth, on which sat the city of Jerusalem; and the one in heaven on which sits the city of New Jerusalem. You see, all that had to do with Israel HERE... in the physical realm... was 'patterned' after what is THERE... in the spiritual realm: the Ark, the Covenant, the priesthood, the tabernacle/temple, the kingship/kingdom/throne... manna and 'water'... and many other things. We only THINK them symbolic because we think them not LITERALLY because they are not PHYSICAL. However, they are VERY literal, as the literal is not restricted to the physical.
144,000 (Literal)Again, yes.
Name on forheads (Symbolic)Okay, you're gonna have to trust me on this one: it is also literal. How do I know? Because I have been 'given' such a name. Yes, I can 'see' it; no, I cannot read it, for it is written in a language I do not yet know. How can I prove it to you? I am sorry, but I can't. Truly, I cannot. I can only tell you what is true and hope that you are able to put faith in it. However, I do not ASK you to believe it or put faith in it; you must do what you feel you must do. But I am not lying to you, such a name IS literal.
Sound of many waters (Symbolic)This, too, is not symbolic, but QUITE literal. I have heard the voice of both my Father (only twice) and my Lord (many, MANY, times...), and it is exactly as John... and Ezekiel... described it. However, they ARE separate and distinct; you really can tell the difference.
Ezekiel 1:24
Ezekiel 43:2
John 10:3-5, 27
Hebrews 12:25
Harps (Symbolic)Now that could be; I have no knowledge of this. While there is ALWAYS 'noise' in the spirit realm, what I hear is primarily voices. They do not sleep, so they don't have any 'downtime' in that realm.
New Song (Symbolic)Actually, this, too, is literal. You see, our voices can be likened to 'song' to God... or 'clashing cymbals'... depending on what those voices are saying. The 'new song', however, is not musical... it is praise to JAH... which is 'music' to His ears... a beautiful 'song', indeed.
Psalm 147:1
Psalm 149:1
Four living creature (Symbolic)No, these, too, are quite literal. VERY real. They are, in fact, 'seraphs', or 'fiery serpents' that stand in the vicinity of my Father's throne. And they represent all that He have a covenant with:
Head of man (man)
Head of lion (beasts of the field)
Head of bull (domestic animals)
Head of 'bird of prey' (flying creatures of THIS realm)
What is not represented are the creatures of the sea, as there was not need to make a covenant with them... as the flood did not effect them.
Elders (Symbolic)Nope, these are literal, too. 24 of them... of the 'older men' of my Lord's 'belongings', faithful servants of old.
Bought from the earth (Literal)This, too, is literal. All of these... the 24 elders, the 144,000 and the great crowd were BOUGHT... with the blood of my Lord. He 'paid' for them, 'repurchased' them from Death (who Adam had sold them... and ALL of us to), and so 'ransomed' them (and us). Thus, those who 'belong' to the Christ, are BOUGHT and paid for.
Not defiled by women (Symbolic)Well, yes, I can see how from a human point of view this would be symbolic. But that is because we apply the word 'woman' and 'women' to only one thing: female humans. But my Father applies the word 'woman' to many things: His 'wife', Jerusalem Above; Israel; and religion/false 'christs'. In this case, it is religion, and it says of those who belong to my Lord that after being cleansed... thus, becoming VIRGINS (again), they do not 'defile' themselves with 'women'. Meaning, once they are called OUT of fornication and adultery with such 'women' (false christs; false 'brides' of Christ), these ones don't go back and defile themselves again. Rather, they stay true to their one 'husbandly owner', the Christ, the One they will 'marry'... or become truly one spirit with... in the future.
Virgins (Symbolic)Again, no, this is literal. See above.
Firstfruits (Symbolic)And no, this is also literal. To understanding, you must understand that my Father is not so much a soldier/warrior God, as He is a farmer... cultivator. He... sows seed... plants... and makes things grow. The world is the field, and WE are the seeds. However, we are not seeds that stand alone, but are part of a 'vine' or 'root', which is the Christ. He is the 'tree' of Life, the 'happy man' that is planted by streams of water. We... are the branches in that 'tree', so that as long as we remain IN the 'tree'... connected to it... we will live. If separated from it, though, we WILL die. Eventually, eternally.
Does this add up?Well, yeah, it does. But not all know how to do 'math'. Many of us try to solve spiritual 'equations' using physical formulas. No can do. In order to solve that which is spiritual, one must CONSIDER it in a spiritual context. Does that mean it is not literal by means of being spiritual? No, indeed. The things in the spirit realm, while not PHYSICAL, are JUST as LITERAL... as that in the physical realm.
