Don't know anyone addicted to meth, but my youngest brother is a heroin addict. He's been on the methodone program for years. He's what I call a tortured soul. We grew up in an abusive household, as some may have heard my story, but my youngest brother was born when I was 16, and I remember thinking, I wish I could take you with me and you could avoid the life I know you will have. Couldn't happen of course, the rest of us gradually moved away and he was their only subject. Top that off with, he was also sexually abused by a family friend. Then at the ripe old age of ten or eleven, the idiot my sister was then married to, gave him and all of his (even younger) kinds drugs. Well thankfully he went to prison and they were divorced, but the damage was done. Cory found out drugs were a place to escape all that pain.
He's 35 now, looks like a homeless person (he isn't, not quite). His teeth are a mess, and his legs and arms are covered with sores from the years of shooting up. He's has Hepatitis (can't remember the alphabet that goes along with that), and constantly gets staff infections that are resistant to antibiotics and spends time in the hospital every few months.
With all of that, Meth just doesn't take as long to get you to the place he is. Its vile and evil.
My heart goes out to those that fight these addictions. May they all find peace outside a substance.