We have learned over time not to let the JW's get to you. You are in control! If you bump into JW's in public and they start questioning you, just respond, "I don't feel or want to discuss that with you at this time." What are they going to say to that? Not a damn thing. An Elder may ask (we have been asked), "we would like to make a shepherding call on you." Our response, "we appreciate that but we will call you if we decide that is necessary. We are doing fine." What can they say? Nothing
Give them NOTHING! They don't deserve it. They are only looking to nose around in your business. If you spill any info they will tell you to go to the meetings, go out in service. Do more, do more, do more! Then they will spread anything you say all around the circuit.
I always remember a quote from the movie Dolores Claiborne, " Sometimes Dolores...sometimes, you have to be a high riding bitch to survive. Sometimes, being a bitch is all a woman has to hang onto."
That is one of my favorite quotes from a movie. I have become that bitch, at times. It feels good to be in control!