I hope this helps, and I bid you peace.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
hey yall,.
is 144,00 a literal number?.
(revelation 14:1-4) and i saw, and, look!
may you all have peace!
(yes, i know i am starting a new thread when one already exists, but most of you know me by now...).
the 'true' worshippers of god are those that worship him... in spirit... and in truth.
Dearest Teej... peace and happy Hanukkah, Xmas, New Year, Solstice, poultice, and whatever other 'holiday' you may 'celebrate', too!
Dearest Rex... peace to you and my apologies for taking so long to respond. For some reason, jw.com does not have the 'intrigue' for me that it had... and so I've been away for a bit (not that I am 'back', but just wanted to respond, if I may).
Sorry Shelby, you missed the mark again. Too many scriptures and not enough scriptural interpretation.Actually, Rex, while I did cite many Bible verses, not many of them were 'scripture'. Be that as it may, if you are who YOU are, and the Bible is, as you believe, God's WORD... what interpretation do you need from ME? Does not all interpretation belong to God? Why, then, do you not ask Him... rather that rely on me... for interpretation? No, I think it is you who has "missed the mark" on this one.
Anyone can post numerous generalized scripture pulled totally out of context in order to avoid answering specific questions.I posted scripture and verse that substantiated what I spoke to you. I purposefully did NOT interpret them... for that would have been just what you decry... MY interpretation. If you read them, though (yeah, right, sure), and yet did not 'get the sense' of them, am I to blame? Cannot your 'god' interpret them for you? Mine can... and did... by means of His Son.
Hebrews 1:2
My word, you don't even rcognize similes and metaphors as such.Well, okay... call me 'uneducated'. No matter; I've been called worse.
You ignore the principle that scripture cannot contradict itself when you use single scripture exgesis.Well, I would have to agree that 'scripture' cannot contradict itself; however, since I know the Bible not BE entirely 'scripture', and have read MANY verses that 'contradict' others, by means of the 'false stylus' of the copyists (i.e., translators), I think I have to disagree with your assumption, as YOU assume the entire Bible to be 'scripture'. Which is it not.
Are we cannibals?Well, let's see... according to the Encarta Dictionary, a cannibal is:
1. somebody who eats human flesh: somebody who eats human flesh, whether as food or as part of a religious ritual
2. animal that eats its own species: an animal that eats the flesh of other animals of the same species
So, based on that, I would have to say no... we are not 'cannibals'. You were speaking of those of 'us' that eat meat, though, weren't you?
Oh boy, I cannot let this go!Well, you CAN... but why would you want to?
I'm sorry to be so blunt, Shelby.I do not find you 'blunt'. Ignorant, yes. Blunt, no.
You are just so misrepresenting God's word that I suspect you are a genuine cultist bent on deception and making a name for yourself, despite all of your alleged humility."Misrepresenting God's word..." No, I give the glory and credit to that One, as well as speak what he tells me. Now, if I gave such to myself or to another, or said something other than what he gave me to speak, indeed, I would be misrepresenting him. Oh, wait! You mean 'misrepresenting' the Bible?! Dear one, I think it is you that again is 'missing the mark'. I implore you, then: first, ascertain what... or rather who... in TRUTH... is God's Word... and then we will discuss who is 'misrepresenting' him. I'll wait for ya!
John 1:1; 1:14
Revelation 19:13
"quote from me: 'Animals act on instinct and with the minor tricks that man can teach them.' Shelby: Job 39:9 (Actually, ALL of Job 39); Job 41:3, 4Your assertion of 'instinct' is simply support of a contrivance of 'earthling' man, to explain what they do not understand.
They do not know good or bad.You, then, have never owned a dog. Nor have you read research on primates. Nor have you read the account of Balaam's ass. Try both; see if you get a 'clearer' understanding of this issue.
They are not share any spirit with us, they have no immortal soul and scriptures teach that they are a lower creation.Okay, now who's REALLY missing the mark here? I showed where the Bible (God's WORD, according to you), says we have but one spirit, we and the beasts, and that we do not KNOW if they 'go' where we do when they die, AND... there is no 'superiority' of man over the beast. Yes? And yet... YOU say... ah, nevermind.
