it was being tired during the meeting and falling asleep and being woken up by my dad saying that this was not a place to sleep- it was a place to worship. why did i HAVE to stay awake every thursday til 10pm because of the meeting, but then every other night bedtime was at 8:30pm?
also it was trying not to giggle with my little brother and getting the look- and then being brought outside to get spanked when i couldn't contain my laughter.
i could never go to the bathroom- we always had to ask- i peed my pants at age 6 because it was "disrespectful to go the restroom during the song."
so glad i am out-
JoinedPosts by airwlk149
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #5
by ozziepost inyes, it's that time again!
time to put your feet up, relax with something nice to drink, and muse over dubdom for a couple of minutes.. last weekend we asked: "what did you like most about the meetings?
" so, to be fair to objectivity, we should ask for the 'other side'.
i am not even at 50. :(
Maybe It's A Girl Thing...?
by Englishman ini have read lots of accounts here about married couples who have left the jws over the last few years.. theres also quite a number of men who are leaving who are concerned that their wives may want to remain as active jws.. why is that, i wonder?
why do the males always seem to make the move to escape the clutches of the wtbts, whilst the wife is usually desperate to maintain the status quo?
we dont seem to hear about women who want to leave whilst their husbands want to stay, it always seems to be the other way around.. most peculiar.
i see alot of females leave and their hubby's stay but then again, i know of alot of females who stay while their hubby's take off. my thought: the females are too afraid of what their social group will think.
that's why i left- sick of the social group thing. my mother stays because she's too afraid of what they will thinklove ya bunches,
Katie -
Dubs and the coffee break..
by Princess inthis morning as i was running a few errands with my daughter, i stopped in at a seattle's best coffee shop.
there were a couple of sisters sitting in the corner pretending they didn't see me.
after i got my coffee and a cookie for my daughter, a couple more dubs came in, both pretending they didn't recognize me.
i work at a grocery store where there is a built in coffee shop. i see them all day.
they also come through my line so they can "encourage" me, when all they do is bug the shit out of me.
katie -
Intelligence Quiz
by DakotaRed innever mind i.q.s, here is a link to an intelligence quiz that ought challenge some, while i expect some of us 'postates to ace it.
hint: it relies on common sense a lot.. i scored 10 out of 11 myself and kick myself for missing the one i did.
some may have already seen this, but don't spoil it for the current dubs that i expect to fail it miserably.
god- eye em dum
2 out of 11!
now you know why i fell for the:
"katie, did you know they took the word gullible out of the dictionary?"
katie's response? "really?"
:) -
what is going on with dateline?
by airwlk149 ini have been reading the post and it seems like dateline is going to air something pretty important with child molestation and the watchtower.
everyone's pic has changed to the nbc sign and i want mine to change too- if it shows that i am supporting nbc while they uncover certain truths hidden by the wtbts.. i do know what dateline is- i just want more info.
love ya bunches,.
i have been reading the post and it seems like dateline is going to air something pretty important with child molestation and the watchtower. everyone's pic has changed to the nbc sign and i want mine to change too- if it shows that i am supporting nbc while they uncover certain truths hidden by the wtbts.
i do know what dateline is- i just want more infolove ya bunches,
Katie -
Update on my Mom - please read
by MrMoe inwell, mom is now on morphine, so she has a few days at best.
her organs are now faling, heart and lungs are the worst off.
went in the hospital today, laid there next to her for hours.
i am so very sorry to hear what's going on. your story makes me feel bad for feeling sorry for myself.
those jw's are heartless and i am so sorry they are ignoring you.
i will keep you in my thoughts and in my heart.:X
email me if you want
[email protected]
lots of love,
katie -
I can start getting better...
by airwlk149 inhi guys.. this is a post where it's gonna be like a diary entry for me.
this will help me get out some things.
those who have been in the chat room recently with me know what's going on.. last night was so hard for me.
hi guys.
