"When it comes to "money" watch how fast they spin a new doctrine!"
I agree with Atlantis! It's all about the $$$$$!!!!!
the mormon / lds church has noticably changed it's stance toward homosexuality and instead of condemning it seems to be supporting protection for people's rights (of course they want to throw some protection for themselves in there as well).. how will this affect the wts?
the lds is the more-successful counterpart to the wts, similar age and history and same non-mainstream appeal.. i have no doubt that the lds church is only changing because they know which way the wind is blowing and society has completely changes it's attitudes towards gay people.
maybe they just want to stay ahead pf the curve before federal legislation enforces people's rights.. now, can we see the wts changing their views" will they be one of the last holdouts?
"When it comes to "money" watch how fast they spin a new doctrine!"
I agree with Atlantis! It's all about the $$$$$!!!!!
i would have to say that ray franz was the biggest influence for me.. when i first got on this board, a poster by the name of james, a former bethelite and organization heavy, helped me understand a lot of the inner workings in the upper echelons of the society.. .
and of course, farkel's common sense approach was (usually) helpful..
We initially left due to the lack of love & hypocrisy.
Once we read COC by Ray Franz then we learned TTATT.
Once you learn TTATT you can never go back! It's a dear breaker!
i know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
remember this and other threads a few months back, on the subject that some kingdom halls in chile acquiesced to govt rules that every building should display the national flag on the day of celebration?.
many of us here and around the net, calling on our dub experiences cried "never would that happen!
I agree, it's good they may be lightening up on some things BUT they are still reeking havoc on peoples lives (shunning, tight pants talks, 23 year old MS's, I could go on and on).
I sometimes wonder how the families and friends that had to let their loved ones die during the NO ORGAN TRANSPLANTS era. How did they feel when the change was made? Betrayed? Of course they did. The attitude is..."Well they took a stand for Jehovah. We will see them again SOON." I think these people have a book they pull out to get all of these crazy catch phrases ("trust in Jehovah, Leave it in Jehovahs hands, the proper food at the proper time, the light get brighter"). Come on people...WAKE UP!!!
A family member of mine was given an extremely hard time because they had to wear a county issued uniform (civil service) that had an american flag on it. I found a Questions from Readers article regarding the same issue related in the letter in the OP. It stated the same thing....if you are not involved in a ceremony you can raise the flag (if it does not bother your conscience). I mentioned this to them and they looked at me like I was out of my mind. I told them to go look it up!!!! Where is the "united in worship"? Are we not supposed to be UNITED (they brag about this).
Like others have mentioned in other posts, these people don't even know what their beliefs are.
This incidence was one (one of many) that was the straw that broke the camels back.
The judgmental attitudes and the hypocrisy is just too incredible for us.
I'd rather take a permanent dirt nap than than spend eternity with these people!
fresh from the "press":to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territoryre: local design/construction department broadcastdear brothers:the work of constructing and maintaining theocratic facilities throughout the unitedstates branch territory is indeed great!
(1 chron.
29:1) with this in mind, we are pleased to informyou of a special meeting to be presented on saturday, january 31, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. easternstandard time (est) to all elders and circuit overseers in the united states branch territory.the meeting will be approximately two and a half hours in length and will includepresentations by members of the local design/construction department, the united statesbranch committee, the worldwide design/construction department, and a member of the governingbody.
special meeting to be presented on Saturday, January 31, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. EasternStandard Time (EST) to all elders and circuit overseers in the United States branch.
Any Elders on here planning to attend? We look forward to your comments.
do you remember how the wt society likes to quote the scriptures that say "the love of the greater number will cool off" in "the last days" and men will have "no natural affection"?
they applied this to "worldly people".
even before my exit i, used to think that scripture applied to members of the "christian congregation" too.. i haven't written to my jw mil in about a year and a half.
I agree with you Sail Away. It does require hardening of the heart to be able to shun your family (especially your children). I could NEVER shun one of my children or my parents.
Who says JW's don't break up families. Shame on them. These are sad stories. I feel for all of you that are going through this. You are all in our thoughts.
john ekrann, a helper to the gb, revealed the true reason for the change was protecting jws from apostates and other "anointed" christians.. see: http://tv.jw.org/#video/vodprogramsevents/pub-jwbmw_e_201501_2_video (around 4:55ms).
Lets remember what Brother Splain said a couple of years ago when they made this change at the Annual meeting (new light...hmmm).
"We love this IDEA"!
What is the dictionaries definition of an IDEA? A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
Lucy...you have some Splainin to do! LOL
They are worried about all the mentally diseased apostates out there that are claiming to be part of the 144,000. That is why the # of the anointed keeps going up year after year. I don't about you but I was raised that we were NEVER to question anyone that partook at the Memorial. Now all of a sudden they are questioning some who make the claim they are of the anointed.
So how do we know who actually is mentally diseased?
Of course I was also taught that this Generation would not pass away...hmmm! What a joke!
These teachings are so easy to discredit.
i have noticed something even long before even looking into ttatt, something about morris bothered me.
i am personally very attuned to body language, facial expressions and general subtleties in human interaction.
there was something about his face that really bothered me, and i will explain it.
I agree freemindfade.
If you spend time in the Corporate environment, these guys/women are a dime a dozen. The difference with "Brother" Morris is he holds a Bible in his hand while he rants.
Someone mentioned the song by Phil Collins, Jesus He Knows me well. Listen to the words to that song, such a fitting song.
i have noticed something even long before even looking into ttatt, something about morris bothered me.
i am personally very attuned to body language, facial expressions and general subtleties in human interaction.
there was something about his face that really bothered me, and i will explain it.
Anthony Morris III....a TRUE narcissist!
remember this and other threads a few months back, on the subject that some kingdom halls in chile acquiesced to govt rules that every building should display the national flag on the day of celebration?.
many of us here and around the net, calling on our dub experiences cried "never would that happen!
Why couldn't they have had the same stance with the political cards in Malawi? Why were sisters raped and people killed due to this. How senseless.
It's amazing how things are changed (new light BS) when it fits THEIR agenda. Hypocrites!!!