And in response to Job, you state:
Where???????What??????Instinct is the key word, God gave them that.Obviously, you read neither account. Go back and do so, and we will speak on this again. In the meantime, may I ask you: what would be the POINT in God giving "Leviathan" the ability to "make entreaties" to Him? And do you know what it means to MAKE entreaties, dear Rex?
"Shelby: Just because they are 'dumb' and exist in different bodies does not mean they cannot... and do not... worship God.Well, yeah. Were it not 'divine revelation', it would be something I myself contrived, yes? Me, imperfect flesh. And yet, I did not lie to you, but spoke truth. You DO know from whom 'truth' originates, don't you, Rex?
Rex: Oh boy! Is that some divine revelation from your 'a god' Shelby?
"From Shelby: See citations from Job, above, please." Rex:A-b-o-v-e, Rex. As in stated PREVIOUSLY herein... and BEFORE this... yada, yada, yada...
"Shelby: We can use them for food, but we CANNOT abuse them."Your reading comprehension... or lack thereof... is showing, Rex. See the dictionary explanation for 'cannibal'... a-b-o-v-e... as in toward the beginning of this response, as in before this.
Rex: So by your reasoning we are cannibals.
How do animals worship God, Shelby?In the same was we do/can, Rex.
Not in any literal sense does this occur, for man is a distinct and higher creation.Actually, you are in error. YOU apparently ascribe the 'form of worship' that 'earthling' man interprets as praying, going to church, singing hymns, knocking on doors, attending meetings, observing the Eucharist, etc. HOWEVER... God is a SPIRIT! And for HIM, those who 'worship' Him MUST 'worship' Him... in SPIRIT. And truth! Animals have spirits, Rex, and so can worship God through such spirit. And unlike HUMANS... animals don't lie, deceive, cheat, etc. But the PUREST form of worshipping God is done MORE by animals than by 'earthling' man. It is called... OBEDIENCE.
When my Father, who feeds the sparrows, sends out His call to His animal creation... they... for the MOST part... 'hear'... and obey. May I ask you, what brought Elijah food in the wilderness? WHO TOLD IT TO DO SO? And WHY did it do so? Try reading Revelation 19:17, which WAS inspired, Rex.
I am sorely tempted to expose the rest of your post line by line but I have not yet acquired that much patience.And how is that, Rex? Is not patience a 'fruit' of God's spirit? And if it is YOU that is a 'son' of God, do you not possess such spirit, or can at least ask and receive it? Why then do you not simply ASK for it... I mean, so that you can 'expose' me?
Luke 11:13
Then you perpetuate the Gnostic heresy and deny the tranformation of Jesus as man and portray Him as spiritual only.Again, you miss the mark. Indeed, my Lord was... and IS a man. First, in the flesh; last in the spirit. He is no longer flesh with its blood, for such flesh was 'sown in corruption' and 'raised up in incorruption.' It was sown a physical body and raised up a spiritual one. And a SPIRIT body can 'possess' any physical vessel it chooses. Indeed, if DEMONS can do it, how is the One who has 'all authority in heaven and on earth', UNABLE to do it?
Let's see, gnosticism, arianism and what other debunked heresies do you hold to?I do not know from 'arianism' (will look it up, though), but 'gnosticism' is based on knowledge, and the belief the knowledge is what leads to life. To the contrary, I know that eating the 'tree of knowledge of good and bad' is what led to DEATH... and I have no part with such one. Rather, I 'eat' from the Tree... of LIFE. And it is 'knowing' THAT One... and by connection... knowing GOD... that I live... and will yet live. Incorruptibly and eternally.
One other thing my dear, are the H2O poster formerly known as Sis4Jah and Renee on other forums?I do not know of whom you speak, Rex. Truthfully. I remember seeing the first one post, but cannot recall the latter one at all. But neither are me, nor do I know either of them... personally or otherwise.
My peace remains...
Your servant, and a slave of Christ,
may you all have peace!
(yes, i know i am starting a new thread when one already exists, but most of you know me by now...).
the 'true' worshippers of god are those that worship him... in spirit... and in truth.
Dearest Rex... my peace remains.
Since you do not have FAITH to 'hear' what the Spirit says, may I share with you what is 'written'? Thank you.
