This pic was posted on a pro JW site. Easy way to get your time in...
No need for special pioneers!
this pic was posted on a pro jw site.
easy way to get your time in.... no need for special pioneers!.
This pic was posted on a pro JW site. Easy way to get your time in...
No need for special pioneers!
last year saw the elimination of the district overseer...and circuit overseers now must retire at 70. how long until the circuit overseer is no more?
of course, the role might still exist, they would simply not get paid.
they would have to care for their own expenses.
.. and fun too !
:d. what?
were you expecting a "but"?
Yup...what goes around comes around!
the organisation has always connected growth in numbers, publications and property with god's blessing.. they seem have set their themselves up for some difficult questions from the faithful.. pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
- proverbs 16:18.
last year saw the elimination of the district overseer...and circuit overseers now must retire at 70. how long until the circuit overseer is no more?
of course, the role might still exist, they would simply not get paid.
they would have to care for their own expenses.
"There are a couple of COs and COWs that I'd enjoy seeing the expression on their faces when they get a "Hit the Road" letter."
Oh...I couldn't agree with you more DOC. Not only would I like to see their expression but I'd love to kick their a** out the door physically (with a BIG smile on my face).
what is the situation with jw missionaries now?
wasn't there a change in the last few years?
weren't they told they would have to live with locals or something like that?
I bet you will see the missionaries come home next. Their families will end up supporting most of these ones. I no longer believe the congregation can or will do this. They have tapped the congregations dry and pissed most off. The only way these pissed off ones can have a voice is stop donating. The kool aid drinking ubers are too broke to donate because the majority have no education and have been worshiping a man made organization. WT has shot themselves in the foot and karma is biting them in the a**. Now we can enjoy our weekend!
... until they have fulfilled their role in the org's master plan to sit down with the bodies of elders in the circuits and ascertain which congregations should be merged or consolidated.
this "culling" of k.h.
's will now have to be accelerated - considering the panic to rake in cash.. after the c.o.
just heard from a reliable source that some at the canadian branch have received their lay-off notices under their doors at bethel.
don't know what the letter looks like.
probably something like, " the tribe has spoken, bring us your torches"
just heard from a reliable source that some at the canadian branch have received their lay-off notices under their doors at bethel.
don't know what the letter looks like.
probably something like, " the tribe has spoken, bring us your torches"
Is this why the org was encouraging every one to have a to go bag ready?
"downsizing" has reached special pioneers.. this is the template mexico is using to get rid of many of its special pioneers.
see how cold and unloving is the language they use.
a translation attempt is as follows:.
So, today being a special pioneer is the most important work one can do for Jehovah. As of Jan 1, 2016, not any more! Follow the money!