Posts by ToesUp
Change to dress and grooming rules for JWs in USA soon?
by RayPublisher inmy guy with the lurk account on jwtalk (where all the kool-aid drinking jws go to talk about how wonderful 'the twoof' is) sent me some more interesting threads, here's one:.
spoiler: starting new the new service year september.
"there will be new directives from the branch through the circuit overseer on dress and grooming that will disqualify one to be a congregation publisher.
Oh, let's hope this is true. They are digging their own grave -
Missed it by that much ----------23
by John Aquila ini almost had a freaking heart attack.
i even threw my coffee cup at the wall and starting yelling like crazy when i got the the 5th number correct.
i was checking my texas lottery ticket for this past saturday.
Damn...better luck next time!
Haven't played yet but plan on it SOON
Where are the Young Elders?
by James Jack ini was appointed as an elder when i turned 30, 25 years ago.
which was the norm back then.. now, i very rarely here of a young man becoming an elder.
in our town we have 2 english congregations.
All the "thinkers" are leaving and the ones that know TTATT that may have family still in are just sticking around for all the social events.
Then there is the young ones that just make Mommy and Daddy "proud as punch."
A young couple came into a restaurant that we were eating at. It was on a Saturday, after the ministry would be over. We could spot them a mile away. Him: White shirt, bright tie, navy pants (clean cut). Her: Very plain (no make up), ankle length skirt and flats. Both: Pasty white (have not seen the sun in a while). Our 1st thought: Pioneer and future Bethelites or Need Greaters. You can spot em in a instant.
This cult has absolutely NO SUBSTANCE!
priveledges an extra layer of protection
by aintenoughwiskey ini have noticed when an elder or ms gets in serious trouble, many times it's simply a demotion.
local example.
well liked ms son of a prominent elder/pioneer gets caught doing the dance with no pants with his fiancee.
"It's who ya know and who ya blow."
We say this ALL THE TIME. So true!!!
Has anyone had a jw hack into their email/tablet/phone etc to spy?
by purrpurr ini note stillin has had a recent problem with this.
i also know of two cases were an elder went through a brothers phone to get dirt on him.
and another were a sisters email was hacked into to get dirt on her.. in both cases apparently it was for their spiritual protection (!
There's a song from the 80's titled, Too Much Time on My Hands. Some of these A**h*** Elders have just that. Too Much Time and power trips can make some innocent lives a living hell. Nothing a brief letter (or just a threat) from a local attorney couldn't fix. Most of these guys will back down with just a legal verbal threat. Little fish in a big pond. You gotta fight fire with fire. -
My field service group leader wants to meet me
by Powermetal4ever inhe kind of invited me to a barbecue or something, and asked if my parents wanted to come along as well.
it felt really awkard, i mean i am 20++.
i was sceptic, so he told me he would send me a sms about an other fitting day instead.i probably didnt look too happy about that either, so he told me that maybe he could invite some other in the group.
Once you stop missing something (field circus, meetings, conventions, etc) they will try to find out why. They couldn't give a rats a** about you while you are in but once you turn up missing, they are on your tail. Darn busy bodies. Play the dead rat. Play dead and the cat will loose interest. Ha!
Don't tell them a damn thing. Stay in control, don't give them power over you. You are in the drivers seat NOT them. Once you start running your mouth....BAM they have you right where they want you.
Use the sick, busy excuse. That's what we have been doing. So far so good!
You're young and the young are leaving in droves. They are getting VERY worried. As they should! They did it to themselves!
Where are the Young Elders?
by James Jack ini was appointed as an elder when i turned 30, 25 years ago.
which was the norm back then.. now, i very rarely here of a young man becoming an elder.
in our town we have 2 english congregations.
The young ones don't want to reach out. They see the BS, favoritism and abuse among some of the Elders.
This next generation is NOT stupid and see through more than the older ones know.
This cult has done it to themselves. Shot themselves in the foot.
We had a long talk with our kids this week. We never realized how much they saw through all the hypocrisy. Smart kids!
Great work GB...keep it up! Your running out more than you're bringing in!!!!
I disfellowshipped my parents this week..
by fulano ini just wrote them a mail, telling them to not contact me any more under any circumstances, illness or death (79 and 83 years old).
unless they leave the cult and would apologize for our f*'.ed-up upbringing which ruined our whole life.
My mate and I finally (after many years) realized that we have been shunned MANY years prior to our decision to fade. We feel that we were just no good enough.
Now...WE...have decided to shun certain family members who could have cared less about us for MANY years. It feels good!
Bethel Meeting at Regional Convention
by MrTheocratic ini decided to go to the bethel recruiting meeting yesterday to test out my theory that the organization is in decline.
i assumed that if there is a general feeling of apathy by many in the org, then certainly it would be shown up by the lack of enthusiasm or zeal by many to sign up for bethel service.
well let me say that based on what i observed, this organization is not going anywhere.
Oh, I have no doubt this meeting was jam packed. The spiritual competition is ON! "Our little Johnny is So much more spiritual than your little Susie."
Has anyone seen the RC talk on bragging? They show a video on how one Brother tells how he has a part on the Convention. He brags that the part is 10 minutes long and he is on the part for 6 minutes , so the part is more focused on him than anyone else on the part. Then after the talk, the Speaker announces the next part...."The next Speaker is a 30 year whatever and is serving at Warwick." How ironic...a talk about not bragging and then you end the talk with a resume on the next speaker. How appropriate!
Incredible and sad!
Closing Prayer at RC...youth baptism
by freemindfade inso while 99% of the closing prayer i did not hear, what i did was the elder say "we need to encourage our young ones to get baptised.
we can't let the world take anymore of them away" .
i found this very strange and looked up in disbelief.
We should all be excited about all of the talks on the young getting baptized, men reaching out and give us more $$$$$.
If these things were not a problem, they wouldn't be giving the talks.
1. Kids aren't getting baptized like they used to.
2. Men are not reaching out. Some men would rather enjoy their time with family, make a decent living and not be bullied by A**h*** CO's. Smart men in my opinion.
3. People aren't donating! Yes!!! Smart people!
I hope all these people keep up the GOOD work!