First id like to remind all those that fear this will BECOME a witch hunt that this isnt new. This was in the ks10 on the day of its release. No news here....
as far as why its there... Keep in mind this is directed to and written for elders. Average pups wernt meant to see this... It serves a twofold purpose: if ever an elder should develop traits like those listed he may be prompted by guilt to squash the beginings of his freedom. It may serve to prevent him from waking up.... The other purpose is it allows elders to denigrate those that awaken in their own minds so that they can deal with them. If someone is labled spritually weak it prevents an elder from viewing them as reasonable rarional or "normal". They are no longer bro or sis so and so that they have know for 20 years, no now they are just "spritually weak" . Once they are labled they can be dismissed and their ideas dont have to be consodered as valid.