I think you hit it on the nail about a situation about the 13 year old JW and consequently, that 13yr old's JW parents will yank him/her out of school and place him/her in home-school with other JW kids. Their excuse will probably be "Not taking part of this world and not associating with it."
On the subject of double-speak hypocrisy, Isn't saying "Not being part of this world" one thing while they are roaming around pestering non-JWs about joining another thing?
You are so right on about reasoning with unreasonable people: All they care is their views without caring about others' views. If someone shows them the fact, they will say "It's a bunch of lies", "There must be a good reason for it".
You're right: Isn't it amazing how when they are criticized, they say it's Satan's persecution and when other religions are criticized, they say it's Jehovah's justice at work? I'd love to ask them since it's the same media that criticizes both JWs and other religions, is Jehovah and Satan the same???
Definitely all the bad publicity from the media will curtail the new recruitment as the new recruits are worldlies and non-JWs will unlimited access to information. However, I think it will be slow in causing decline among the "still-in" JWs as their access to information is very limited and restricted, like the Totalitarian Dictatorships. Plus, the ll-in" JWs are living with FEAR. I think that majority of the newly baptized will come from the children of active JWs rather than new recruits. However, to the WTS, they care less if it's the children of active JWs or new recruits that baptize, it's just a number to promote their statistics.
when it comes to $$$$$, all organizations, religious or not, will turn the other face. That is another hypocrisy from their part. Since the Williams sisters are great cash cows, I bet the WTS will allow them lotsa privileges.