this is a post where it's gonna be like a diary entry for me. this will help me get out some things. those who have been in the chat room recently with me know what's going on.last night was so hard for me. i should not have gone over to stephanie's house in the first place. but somewhere in my heart i was thinking we were gonna end up back together and we were just gonna laugh about it down the road. she called me at work and i told her i got off at 3 and i wanted for her to come over. she said that she might not be able to but for me to come over when i got off. so i said yes. i went over there and i was happy to see her, but i could tell she wasn't being herself. before, she had told me i was blowning this whole thing out of porportion and she WASN'T dating mandy. so anyways we went out together to the bank and the gas station. she got me some snacks and a drink and we went to the grocery store to pick some things up. we started talking somehow and i asked if she was really dating mandy and she said YES. i freaked. i asked if she had kissed her. she said she wasn't going to tell me. she said if she said no, i would think we were getting back together, and if she said yes, it would push me over the edge. as we were driving she looked over to me and asked if i was ok. i slapped her so fucking hard i left my hand print on her face. i told her to never to talk to me again and never ever fucking lie to me or hurt me. my plan then was to go buy a gun and kill myself. i CANNOT imagine life without stephanie. i cannot sleep at night when i am alone and have no one to hold me and i know that she is holding HER. i told her this was going to be the last time she ever saw me. she knew what i was talking about. we parked and we started talking and she said that she loved me still and she didn't want to live without me but she wasn't in love with me anymore and she wanted this girl. i started crying harder and my reslove became even stronger: i had to die. there was no way i was going to get better. i was fucked over by timothy and the elders and my parents and this whole god damned religion- now the only one person who i fully trusted is leaving me for this disgusting whore of a lesbian- ugly piece of shit M-A-N-D-Y.
i still do not want to live. after we were done talking, i left and picked up the boys, and dropped them off. i got onto the freeway and started driving. i was driving towards reno, nevada. my plan was to either buy a gun and blow my fucking brains out- or to buy a whole lot of sleeping pills and something to drink and park somewhere isolated and die that way. i called this guy matt that i had hurt (he was the guy i cheated on stephanie with 6 months ago) and told him i was sorry. i called my friend casey and told him i loved him. i called my friend christine who was freaking out. she talked to me on my cell phone the whole time until i finally told her where i was. which is a good thing because my car overheated and i had to pull over an hour away from home.she followed me home and she stayed with me until i fell asleep.
i woke up this morning and started bawling. i got dressed and headed for work. i went in the office to tell my boss i couldn't work today and he asked me why and i started crying. i looked like shit, i hadn't showered this morning and i felt awful. i was shaking and sad and suicidal. i ended up telling him everything and he and his assistant were very understanding. his assistant is so sweet. they wouldn't let me leave until i had a doctors appointment. it took forever to find a therepist that was accepting new patients on a saturday.
i finally made and appointment and his assistant even loaned me the money for the appointment and i will pay her back later. i am trying to make an appointment with a regular therepist who accepts my insurance and a psycologist who can prescibe the right medicine for me. i have severe depression and that is a very scary thing. stephanie called me while i was in the doctors office and i talked to her for a little bit. i do not know how i am going to get through this. all i can and will promise is i will TRY to get through this, not that i WILL get through this. i do not like life i do not trust people. my boss is a great guy and his assistant is fantastic and i am greatful to them but they do not know what it is like to be me. maybe they know what it's like to be dumped... but they don't have to deal with elder shit and jw parents......
that is all for ya bunches,
Katie -
hey people- what to do
by airwlk149 inhey a jw friend called me today and wants me to move with her.. i am not a jw and this would be a bad idea because ever since my mom found out i have been dating a girl she said she wants to tell the elders so that i can be disfellowshipped again.. this somewhat scares me because i work at a place where i see lots of jws and i kinda like being somewhat friendly with them.. what to do?.
love ya bunches,.
hey a jw friend called me today and wants me to move with her.
i am NOT a jw and this would be a bad idea because ever since my mom found out i have been dating a girl she said she wants to tell the elders so that i can be disfellowshipped again.
this somewhat scares me because i work at a place where i see lots of jws and i kinda like being somewhat friendly with them.
what to do?love ya bunches,
Katie -
that jw mother o' mine...
by airwlk149 inyeah.
so i told my mother i have been dating stephanie or close to year.... she flipped.
i know that she wouldn't agree with it but now she won't call me at all or anything.. she made me feel so guilty and dirty but i shouldn't.... whatever.. i am confused.. love ya bunches,.
we broke up.
steph left me and says she wants to be "just friends"
how do i feel about that?
i miss her.i am letting my mother think we are still dating...
love ya bunches,