JoinedPosts by game1914over
BOE 2014-11-06 Procedures when legal issues are involved
by wifibandit infull set:
Everlasting Life on Paradise Earth - My musings of why it cannot be true
by leaving_quietly inactually, just one musing.. there are a number of scriptures that wtbts uses to support their doctrine of everlasting life on paradise earth.
the vast majority come from the hebrew scriptures.
using just one verse, i believe i can disprove this doctrine quite soundly.. the verse is john 6:68.. simon peter answered him: lord, whom shall we go away to?
Never never never never ever believed in the paradise/new system concept!
Common sense overrules this concept terribly. LOL
Think about it: Consider this scenerio -- At some point in time, human population would get out of control considering a perfect woman (forever youthful) would have continuous fertility....right? Shouldn't she? In addition, a perfect man (forever youthful) would always maintain a healthy sperm count. It would seem miserable as a woman to be pregnant forever....this is how I've always visualized life as a woman in this life.
I may have crazy reasoning, but where on EARTH will all of these humans fit to survive with this continuous cycle of births and population?
Since leaving the Jws
by truthseeker100 in2015 marks 30 years of being out of the jehovah's witness cult.
when i was first kicked out it was scary as hell and lonely being shunned by family and others in a small town.
i was a young man then with my whole life ahead of me.
I was born into this crazed ball of confusion and finally made my decision to exit November of 2014. I now feel as if an elephant has been released off my chest.
As a mid30s aged woman, I should not belong to ANYONE anymore!!! When I die, no one will be able to experience my death but me.
Life is too short to continue chasing fairytale dreams...
Link +1 / -0 -
IMPORTANT things for you to think about
by Terry inthings ex-jw's need to know in order to heal and move on.. ***. cannot change what you refuse to confront.. look at how you are feeling most of the time.
that sense of going nowhere and feeling down is not because you aren't spritual enough.
These are great steps, Terry! Comforting and strengthening information to incorporate with my New Year's resolutions. I've enjoyed your informative posts during my lurking years. Hope you're doing well! -
Changed: Head coverings for sisters, w15 2/15 QFR
by wifibandit indoes a female kingdom publisher need to wear a head covering if she conducts a bible study in the presence of a male publisher?.
in a questions from readers item published in the watchtower of july 15, 2002, it was stated that a sister should cover her head if she conducts a bible study in the presence of a male publisher, whether he is baptized or not.
further consideration of the matter suggests that a modification to this direction is appropriate.. if the male publisher who accompanies the sister while she conducts an established bible study is baptized, the sister would certainly want to wear a head covering.
Head coverings = Idiotic to the core. But we're the ones going through labor and giving birth! Okay.
Guilt, Regret or Denial
by game1914over inin your time of being a witness, have you witnessed a jw experience death of a loved one due to refusal of a blood transfusion?
i know this is an extremely sensitive subject and can reopen deep emotional wounds.
if you're willing to share, i am interested.
Sad indeed, Mum.
I truly believe that this girl's father succumbed to that heart attack on the 10th anniversary of her death because either the "few days" comment ate away at him or he couldn't live in denial anymore. I can't imagine how people can stand to cope years and years from now seeing that no Armageddon and/or ressurection has taken place.
Guilt, Regret or Denial
by game1914over inin your time of being a witness, have you witnessed a jw experience death of a loved one due to refusal of a blood transfusion?
i know this is an extremely sensitive subject and can reopen deep emotional wounds.
if you're willing to share, i am interested.
@Absalom: Sorry to hear about your friend.
@Separation of Powers: That 1994 propaganda article was sick sick sick. I cried when I read it as a little girl. You know what hurts the most? Hearing witness parents tell their children "I would do the same thing to you!" Arrrrggggggg
Your 2nd paragraph sums up exactly how I feel!
Guilt, Regret or Denial
by game1914over inin your time of being a witness, have you witnessed a jw experience death of a loved one due to refusal of a blood transfusion?
i know this is an extremely sensitive subject and can reopen deep emotional wounds.
if you're willing to share, i am interested.
In your time of being a witness, have you witnessed a JW experience death of a loved one due to refusal of a blood transfusion? I know this is an extremely sensitive subject and can reopen deep emotional wounds. If you're willing to share, I am interested. Such was the case of a childhood friend in my circuit. She died of leukemia at 13 years old due to lack of a transfusion. Her parents allowed her to die and caused a great uproar amongst their extended family. The girl's father (an elder) died 10 years afterwards from a massive heart attack. At this girl's memorial service, the brother that gave the talk closed it saying, "Brother and Sister _____. Don't worry for're going to see her back again in a few days."
I saw her mother at this weekend's Branch Meeting and her physical appearance now looks unrecognizable. Her spirit is still joyful and positive, but when I looked into her eyes she reminded me of a POW that has been captive and on the verge of insanity.
I'm sorry, but 22 years is pushing the limit in comparison to "a few days."
It's possible that she may have still lost her battle even if she did get the transfusion. But there is always that "what if" question...
If this has happened to someone that you know, how are they dealing with it or have dealt with it through the years? Is there a sense of guilt or regret? Or have they just put it all behind?
My Parents have gone FULL CULT MODE! Having a job is SATANIC!
by BU2B into give a little background, my parents are in their late 50s.
around a year ago, my elder dad got laid off from his job.
he worked as a auto mechanic making ok money.
Your parents remind me of other parents in my former congregation who have been servants since the 1960s. I made a statement about 5 years ago regarding something that I planned to do in 2012. You would not believe the crazy look I got before a sister said "Do you absolutely think this world will still be here in 2012? Please!" She then laughed at me with a sarcastic look like I was a complete idiot. That was around 2009. Since then, her divorced adult daughter and grandchild has moved in with her in a tiny 1-bedroom apartment.
My Breaking Point -- 11/9/14
by game1914over ini have enjoyed reading your comments during the past four years.
deep down inside, i have always been agnostic.
the first few chapters in genesis are contradictory and differing.. no one has ever been able to answer my question: "why was satan ever created?".
LOL never a jw!
I went with my dad as a llittle girl when this place was being constructed. They had friends from all around LA County bringing hot cooked meals to serve the RBC brothers and sisters. Very funny! Did you ever know about the old verson of the Norco assembly hall? Me and my friends used to have a field day laughing at the neighboring farm animals. Something about this environment the society likes...I can't understand why?