Great list. I choose one croc as a representive of the whole species and you certainly cant go wrong with the nile v salty.
I would have loved to rank smildon and other extinct species higher but the original question seemed to imply "living" or currently active predators as opposed to a comprehesive list that included historical flora and fauna. Megladon would rank very on my list, for instance as would various reptiles. Of course so much of what we "know" regarding these creatures is based on supposition and conjecture so i may have to move them down slightly in ranking to reflect the unknown nature of their true behaviour.
i too would rank several species of canius as top predators and your choice is one i need to read up more, so im glad you mentioned them
excellent choice of insect! They are fairly well established locally and i have enjoyed observing them in the wild. My personal choice of insect (arachnid) reflected my own fear of spiders as well as facination with them. I also gave them points for beauty and potential danger to humans.