some jw's come in here and post and count their posts as "time".
my little sister's friend does that, goes to the web sites and "tells them about jehovah", and she turns it in on her field service report......mmmmmm
do you think these people, who come in here, on this board and defend jws are for real?
do you think they really are good little jws?
do you think they really want to help us, or just start trouble?
some jw's come in here and post and count their posts as "time".
my little sister's friend does that, goes to the web sites and "tells them about jehovah", and she turns it in on her field service report......mmmmmm
jennifer lopez: need i say more?.
rick james: brutha like the l.. george bush: jw for president.. toby keith: go red, white and blue!.
billy graham-he preaches the good news.. hannibal-he conquered europe on elephants.. richard pryor: that brutha crazy.. eddie murphy: he cusses a little but he alright.. carl sagan: a little atheistic but cool nonetheless.. dmx: he my dogg.. yes, these are my fav jw celebs.. please share yours.. comforter.
michael jackson & prince
this has nothing to do with jw's whatsoever, and it is totally personal, so here goes.... i went over to my ex girlfriend's house to pick up my mail.
(i moved out and some of my mail still goes there even though i put in a change of address form.
) we had gotten in a fight the night before.
FYI: i do not plan on being a jw again. going to the meeting and assembly just reassured me that leaving was the right thing. just want ya'll to know that before ya'll stone me. *katie screams out "i am NOT a troll!!!!"*
this has nothing to do with jw's whatsoever, and it is totally personal, so here goes.... i went over to my ex girlfriend's house to pick up my mail.
(i moved out and some of my mail still goes there even though i put in a change of address form.
) we had gotten in a fight the night before.
this has nothing to do with jw's whatsoever, and it is totally personal, so here goes...
i went over to my ex girlfriend's house to pick up my mail. (i moved out and some of my mail still goes there even though i put in a change of address form.) we had gotten in a fight the night before. she has changed into a different person and not for the better. i still love her and miss her and want her back.......
but anywaysss, when i stopped by we started talking and it was nice (she looked so hot!) she offered me some cake, and i accepted. then she walked me out to my car.
she started telling me about her weekend with her new girlfriend, M-A-N-D-Y, and how they got a hotel room up in reno. ugh, just typing this is making me cry and my stomach churn...
i am wondering: when we were together, she never wanted to do anything and she was so ashamed to be seen with me out in public. i had wanted so bad to go to mendicino, ca and rent a hotel room for some alone time. (we both lived with her grandma), but she said that she didn't want to go anywhere with me because people would think we were "lesbians".
anyways, just venting... i am so sad all the time and i really can't shake it.
my mom thinks it's because i need "jehovah". i guess that's why i went to the meeting and the assembly. i just want a place in life, where i am happy.
listen to this song.......... a friend of mine told me it was by who......... on their tommy album... i don't know what it's called........... but the guy say's.........." love,... rain on me"................ .
say those words over and over,.............and see what happens
how do you get the damn face things to work?!
listen to this song.......... a friend of mine told me it was by who......... on their tommy album... i don't know what it's called........... but the guy say's.........." love,... rain on me"................ .
say those words over and over,.............and see what happens
mmm- i dont get it, i was thinking that this post would expose horny j-dub girls and boys.
DAMN IT! }:)
hi guys!!!!.
as most of you all know, i was going to the district assembly in san francisco, with my parents.. well, i went, and it was interesting.... here it goes....... i left on thursday night.
my friend pam came to pick me up.
HI guys!!!!
as most of you all know, i was going to the district assembly in san francisco, with my parents.
well, i went, and it was interesting.... here it goes......
i left on thursday night. my friend pam came to pick me up. i drove down there. we met my parents at the hotel (we stayed at the hyatt). we walked around and everyone in the hotel was jw. they even played kingdom melodies through the halls and in the lobby& elevator.
we went to bed. my friend pam is a jw, but she is very understanding and i told her that i might not be interested in being a jw full time. so it was a good thing i was in the room with her. i woke up and got ready for the assembly. my first outfit wasn't that cute.... but oh well.
i walked around, i ended up calling my "worldly" friends, adam & christine alot with pam's cell phone i went to the bathroom alot....... to relieve tension, i turned the cell phone on vibrate...ok ok ok enough horniness.....
anyways, i fell asleep during the talks and after the assembly on friday, we went to dinner at the bar & grill in the hotel. it was nice dinner....i ate with my whole family and pam. then i socialized with the know the fake "hi how are you? what congregation are you in now?" i went to bed on friday pretty late because pam and i stayed up elder-bashing.
saturday i looked like the bomb. adam and christine came to sf and that was nice. we moved seats after lunch and wrote bad notes back and forth. got up and walked around. we went to a pizza place in the town we were staying in and then went back to the hotel an they met all the jw's. talked with my parents about "the truth". i find it interesting about jw's how they PUSH all their beliefs onto "unbelievers".
they left around 11pm, and i went to bed.
sunday i slept in and we got to the assembly late. made it in time for the drama. then i slept and then it was lunch, and then i drew some nice pictures of people (naked). and then it was over.
i had a hell of a time getting home. pam got sick (food poisoning) and was throwing up the whole ride home and i have a weak stomach as it is....
the traffic was bad and i was glad to be home.
some interesting points i observed:
pam told me there was an apostate outside with a sign that said :"STOP SENDING MOLESTORS TO OUR DOORS!"
i was sickened to see how many children were beaten to be quiet during the program. i saw moms and dads getting up with a child with their hand clamped over the kids mouth. i don't like that.
during the program it amazed me to hear that they say the same thing over and over, every assembly is the same. just with a different title.
one funny thing is my little sister and her friends were walking around (they are all between 13-15) and my little sister, ashley's, friends weren't allowed to walk around the top half (the cow palace has two levels) because their dad said it wasn't "a fashion show". lol@ elder/superdad.
well that's all i am going to bug you guys with for now. those were my true and honest experiences.
i just was waiting to see someone walking around with a sign that said: AIRWLK149= KATIE AT JW.COM?
i would have died laughing!
adam was walking around on saturday and lifting his hand up and saying "HAIL JEHOVAH!", i don't know why but it made me embarrassed. i didn't want to draw attention to myself.
also when we were leaving for the hotel on saturday, he rolled down the window and was saying "thank you brother, may jehovah bless you" to all the parking attendants....
anyways.... i was a nice quiet place away from sacramento to nap
love you all
below are notes of the sunday post drama talk - taken very badly by someone who cannot do shorthand
sorry - best i could do - note the anti media comments at the end.
jim dee notes on the talk - be like jeremiah, fearlessly proclaim the word of jehovah.
i was there this weekend. i was in the bathroom/walking around during this talk. i watched the whole drama intently. (i was thinking of my ex girlfriend intently!)
i know, i know, the jws love to boast about ``honoring jehovah'' and having ``restored the divine name to its rightful place.
'' but my question is: is such casual off-hand use of the divine name really respectful?
i mean, the vast majority of us well know the names of our parents; but just how respectful would it be to go around referring to them as ``harry'' and ``alice?".
that's funny matty: when i was little our bookstudy conductor's name was harry and my little sister thought he was jehovah!
this is funny stuff.... i am an aquarius/pisces mix myself....
aries: .
looking for a lover who's mature, gentle, thoughtful, considerate, and entirely unselfish?
i am a libra.......
and it's kinda true.
stephanie is a cancer, and she definitly falls under that of a cancer!
this was cool.