Wait a minute, Shelby. We are not 'created in Adam's image'.1 Corinthians 15:47-49
Jesus, who is God the Son.John 14:28
There is no 'new creation' until the advent of Christ.2 Corinthians 5:17
Shelby: "For we all share one spirit, yes?" Rex: NO.Eccelesiastes 3:19
Animals act on instinct and with the minor tricks that man can teach them. They do not know good or bad. They are not share any spirit with us, they have no immortal soul and scriptures teach that they are a lower creation.Job 39:9 (Actually, ALL of Job 39)
Shelby: Just because they are 'dumb' and exist in different bodies does not mean they cannot... and do not... worship God.See citations from Job, above, please.Rex: Oh boy! Is that some divine revelation from your 'a god' Shelby?
Shelby: We can use them for food, but we CANNOT abuse them.Genesis 1:29; 9:3Rex: So by your reasoning we are cannibals.
You are so transparent.John 1:47
Followers from the Great Prophetess Site?I have told you... I am a 'good-for-nothing-slave'... doing nothing worthy of glory, but only that which I OUGHT to have done.
Shelby: Julie... THANK YOU and peace to you! You continually make me quite 'happy'... and for that, I am indebted to you.As do you, Rex, yes? You and Julie 'see' eye to eye, yes? Okay, so be it. You are 'right'... and I... and 'wrong'. No matter to me, really.Rex: So are we, she sees through your little charade.
But again, I refer you to:
Matthew 5:10, 11
And PRAY that you 'hear'... and get the 'sense' of it!
Shelby: Again, peace to you all! Your servant and a slave of Christ...Rex: I don't think so. Is Jesus God, Shelby, just as He claimed to be? We who see through you are going to keep an eye on your attempts to gain a following, better go elsewhere if you want to recruit.
So, you 'see', do you, Rex? Hmmmm...
Matthew 15:14
Revelation 3:17
Jesus is just fine to use, no need to transliterate. He knows who we are praying to. BTW, the Apostles considered themselves leaders and encouraged the other believers to follow their examples...
I do not 'follow' the Apostles, dear Rex.
Matthew 23:10
1 Corinthians 3:5, 6
...but also to test their teachings as the Bereans did.
The Bereoans 'tested' the inspired expression... as they were supposed to do. However, it is not us that lead one another, Rex. For he who wishes to be the GREATEST among us, must be the LEAST... and the SERVANT of all others.
Wrong again, sweet Shelby. Jesus is still man, raised in His spiritual body...
Thus, he is no longer 'earthling' man, Rex, but a SPIRIT.
John 4:24
2 Corinthians 3:17
... Phil. 2.6-11).
May I invite you to read it again? Thank you.
His body still bore the wounds before he ascended and scripture does not teach that this changed.
No, but what is 'written' by the Apostles, Mark and Luke show that he was not raised up in the SAME body, for the body which was 'sowed'... was 'changed'. That is why Mary, et al., didn't recognize him. A fleshly body is only a VESSEL, Rex. My Lord could put his spirit in ANY vessel he chose... and he does just that. ALL spirit creatures can.
Oh, and notice that you quote Philippians 2:9:
9 Wherefore also God highly exalted him, and gave unto him the name which is above every name...
Funny... God... 'gave HIM'... hmmmmm....
NIV John 20:27-31
27 Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side...
Indeed, it was flesh. See response above regarding the 'vessel'. Thank you.
If all that blather applies, then what does that make you (thieves..plunderers)?
SIGH! Nothing more than a slave. I have not been 'hired', in that I receive no 'pay'. I volunteered. Enlisted.
Voluntarily. He did not make me a slave; I have become one, out of gratitude.
Could that 'spirit' tell one to preach a false gospel that is couched in Christian words with a gentle 'twist' that misleads others?
No, that THAT spirit. For is it the spirit of Truth. Take care, Rex. Blasphemy is a serious transgression.
No, nothing sinful about Jesus' flesh.
Romans 8:3
SinLESS flesh... does not 'die', dear one. It is not acquainted with sickness... nor death... for it is perfect and does not 'hold' such things within it. Yet, my Lord KNEW sickness... and death... by his flesh.
He was fathered by the Holy Spirit...
In the spirit, yes. But... 'mothered' by an IMPERFECT, FLESHLY woman. Whose FLESH, then, do you think he inherited? Since JAH is NOT flesh, he certainly didn't get it from Him.
... and perfect...
Uh, not quite. He 'became' perfect... due to his obedience, which he LEARNED... by the things he 'suffered'... in the flesh.
Hebrews 5:8, 9
Shelby: And since God 'does not look at the outward appearance' of a man, but considers what is the HEART of a man, his SPIRIT, what is INSIDE... it is to the benefit of such ones to cleanse the INSIDE of the [vessel], before being concerned with the state of the outside of it.Rex: Better check your Bible. The Holy Spirit, He does this cleansing and it is not complete until we get to glory.
