Amazing and Path,
Well stated! I had no conscious awareness of the realities of the JW teachings until shortly before I left. I was raised in it, taught not to question, and that probably has a lot to do with how long it took me (I am in my mid-forties). But still, I wonder why it took so long.
Most of my family members are still very active. I can see how some are suffering under it, but they do not. So, I can only conclude that they feel more inclined to cope with the religion than with the alternatives. I have to accept and respect their individual decisions. I only wish for them that their decision could be based on the knowledge such as found in this excellent post. But, when they need to know, I imagine that they will find it, as I did.
To be honest, the alternatives to a rigid belief system are not very comforting or reassuring in themselves, in spite of the sense of relief to be found when their chains are cast off. It can be difficult to admit to oneself for the first time that there are important questions about our existence whose answers cannot be proven.
I can definitely understand the attraction to easy answers, even if it is a false sense of security. I know it felt very real to me when I believed. And, honestly, for a long time I was relatively happy to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I wasn't aware of problems that it was causing in my personality and my life, but I was aware of the benefits it brought, and I focused on those positive aspects. It was an ignorance to be sure, and it was a denial to be sure. But, just the same, I guess the reality must be that it suited me for as long as I chose to stay in it, although I use that word "chose" with some ambivalence, since I was taught that it was disloyal to God to doubt those men. It was still a cult, and therefore an abuse of trust and power. But the attraction of believing is very strong. That is why cults (and religions) will always exist and always exert power over others.
I now find my comfort in the day to day joys of living and giving. I have a trust that there is much good in people and much that is good in the world. I truly believe that if the press spent equal time trying to cover all of the good and unselfish giving that is going on every day, there would literally never be any time left to report the selfishness and the criminal. To be sure, world crises are increasing and our existence as we know it is threatened. But that has been a part of human existence as long as we have recorded human history.
We all seem to be connected, physically and spiritually to the universe and to each other, whether we are aware of it or not. Some seem to be much more in tune to this than others are. I suspect that we can all be more connected to the universe if we choose to be. There is a form of comfort that comes with this recognition. There is always, I believe, a certain degree of uncertainty, regardless of faith or beliefs.
I believe that beliefs are helpful only to the degree that they illuminate universal truths, such as love, and harmful to the degree that they cause denial of these in our lives. I believe that Christ was probably very much in tune with them, in spite of the Judaistic and Pharisaical spin that his followers placed on his message, which, in my opinion, invalidates much of what he taught. In short, I believe that any belief system that would condemn those who disbelieve misses the true value of spirituality and therefore invalidates it. I believe that the part of us which is connected to the universe knows this deep down.
So why do we have such a difficult time accepting life (and death) and the universe for what it is? Is it a simple fear of the unknown? Is the unknown truly knowable in this life? I know that the answers must transcend the limitations of organized Christianity and all other organized belief systems, even if those do contain some glimpses of universal truths. If I never find the answers to these questions, I will still attempt to live each day with a sense of the grand awe of this amazing universe that surrounds us, happy to be a part of it, even if just for today.
Edited by - AhHah on 24 March 2001 19:27:19