secret sins, huh?
well, they are secret, so that should be the bottom line.
masturbation is a private thing, but it should not be considered a sin.
it's natural, and it feels good (especially if you are in the spa and the jets keep hitting the right spots) and it does not involve anyone but yourself.
if you want to drink, drink. don't drink and drive. don't drink and get stupid and end up laying naked on a cold floor in somebody's basement with cheeto's stuck to your face and vomit all around you. be a bedroom alcoholic.
smoking, welllllllllll.... if you must smoke, just be sure to put your cigerette out BEFORE you enter the kingdom hall. then your good.
my secret sin would have to be dancing to n'sync wildly naked with my window open. i only do it when i get out of the shower. their music turns me on. and the neighbors seem to really enjoy it....