Agreed. Absolutely.
"We are saved by grace through faith and not works, lest no man boast" Eph. 2.8,9. - Rex: James clearly teaches in his epistle that our works are an evidence of our faith, as does Paul throughout the book of Romans.
Indeed, we ARE saved by 'works'... but works of FAITH, rather than works of Law. And that is all I am doing, Rex... works of faith. I hear... by means of my faith... and I obey... by means of my faith... and so I speak... by means of my faith. Works... of faith.
Really, Shelby, you need to buy some decent commentaries,
One cannot 'buy' truth, dear Rex. I received 'free'. And so, I 'give'... free.
I forgot, teaching scripture would cut down on your extra-biblical revelations, eh? LOL
Actually, I think the FACT... that I am not a 'teacher' would play a part here. I am a servant and a slave, Rex. Israel HAS a 'teacher'... my Lord first... then holy spirit. Have you not read this and heard this?
Shelby: And simply attending meetings, and going out in service, and saying mass, and mumbling hail marys... will not suffice. All such things are a 'form of godly devotion'... but proves false to its power.Rex: No, all are traditions. God does however wants us to worship Him and when we do it in groups we feed off the power within one another.
Actually, there only need be two or more for my Lord to be present, Rex. And God is 'looking' for those who worship Him... in SPIRIT. Tell me, what 'group' did John 'feed off' of when given the Revelation on Patmos?
We gain that power by grace through faith and not of our own works!
Agreed, however, by WORKS... of FAITH.
That's a twist on Luke 21. This is speaking of our Lord's return and tells us why we are not to believe false prophets (Luke 21.8)
I wholeheartedly agree and ADMONISH you not to listen to FALSE prophets.
Actually, the Bible teaches that we are called by God and would not do so on our own. Have you ever even read Romans, Shelby? This particular event occurs in Revelation and after the elect are taken there.
Yes, we are 'drawn' by God... and 'chosen' by Christ. That is because they are Light... and we are 'sons' of Light and so, like moths, are 'drawn' TO the Light.
John 8:12
Genesis 1:3
Here's my last question and it's for extra credit. What three persons of the trinity can you find working on creation?
You 'stumped' ME, Rex. Personally, I prefer to rely on what was 'inspired'... over that which was not:
Genesis 1:1
Isaiah 45:8
Isaiah 43:7
Psalm 148:1-5
Psalm 33:6 and there are MANY more...
Anyway, Rex...
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
may you all have peace!
(yes, i know i am starting a new thread when one already exists, but most of you know me by now...).
the 'true' worshippers of god are those that worship him... in spirit... and in truth.
Dearest Gumby, peace to you (Luke 10:5)...
Please know that we were not created in God's 'image'. Adam was created in God's image; we, however, were created in Adam's image. When God said "Let us make man", He meant the man Adam, and not 'mankind'.
1 Corinthians 15:47-49
Animals as well as plants have the ability to be obedient... or disobedient... to God. For we all share one spirit, yes? Just because they are 'dumb' and exist in different bodies does not mean they cannot... and do not... worship God. They are, in fact, more obedient than we are, for the most part. We are not superior to them, but they were put in subjection to us so that we could CARE for them, just as a wife in subjection to a husband is to be cared for. We can use them for food, but we CANNOT abuse them.
Also, please forgive my 'manner'... I do not intend to offend. It is just the way I have been directed to speak... to give the glory to my Father and my Lord, both of whom, by the way are not ONLY my Father and my Lord. I say this only in the manner of the Son of God, who referred to the Father as his God and [our] God, and Thomas, who referred to my Lord as HIS Lord. It is purely personal, that's all.
Lea... Kim... peace and GREAT love to you both, my beloved sisters.
Julie... THANK YOU and peace to you! You continually make me quite 'happy'... and for that, I am indebted to you.
Matthew 5:10, 11
Again, peace to you all!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
may you all have peace!
(yes, i know i am starting a new thread when one already exists, but most of you know me by now...).
the 'true' worshippers of god are those that worship him... in spirit... and in truth.
May you all have peace!
Celtic - Peace to you and... back at cha!
SSpawn - Peace to you as well, and... maybe later!
