I'm jealous, Pink is HOT.
I'm jealous, Pink is HOT.
this is a utube of him , on drums, backing up carley rae jespsen(sp) who is a current runner up on canadian idol right now
they played to 4000 in mission(bc canada) ah my son
Very cool!
hello people, as some of you may know, i have been married to mrs. flipper for almost a year now.
life is great, we both have never been happier!
but i know it's not like that for some of you, believe me, been there , done that at another time and place.
Yea thats the one I heard... "What did you do to make him abusive?" Especially when the abused is a "sister," the elders seem to want to make it out to be about what the victim did wrong. I finally dumped both him and the religion. Best decision I ever made.
i have been battling an incurable illness and will be able to post less and less.
i will post my email, and any help you cna asend my way will be appreciated.
there is treatment but no cure and no cancer yet.
Wow, I don't know why I never saw this until now. I'm so sorry (((((Blondie))))) to hear of your illness. My prayers are added to the others for a recovery. Be well.
Please know that you are respected and loved, and have added so much to this board and towards assisting so many to free themselves from the clutches of the WTS. Bless you.
see: http://www.timesnews.net/article.php?id=9002813 (kingsport, tn).
ministers from 5 east tennessee jehovah's witness congregations aboard plane.
published 09/02/2007 by jeff bobo .
Well names may have been withheld so they could notify relatives, but any relative reading that article would probably know immediately by the specific details they provided. Sad.
we were able to sneak up to mt rainier national park on fri before the labor day masses came up.
i wanted to explore the far northeast area of the park and check out the mineral hot springs.
nirada falls.. .
Nice. Mt. Rainier is one of the things I miss most keenly since I moved to Oregon. Wish I could get up there again.
it just hit me 144,000 are married to the jesus christ yet it is made of men and women all kings.
so really he is technically gay.. .
so then why are the witnesses for not for gay marriage?.
OMG just when I was enjoying a good chuckle over this thread here come the wankers. Grow a sense of humor! Ok... here are some things I DO have to pipe up on:
Not shocking really, always thought Paul was as gay as gay gets. Can we say woman hater??
You do know that we're gay because we LOVE people of our own sex and NOT because we HATE people of the other sex right? For the most part, there are exceptions. Some of my best friends are men. There's nothing wrong with it, really. I even have siblings that are men.
And JCCanon, you are just plain weird. First of all eunich does NOT equal homosexual. Where did you get that? LOL and the idea that god wants any of us to be celebate rather than who she created us to be is just pathetic.
the immorailty.... what is more likely:.
a) the immorality of the world is the result of evolution, since individuals with an high sex drive will have more offspring.... or.
b) the immorality of the world was introduced because adam&eve ate a forbidden fruit and obeyed an evil angel?.
Define immorality. Thats a subjective matter of opinion in and of itself.
i've been on the board for quite a while now and was wondering, what do my fellow jwdr's do for work, employment or career?
me, i'm in probably one of the most hated careers in america right now.
(not gonna tell you what it is either) but how about you, what do you do to earn a little coin?.
I'm a purchasing agent. Just finishing up a stint in IT buying for Intel and moving on hopefully to something permanent with benefits this time. Funny how a little thing like no medical insurance (temp contract working) can get in the way sometimes. I'm actually getting several calls for interviews right now so please wish me luck!
The incident in Malawi that is being referred to here, is the fact that those in Malawi were not allowed to buy the card and were persecuted violently. The same situation occurred in Mexico at the SAME time and the faithful were told in that country that is was allowed to buy the card. The difference? The JWs were trying to be recognized as an official religion in Mexico. Horrifying the depths to which the WTS has stooped, and the casual disregard they had for human life except as a PR tactic and fear tactic. During this time we were all told that we would all be persecuted like this in the great tribulation and that we would have to be faithful like these brothers.