millie210 & PhilsWager2
We have noticed that a lot of "still in's" have not watched this broadcast (or previous ones). What's up with that?
We are like you, we know more now than when we were still in. Weird!!!!
for some background, i am still in.
still an elder.
very much awake.
millie210 & PhilsWager2
We have noticed that a lot of "still in's" have not watched this broadcast (or previous ones). What's up with that?
We are like you, we know more now than when we were still in. Weird!!!!
for some background, i am still in.
still an elder.
very much awake.
There is a part in the video where Lett makes the comment that we do not coerce people to give money like other religions do. The contradiction is that this statement is made after several minutes of coercing. You could make the comment that "Wow...they don't coerce people to give money like other religions but yet the spent the first 20 minutes asking for money. Isn't that considered coercing?" We have been doing this with some of our "still in " family members. We are trying to chip away, one little thing at a time. It may take some time and patience on our part but it's a thick block of ice to chip away at.
There is SO MUCH in that video that is so wrong but when others are so brainwashed, they just can't see it. It's frustrating!
TTATTelder, I really feel for you having to stay in. That has to be brutal for you. Hang in there my friend!
i was raised a jehovah's witness, so i know all the "ins-and-outs" of their theology and belief system..
in my view, they can become a part of mainstream christianity and lose their cult status by making just a few changes for the better:.
1: stop their severe shunning practices.
i saw a rumor a few weeks ago on reddit that the new imitate jesus convention is supposed to present new light and clarified understandings on the disfellowshipping/disassociation practices.. supposedly, if this rumor has any truth to it, there will be a talk given at the convention about how we should not be strict like the pharisees in how we shun people, loosening up some of the jw rules about this practice.. has anyone here heard anything about this or have more info on it?.
one of the reasons the watchtower is having problems with donations is because they have refuse to let go of wholesale across the board shunning.
the average publisher is sick of it and jehovah is withholding his full blessing.
when you do not show love to fellow humans you run the risk of not being able to show love which i'm turn has a direct relationship to your joy in turn if your not happy your not motivated to donate lots of money to and arrangement you perceive as unloving all you bethel lurkers convey this message to bro letters and rest of gb stop trying to convince fair minded people to support unloving shunning.
The vibes I am getting from some "still in " people. They are not donating. Woo Hoo! They are just there for the social life.
If the money isn't or won't be a problem in the future, they would not have put together an hour and a half of begging. Not coercing (as Stephen Lett says "we don't do that like other religions do). Yeah right "Brother" Lett.
hey everybody, been here lurking for years now... i tired of all the gb 2.0 shit and need to fade successfullydo we have a guide, i am very tempted to go out with a bang, but i want my wife with me, she aint a strong witness and would happily trust me ... i love her a lot.
status as of now,,, read coc isocf, been through jw facts and am convinced this religion is bs, also a ms now :( damn.
Start asking for money or help in physical tasks like moving, taking you somewhere, they will be out of there faster than you can say apostate. I also like Rebel8's suggestions.
Act crazy and ask for assistance and money. It will give them all something to talk about (they thrive on gossip) and you can go home and laugh your a** off.
did you watch the story about the jw who was working as a burger boy at some diner and his boss wanted him to work on sunday during the time of his meeting?
this faithful jw decided he could not attend a later meeting (6 pm sunday meeting) and soon quit his job(or got fired to attend his sunday meeting) so he could attend the sunday meeting he was assigned to.
i think he was on welfare because this story states he won't work on sunday morning because that's when his meeting is!
AlwaysBusy, I LOVE your story. Going up to the Speaker sounds like something I would do. Good for you! This organization demonizes EVERYTHING. I have seen the same thing you have. The kids who don't attend college can fall away just as easy as the kids that go. Whatever happened to making your own choices.
Great post! Rock on!
i don't have a great reference point on my observation other than my local area but i was wondering if this was a widespread thing.
... in the last two years in my former congregation there have been 6 people to disassociate for "apostasy," 6 disfellowshipped for various reasons, and numerous ones reproved.
these are just the ones i have heard about.
When the negative out weighs the positive, why stay?
There has been a lot of negative just since we have left.
The anti education rant on JW tv.
The rude Zone Meeting talk.
Begging for money rant on JW tv.
"New light" coming in by the truckload.
They have moved the finish line for a lot of good people and they are taking their leave.
i always thought it was ridiculous that when a person was disfellowshipped they didn't tell us why.
everybody would speculate, but we wouldn't know the real reason.
also i thought they were only supposed to be disfellowshipped if they weren't repentant and wouldn't stop doing the wrong thing.
Driving Force
"What possible rule did this guy break?"
He didn't. They wanted him out bottom line. If the BOE don't like you or your family, they will OUT you. I believe some of these brothers get their rocks off DF'ing people. Not all Elders are like this but the pattern we are seeing is they don't want the compassionate/kind/loving Elders on the BOE anymore. Only henchmen and yes men!
i've just signed up two days ago, but i've been lurking for about a year and a half.
here's my story if you're interested:.
my parents converted when they were in their first semester of college.
Miss Behaving.
Welcome! You have had it tough. I am sorry for all you have gone through. I hate the shunning.
You sound a lot like me. When I know something is not right, I can not pretend. You are extremely brave to come forward to your family and tell them. That shows what kind of person you are. We have children and we could never turn our backs on them. It is sad and shameful the way they seem to just want you to go away. It is their loss.
You mentioned that you always thought apostates were bitter, hateful, lost and unhappy. We have been out for 2+ years (born ins) and have never been happier. We are working on the bitterness. It gets better everyday. Now that you have experienced some of the unloving behavior of loved ones, you can understand why so many become bitter. Most here have experienced the lack of love the JW's can display towards others. There are some really good people on here. Most have been deeply scarred by the JW religion, as you have. Keep reading and learning.
I also thought all the non JW's were evil until I became friends with several and they were actually kinder to me and my family than the JW's. You will get love and hate no matter where you go. It's the way the world is. Good and evil everywhere but for the most part people are decent and kind.
Keep attending college and take one day at a time. Hopefully, when you finish college you will be able to go out on your own and live without reliance on others. Stay positive.
"The freedom to think and believe whatever I wish is very precious to me now. I also feel damned lucky to be young enough to make a different life for myself."
From the statement above you sound like you are moving in the right direction. Enjoy your freedom. You are fortunate that you are still young when you learned the Truth about the truth.
Keep us posted on your progress! We are here for you!
Remember what Doc always says..."the best revenge is living a happy and successful life."