This is precisely why i worship Thor. We see his lightning. We hear his thunder. Ergo he is real.
Happy Thorday, btw.
Satire of course but its more logical and has more evidance than worshipping the desert god of ancient nomadic semites.
recent events and book reads (one suggested by cofty i believe- thank you) have lead me to the only logical and acceptable conclusion:.
there is no god.. simple logical reasoning: matter can neither me created or destroyed.
so the amount of mass in the universe is constant.
This is precisely why i worship Thor. We see his lightning. We hear his thunder. Ergo he is real.
Happy Thorday, btw.
Satire of course but its more logical and has more evidance than worshipping the desert god of ancient nomadic semites.
the penalty of this charge??
yes, disfellowshipping.. bad association?
excessive time at work?
Yes and no, its always been true that you could be disfellowshipped for anything three elders agree on. The term brazen conduct didnt make it any more or less easy to do that.
i didnt see any rush locally to use that term as a catch all. It was already fairly easy to reprove or bash people without it.
and i am finding the adjustment to the real world far more difficult than i ever imagined...i has been about five years since i totally woke up to the fraudulant nwt and then all my other doubts i had carried for years were proved true as well.
but almost all of my few friends are exjw or slack jw's and i feel so sons friends are mostly exjw too but not their gf's and they have way more normal friends .
how have you done at replacing lifelong friends and family?
It is bitter sweet to reread his posts and know he is gone. I only knew him a little from this board but i am friends with some of those who knew him IRL and know they still miss him. Its both wonderful and sad beyond reconing that we have his words forever with us....
its people and situations like oomps that frustrate me when i see threads about an end to the "shunning" in the org. This is a real life example, as tenacious noted, of the terrible effects of that cult policy and it isnt going anywhere. There are countless people cut off from their families and friends, their only support circles, for no damn reason other to prove loyalty to the cult.
on behalf of all those you have deemed the walking dead,
F**** you wtbs.
seriously, how can it be ok for someone to say of themselves that they are "by far the meekest and most humble person" on the earth?.
numbers 12:3 'now the man moses was by far the meekest of all the men on the face of the earth'.
yes, moses was so humble that he told everyone about it!!?!.
i'm in contact with service and writing and brochure first step there bleeding publishers they can't take it anymore publishers are depressed because they feel they must shun others and they know it's unloving.
@juan, the position you suggest already exists. Once a year they (congregation elders) are directed to reach out to all df'd ones and encourage them to return. Thts decades old. A recent CO visit had the elders personally inviting inactive ones to the meeting.
None of that is new or a special ministry or reflective of a shift towards laxing their stance on former members.
i just skimmed the titled article on and once again the watchtower is misdirecting:. .
they try and make the old case that jesus saves us from being destroyed at armageddon.
I think people who are christian would argue that jesus isnt saying 'believe in me or i will condem you". They would argue that we are already condemned and jesus is offering to save...
the problem is the original condemnation comes from the person jesus is claiming to save us from, either himself or his father, depending on your brand of christianity. Its all so obtuse, that we are condemed for something we didnt do (adam and eves sin) and that sin from thousands of years ago means we deserve to die unless another guy dies and makes it ok. So because the other guy died the sky daddy can 'forgive us' but couldnt just forgive us because we didnt do anything wrong in the first place.....
Btw the WT article that prompted this thread was a misprint. A letter to the BoE says it should read "jesus shaves!"
i came across this website: .
there it reads: note taker for 2015-2016 "imitate jesus!
" regional convention of jehovah's witnesses.
Phizzy stole my post. It will not in fact be about following jesus. It will be about how jesus follwed the desert god and the gb are doing the same so follow the gb as they lead you to the desert god.
Convoluted? Yep. Predictable? You bet ya.
Its all done so that the dubbies can say "see! We follow jesus! We're christians!" And feel good, never paying attetion to the real message and real dismissal of bible doctrine.
rnwt "but i want you to know that the head of every man is the christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn, the head of the christ is god.".
sexism aside, how does the wt/gb explain their absolute power over the sheeples based on this scripture?
where are they located in the model listed in that scrtipture?
just found out the memorial is this coming friday, which is good friday, don't recall that happening before, or has it?.
just seems strange that the dubs would celebrate their only special day on the same day that christendom celebrates as well..
it was access to this tree that kept adam and eve in a "perfect" state.
that is why they were kicked out of the garden.
actually, they may not have found the fruit at the time of their expulsion.
Your answer regarding immortality and everlasting life is spot on, as far as witness doctrine is concerned.
according to dubbie doctrine the differance is that immortality (a greek concept btw) is "a spring of life inside of the person that dosent need to be sustained". Everlasting life is living forever but being sustained by external forces (meaning the desert god).