Hi Oompa,
I was on medications for years as a JW. Zoloft, Prozac, too many to name. The side effects weren't worth it and it felt like I was lost.
After leaving the cult, things kind of cleared up. I replaced toxic people with incredible people. I learned integrity in all things; and had to face being true to myself in all things. I was very fearful that this would force people I loved away, but they respect me now more and are in my life on my terms. The people who can't deal with that are toxic to me. Life isn't worth that hatred and poison.
I just took bad things out and replaced them with good things. I read (positive things, Eckhart Tolle, etc.), meet people, just get out even when I had to force myself. I was raised in the Lie so had to discover, versus rediscover, who I am. What I like. Where I want to be.
This board has been an immense help. I also took a weekend course in getting rid of your baggage once and for all and made some very serious, liberating phone calls to those I've hurt and those who have hurt me. Sort of drawing my lines in the sand. Now no one can hurt me unless I let them. And I am more tolerant. Judging less makes me freer to love.
You can't see what we see in you right now...but it's there. You are loved and needed.