JT/Celebrate - May you both have peace and sorry, but some want a 'second witness' and sometimes what is 'written' can provide it. I have tried to 'speak' without Bible references; got blasted for THAT ("Where does the Bible say that?", right Daddy-O?)
Joelbear - Peace, dear one, and may I say that I THINK almost EVERYONE 'sent' by my Father and my Lord identified themselves as such... even my Lord. Indeed, it is 'written', so check it out, K? For as my Lord is recoreded to have said, "If I came in my OWN name, you would receive me, but because I come in the name of THAT One... well, you got problems..."
Sirona - Peace to you. Please know that I don't think I even made that claim... or implied it. I simply answered the question with regard to who the 'true' worshippers of God are. You disagree? Refute it, please, by all means.
Ken P. - Hello dear one, peace to you, and may I say:
First give us some proof there is a God to worship, except some vague feelings in the pit of our stomach.For some, it only takes a look at 'creation'. For others, it is MUCH more than a 'vague' feeling, but a very certain one, that such one 'receives' when God and Christ dwell IN them. They KNOW God exists because He 'resides' IN them. You know who and what is... oir is not... in YOU... don't you?
You say the flesh is sinful, who made our flesh?Yes, I did say that, as that is what my Father, by means of Christ, has revealed to me. He 'made' flesh, initially, without sin. Adam, unfortunately, 'sold' it 'into sin'. Sold it to Death, its new 'owner'. It became an 'enslaved' type of flesh, belonging to a NEW 'master'... where it was previously 'free'... able to 'transfigure' from that which is physical into that which is spiritual... just as spirit beings do and my Lord did... by means of its FORMER 'master'. Can't do it in our current 'state', however. That will change, though, one day, because it has been 'repurchased'... 'bought BACK' by the Son of God. No, I don't know when it will occur.
Don't animals suffer the same effects of sin as humans?Were animals destroyed in the Flood?
What sin did they commit?Disobedience, of course. Specifically? I am not certain. I have not asked, nor have I 'heard'. Not my concern.
Are you the only one who has God's favor?Dear Lord, man, NO! The 'number' of such ones... NO man is able to number!
Abaddon - Peace dear one and what a CUTE sense of humor! I chuckled, even.
Lea - I 'hear' you, beloved. Always and in every way. Peace to you!
Judith - May you have peace and may you please see the response to Ken. Thank you, truly.
Gumby - Peace to you and I have attempted to explain that issue several times. If you will click on the little 'icon' next to my name (the far right one), I am sure you will locate a thread or two where I have done so. Perhaps another will help you out... anybody?
Daddy-O - PEACE, Bro! And if you are going to be kind, may I say that I QUITE look forward to hearing from you! I miss our former conversations, truly (and, yeah, I kinda miss your 'sour' butt, too!) However, if you are going to ridicule, would you mind terribly if I ask you to refrain? Thank you, my dear one.
nytelecome - Peace to you and thank you for your words of truth. I have spoken some to you as well, which I am not sure you will readily 'receive'. But... truth IS truth... after all, yes? Again, peace to you!
Julie - Peace to you and please see the response to Joelbear. Also, may I encourage you to read your Bible, particularly the 'scriptures', a little more? 'Cause a girl as 'bright' as you should have a bit of a better foundation of knowledge and understanding if she wishes to makes comments such as you do. Truly, you speak... without knowing. Repeatedly. I have to wonder, though... why?
[b]Ianao[\b] - Peace to you... and being thought 'mad' kinda comes with the 'territory', yes? So... Please know that I love you all, too... ANYWAY - LOL!!
Again, I bid you ALL peace, and I remain...
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
may you all have peace!.
there are those who may wish to mislead you with 'artfully contrived words' and attempt to 'show' you what is 'leaven'.
however, we have had it recorded for us as to what 'leaven' is... and it is not fantasy nor 'demonism'... but hypocrisy.
May you all have peace!
There are those who may wish to mislead you with 'artfully contrived words' and attempt to 'show' you what is 'leaven'. However, we have had it recorded FOR us as to what 'leaven' is... and it is NOT fantasy nor 'demonism'... but HYPOCRISY. The demons were not accused of hypocrisy; rather, it was those who were self-righteous... who did not see their OWN uncleanness, but instead always looked for it in others and other things... that were accused by my Lord of being full of 'leaven'.
Indeed, Harry Potter depicts "good" "witchcraft" and "magic"; however, I cannot find nor hear where such "goodness" was condemned by my Lord. What I CAN find... and DO hear... is his condemnation of what is "bad" as manifested by those who place burdens on others that they themselves cannot bear, who judge in unrighteousness, who wrongfully and hypocritically condemn, while they themselve exist in 'error'.
