I tattled on a girl (see my first post) because it made me mad that she could be so condemning about other people and yet be getting away with all the stuff she was doing. I can't stand two-faced people. not people who are trying to 'do the fade', but people who condemn and act holier-than-thou but still try to get away with dating non-believers and whatnot. I'm not sorry I told on her. perhaps if she hadn't been so haughty and reminded me of the tattletalers I grew up with, I would've felt sorry for her and helped her along. I was told on all the time when I was a kid. I remember when people would call my mother and inform her who I walked to school with (meaning who I was walking ahead of or behind, as I was a loner at school because everyone teased me), who I stood by at the bus stop, and stupid stuff like that. I remember when my mother got a call that I was seen walking with two boys downtown not thirty minutes before, and they swore it was me, because the girl had very long strawberry-blonde hair and glasses. only I had cut my hair to shoulder-length the day before AND had been home babysitting my niece. or when a girl at school played a prank on me and sprayed me with perfume (Electric Youth by Debbie Gibson NAUSEATING stuff) and I was grilled for two hours that night by elders because my mom was convinced I had smoked cigarettes and sprayed perfume on myself to cover up the smell. when I complained about being falsely accused all the time, I was told that these people were well-meaning and had my future in mind, and they were Jehovah's way of bringing things to light. NO, THEY WERE A BUNCH OF ROTTEN GOSSIPS WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO.
JoinedPosts by LuckyNun
Have you ever been dobbed in, and for what??????????
by BLISSISIGNORANCE intoday was a good day.
saturday, no witnessing, no meeting prep, no skirt and no dubs, no rush to do anything in particular, went to the mall to get some things, bumped into my brother (non dub) and his partner and my 3yo neice, had coffee with them and hubby, chatted, came home, kelpie dropped by to visit, went grocery shopping with my neighbour, ......................just to mention a few things.
doing what i wanted to do!.
Remember those stupid TESTS we would take at theocratic ministry school
by dolphman inremember those things, they'd hand out a board, a pencil, and this test booklet.
i mean, i loved those nights!
it actually gave me something to do.
I HAD to get my answers right, or suffer the consequences (reading nothing but JW literature for two weeks). to me they were easy enough. I couldn't understand why we had to do written reviews. it's not like you got to partake of the emblems at the next memorial for getting a perfect score. what WAS the point?
I can regurgitate spoon-fed information better than YOU! I RULE!
What did you do to while-a-way the meetings?
by uriah inwhen i was young (sigh) i had to go to the meetings, they always went overtime and man, were they dull.
no coloured pictures to look at in those days.
to amuse myself i used to play little games like how long could i hold the radiator pipe (hot).
Jer 25:27 is my favorite scripture!!!
I remember looking up 'naughty' words in the index, so I could find some juicy scriptures. or reading Song of Solomon and insewrting the hot brother of choice as the guy's character.
I used to write in my journal while pretending to take notes. some day my kids are gonna be snooping through my journals, and wonder why there're so many scriptures in random places.
Steph told Erin she didn't want me at the sleepover, but Erin's still going. why does she hang out with her? I wish this meeting would hurry up, I want to go to Little Ceaser's for lunch! Gen. 2:5. David Hunter just looked back at me, I swear! we're going over to his mom's house tonight for some reason. I hope he's there! oh, god, Jason Clay is carrying mikes. at least he's cuter than Eric Gomez. I wouldn't go for either of 'em, tho'. Lev. 5:21.
because my mom was so pleased with my note-taking, she never paid attention to what was actually written. she'd glance over and see scriptures and give me a big theocratic shit-eating grin! that's why!
Posters who give hoax stories...
by Brummie inwhats the crack with them?
how do you feel about them?
a drop in the bucket that doesnt hurt anyone?
why would anyone want to tell a hoax story? "the truth" is SO much stranger than fiction!! anytime I tell a tale from my childhood, people tell me I should write a book. maybe they're just politely telling me to shut up.
the only people who
believeunderstand my stories are other ex-JWs. -
I just realized something...
by LuckyNun inif i'd just pretended to have an anxiety disorder and had a few panic attacks while out in service, i could have been spared the horrors of theocratic ministry school and going out in service.
i would've missed out on a lot of field-service trips to edward's apple orchard, but i could have stayed at home and put off getting baptized until i had enough money saved from my paper routes to make a proper break for it!
why didn't i think of this ten years ago?
