Pbrow, my statment was clear and explained in a straitforward way. I will sumerize though for ease of consumption:
if you behave badly in a small way it must be assumed you are willing to behave badly in larger ways.
to funny nice job....
Pbrow, my statment was clear and explained in a straitforward way. I will sumerize though for ease of consumption:
if you behave badly in a small way it must be assumed you are willing to behave badly in larger ways.
i found this on yahoo news... while it doesn`t raise an important question... it raises an interesting question... .
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to funny nice job....
Its interesting you downplay the potential for a physical comfrontation, pbrow. My initial reaction when i saw the video was to think to myself 'if this clown did that in my presence i would have bounced him into the street on his ass in a hurry'. Im not an elder. I havent believed a word of this nonsense in about 5 years. I didnt even want to be at the reject jesus ceremony. But i was there and so was my family, along with a lot of other peoples kids and even elderly people i wouldnt want to see put in harms way. My training tells me when someone acts in an outrageous way, meaning outside the norm for the situation and occasion, they are a danger and need to be delt with as such.
Example: when im at a basketball game or an american football game and people stand up and yell and cheer, this is the norm and nonthreating. Its contextually appropriate. If those same things are yelled and cheered at a religious service its evidance that the person or persons have determined to disregard social norms and limits. At that point it can no longer be assumed they are going to abide by the accepted standards that govern day to day interactions and may resort to more agressive means to get the attention they are seeking. Any implied trust has been lost and you must view them as a threat.
With that as a back drop, i would have most certainly given them something to video they would not have soon forgotten.. And im apostate. It isnt about religion or cults or jesus or any other nonsense you are using to justify juvenile delinquency. Its about simple human decency and respect.
lack of self-control in eating, drinking, and pursuit of pleasure;.
so, let me get this straight.
enjoying a fancy meal, appreciating the finer qualities of libations and deciding to enjoy life by pursuing pleasures (bike riding, hiking, camping, fishing, reading, movies, golfing, etc.
lack of self-control in eating, drinking, and pursuit of pleasure;.
so, let me get this straight.
enjoying a fancy meal, appreciating the finer qualities of libations and deciding to enjoy life by pursuing pleasures (bike riding, hiking, camping, fishing, reading, movies, golfing, etc.
First id like to remind all those that fear this will BECOME a witch hunt that this isnt new. This was in the ks10 on the day of its release. No news here....
as far as why its there... Keep in mind this is directed to and written for elders. Average pups wernt meant to see this... It serves a twofold purpose: if ever an elder should develop traits like those listed he may be prompted by guilt to squash the beginings of his freedom. It may serve to prevent him from waking up.... The other purpose is it allows elders to denigrate those that awaken in their own minds so that they can deal with them. If someone is labled spritually weak it prevents an elder from viewing them as reasonable rarional or "normal". They are no longer bro or sis so and so that they have know for 20 years, no now they are just "spritually weak" . Once they are labled they can be dismissed and their ideas dont have to be consodered as valid.
oh, there is one brother that keeps prattling on about "the 5 pillars of faith and worship".
- prayer.
- personal study.
thanks to jw archive wiki we have a pdf of the new elders book.. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mz9z38909t3fh7c/2012-shepherd-the-flock-of-god-ks10_e.pdf?dl=0.
had an interesting thought this morning.
when a witness is 'in' they think everyone else is following and trying there best all in unity.
i believe the reality is there are a lot of us 'in' who know different.
All very true. Everone thinks they are alone at first or they are the first to realize the flaw(s) that caught their attention, afraid to speak up because of the potential ostrisium.
The reality is there are more who have left than those that stay. If there was no punishment for leaving the org would shrivil in a year by 25% and 50% by the third year (just guesses if course).
do you want to know why i think people don't believe in god?
well i believe people don't want to believe in god because they are scared.
they know that if they finally do gorge the confidence to believe in him, he might discipline them for their skepticism.
do you want to know why i think people don't believe in god?
well i believe people don't want to believe in god because they are scared.
they know that if they finally do gorge the confidence to believe in him, he might discipline them for their skepticism.