Is the Harry Potter series 'wrong'? Perhaps. Who can say what is 'lawful' for any others? However, I do not see 'leaven', in that I do not see where there is hypocrisy or deceit. The Potter series appears to make NO deceptive or hypocritical bones about what it is. What I HAVE heard is 'wrong', though, is to place others under loads and burdens and fears and judgment and condemnation... rather than allowing them entry into a Covenant of LOVE... that grants mercy, kindness, forgiveness... and a release. And I have 'heard' that 'leaven'... is HYPOCRISY and DECEIT... which I tend to find MORE of in 'religion'... than I think I might in Harry Potter stories.
In the recorded life of my Lord, people were caught in ALL kinds of situations which 'transgressed' the Law they were 'under'... the Law Covenant... and for which they SHOULD have been stoned... or ostracized. Some were 'unclean' by means of their flesh... some by means of their conduct (extortion/Zacchaeus; adultery/the Samaritan woman and the woman of John 8:1-11). Some were 'unclean' by means of a hateful heart (Saul of Tarsus). Yet... who did my Lord stone? Who did he ostracize? And was he not the One 'without sin'... the FULFILLER of the Law Covenant in that he kept EVERY iota of it? Why, then, did he not judge and condemn transgressors of Law, but instead condemned those who judged and condemned such ones?
Rather, my Lord ALWAYS showed MERCY to such ones... and 'freely forgave' them! And he DID so NOT because it was 'law' to do so, but because as my Lord said of himself, "I WANT TO." He WANTED to release people, rather than bind them again to condemnation due to acts and circumstances against the Law Covenant.
If, then, that is the 'pattern' set and left for us to 'follow'... are we to be like the proud, self-righteous Pharisees who constantly scrutinized everyone ELSE... and bound them under Law... and did 'just so' when it came to giving the 'tenth'... but COMPLETELY disregarded the 'weightier' matters of the Law? Or are we to be like the True Light... and exercise justice, loving kindness and mercy... which we can MANIFEST by 'FREELY forgiving' those who 'transgress' against us and leaving 'vengeance' for those who transgress against JAH... to JAH? For indeed, unlike US... perhaps my Father will show mercy... for He does show it to whomever HE pleases.
STOP judging one another. STOP binding one another. STOP placing burdens on people that you yourself cannot bear. Since ALL have fallen short of the glory of God, and since ALL have sinned, and when you transgrress ONE Law... you transgress them ALL... be ready, instead, to FORGIVE... rather than condemn. For if you forgive men their trespasses... you will be forgiven YOUR trespasses. For indeed, with the same judgment that you are judging, you WILL be judged.
May you have 'ears' to hear what the Spirit says.
A true slave of Christ,
Beloved ones... may you have peace!
And may I say, at the risk of being accused of 'condoning'... the 'things of the Devil'... that TRUE Christians are under a NEW Covenant, one sanctioned by the 'law'... of LOVE... and PERFECT love, dear ones... casts FEAR... "outside".
If God is FOR us... who can be 'against' us? Demons are not beings to fear... for they have no power, other than what we GIVE them over us. It is our own hearts that we must guard... and the 'fear' that exists there that can gain enslave us. Thus, as "Paul" said... "all things... are lawful". Keep in mind that they are just not all 'advantageous'... and it is up to the SPIRIT that 'teaches' us... and not others... as to what is advantegeous and what is not.
Beloved ones, do not continue yoking one another... and burdening one another... binding one another... and bringing fear upon one another. Rather, RELEASE one another... and you will be 'released'. Bind... and you will be bound. Burden... and you will be burdened. Judge... and you will be judged. Condemn... and you will be condemn.
ALL things are 'clean'... to him whose heart... is 'clean'. If your conscience does not condemn you then, who are we to condemn you? For anything not done in 'faith' is a 'sin' anyway. Thus, if you have the FREEDOM to watch a 'fantasiacal' event... then no one can 'bind' you. For those who wish to do so, may I say that 'straining out the gnat and gulping down the camel' is not the true 'way'. Observing the tenth of the mint... while disregarding the WEIGHTIER matters, such as JUSTICE and MERCY, etc., will by no means lead you to life.
