Great article, thanks for sharing it with us.
Pride is kind of controversial in the gay community here in the NW US. Oh pride is still very well attended, but a lot of gays and lesbians don't go because they don't "identify" with it. I went this year here in Portland Oregon because I'm new here and wanted to check it out. But I'm also one of those mainstreamers, I guess you could call us. Just don't identify that much with all of that. Being gay is just one little item on a long long list of who I am.
On the other hand, I will never forget what has gone before, many lost their lives or were beaten and or raped for being gay. I know of some in my parents generations locked in institutions or given shock treatments. In the little community where I grew up if you were thought to be gay you were whispered about, pointed about, and pretty much shunned. I don't know if its still the same there, thats been many years ago.
Sometimes its also easy to forget, when living in a more tolerant city, how much prejudice is still out there. And sometimes even on this website you see it rear its ugly head. Though the moderators have done very well about keeping that to a minimum. So many just coming out of the witness organization find that prejudice one of the last things to leave if they don't get involved in another religion which condemns us to hell for simply existing.
Lots to think about. Thanks again, good to see the mainstream press printing articles like this one.