oh, I know. I never met a JW who seemed truly, truly happy, except for a few "special" people with limited intellect (and even in that family, there were rumors that the husband beat up the wife, she was always breaking something and had very flimsy excuses for her injuries: how DO you break your arm while vacuuming? but she just kept smiling), and a couple of people who were borderline delusional and later diagnosed with schizophrenia or severe bi-polar disorder. in fact, one lady with schizophrenia became very sick after she couldn't afford to buy her meds anymore, and the elders disfellowshipped her for her ranting and erratic behavior (while off her meds). this was in 1989, not quite the Dark Ages, but they accused her of being demonized at one point. of course, these were the same group of elders who made me "bad association" for being gang-raped because it was within the city limits (in a drain tunnel) and I admitted that I hadn't kept screaming because they said they were gonna kill me if I didn't shut up. they used the scriptures about being raped in the city and everything. I was at that time trying to be a good JW and follow the rules, and I ended up being very depressed for years from self-loathing over "letting" myself be raped, much longer than if someone had pulled me aside, let me cry and told me it was not my fault and that the only important thing was that I survived. that didn't happen for about five years. yes, I think you're right. trying to be a good JW eventually leads to mood disorders, no matter what.
I have a solution to Joker's high unemployment post
by Eyebrow2 insend your resumes...i am a recruiter!
on the serious side....joker is probably stirring up a hornest for fun...hey dont we all once in a while (i am still waiting for my thread hijacker tshirt) but i cannot tell you how many people every day i talk to that were making good money not too long ago that are on the skids looking for a decent job.
you dont have to be a slacker to be unemployed joker...yes, maybe some of us have too much time on our hands...but i have a feeling the majority of people that post a lot on this board are just really good multi-taskers.
I have two jobs, my friend Roxanne is employed and another girl I know who was raised a JW has a job as a cook in a swank hotel, and my brother's a doctor, and my sister's a nurse, and so on. there are plenty of well-educated, job-holding ex-jws out there. funny thing is, a majority of the active jws I know live on disability, off their parents, or do menial or unskilled labor for a living. the only wealthy or well-educated jws I ever knew became wealthy or well-educated before they became jws.
I just realized something...
by LuckyNun inif i'd just pretended to have an anxiety disorder and had a few panic attacks while out in service, i could have been spared the horrors of theocratic ministry school and going out in service.
i would've missed out on a lot of field-service trips to edward's apple orchard, but i could have stayed at home and put off getting baptized until i had enough money saved from my paper routes to make a proper break for it!
why didn't i think of this ten years ago?
I just wish I'd had access to something like this ten years ago. I could have just asked, "how do I fade?" and let the experts get me on the right path.
I just realized something...
by LuckyNun inif i'd just pretended to have an anxiety disorder and had a few panic attacks while out in service, i could have been spared the horrors of theocratic ministry school and going out in service.
i would've missed out on a lot of field-service trips to edward's apple orchard, but i could have stayed at home and put off getting baptized until i had enough money saved from my paper routes to make a proper break for it!
why didn't i think of this ten years ago?
If I'd just pretended to have an anxiety disorder and had a few panic attacks while out in service, I could have been spared the horrors of Theocratic Ministry School AND going out in service. I would've missed out on a lot of field-service trips to Edward's Apple Orchard, but I could have stayed at home and put off getting baptized until I had enough money saved from my paper routes to make a proper break for it! why didn't I think of this ten years ago? this explains why just about every woman in the congregation had some kind of mood disorder. I thought they were just hypochondriacs, but they were being CLEVER! they sure schooled me!
Pictures of yourself.
by ihatescreennames ina picture thread!.
time to come out of the closet.
i'm a bit of a voyeurist.
this is me with my boyfriend, at my very pagan solstice party last December. of note is that I'm on the phone with my fellow pagan and unbaptized partner in crime, Roxanne. we always ring in the holidays together!
How long have you been in the truth?
by Elsewhere inand how did you learn the truth?
remember those questions?
remember how jws would always ask you that when they met you?.
I really and truly dismissed everything when I was about 14 years old. after that, I just tried to tread water til I turned 18 and could leave home. well, actually, my parents made it clear they would kick me out of the house on my 18th birthday if I wasn't baptized or going over the questions by then. I attended my last meeting a few days before I ran away, in September of 1993. if I'd only known it would be my last meeting, I would've grinned through the whole thing.