LIFE... dear ones, can only be had by means of One... by exercising FAITH in that One... by listening to HIS voice and obeying... rather than putting one's trust in 'earthling man'... and allowing man to lead you. Blind guides can only lead the blind... into the pit.
However, if you want LIFE... then there is One who offers it, dispenses it... to all those 'wishing', 'thirsting' and 'hearing'. And he placed no burdens or restrictions steeped in fear upon those listening to his voice. Thus, IF you are wishing, thirsting and hearing, I say to you:
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... if you so WISH it... to grant you LIFE... to time indefinite.
Revelation 22:17
A servant to the Household of God, Israel, to all those that 'go with' them, as well as to ALL of mankind... and a slave of Christ,
may you all have peace!
(yes, i know i am starting a new thread when one already exists, but most of you know me by now...).
the 'true' worshippers of god are those that worship him... in spirit... and in truth.
May you all have peace! (Yes, I know I am starting a new thread when one already exists, but most of you know me by now...)
The 'true' worshippers of God are those that worship Him... in SPIRIT... and in TRUTH. That means that they do not worship Him based on what they can see, hear, touch, taste, smell and feel with their FLESH, but that which they see, hear, touch, taste and smell... with their SPIRIT... through Christ, the Truth (John 14:6).
It means that rather than keeping their eyes on the things SEEN... the things of THIS world, whether they be churches, or mosques, or monasteries, or cathedrals... and those who 'gather' and 'worship' in them.... they keep their spiritual 'eyes' on the things 'unseen' (by the flesh)... and allow HIM... to come into THEM... and made His abode in THEM... through Christ... and thus they ARE the 'church' or 'temple' of God... for God, through Christ, dwells IN them.
1 Corinthians 3:16
Romans 8:9
John 14:23
They know that God... does NOT dwell in handmade temples. They also know that they have NO 'earthly' leaders, but instead have only ONE Leader... the Son of God... JAHESHUA (JAH saves) MISCHAJAH (anointed of JAH)... for there is only One WAY... to 'come to' the Father.
John 14:6
They know that NO man can save them, and so do not put their trust in ANY of 'earthling man'... but that there is only One... who can set them 'free'... the TRUTH... and the True Light that is a 'lamp' to their feet.
John 8:32, 36
John 8:12
John 1:14; 1:1
Psalm 119:105
They know that this Way, this Truth and this Life... is the 'door' by which any who wish to 'enter' into the kingdom must navigate, and that it is HIS 'voice' that they must listen to, hear... and obey... for such one speaks to his sheep... from the heavens... calls them BY NAME... just as my Father did with his servants Noah, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Jonah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Paul, etc.,... and LEADS them himself. Thus, they need no other to 'lead' them, for HE is the "Fine Shepherd" who truly cares for the sheep. All others who come IN PLACE of him... are thieves... and plunderers... whose vocation is not to give their lives for the sheep as that One did... but the hand the sheep over to wolf... the 'wild beast'... to be snatched... and scattered.
John 1:10-15, 27
Hebrews 12:25
Such ones 'hear' the Master's voice... NOT with ears of flesh, but with ears... of SPIRIT... founded on FAITH. Rather than dismiss what is 'heard' as folly, or delusion, or demons... they exercise faith and obey that voice (and no, it does not tell them to 'do' demonic, wicked, evil or harmful things... to anyone... including themselves!)
God is SPIRIT, dear ones, as is my Lord. [They] are NOT 'flesh with its blood', although at one time my Lord did walk in the flesh as we have it. SinFUL flesh. But by his obedience, his spirit was 'made perfect'.
Romans 8:9
Hebrews 5:8, 9
And since God 'does not look at the outward appearance' of a man, but considers what is the HEART of a man, his SPIRIT, what is INSIDE... it is to the benefit of such ones to cleanse the INSIDE of the [vessel], before being concerned with the state of the outside of it.
Such ones learn then, that to please God... they must rid themselves of HYPOCRISY, HATRED... and DECEIT. They must cleanse their hearts. And simply attending meetings, and going out in service, and saying mass, and mumbling hail marys... will not suffice. All such things are a 'form of godly devotion'... but proves false to its power.
Where can you find such ones? The recorded words of my Lord tells us:
"For where the body is... there the [flesh eating flying creatures] gather."
May you have ears to hear what the Spirit says... and if you are wishing, thirsting and hearing, may you also receive the invitation of the Spirit and the Bride, who KEEP saying:
"Come! Take "life's water"... free!"
A true servant to the Household of God, Israel, and true slave of Christ,