Eden, i cannot press the "like" button when someone says they want to die. Ive learned through others mistakes that its not always hyperbole or 'just an expression'. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Dont ever waste something so precious as YOUR life. Dont ever hurt those that love you in such final, drastic way.
I have been and still am in a similar situation. I spent three years playing tug of war with my wifes cult feelings. I tried and tried. I would get her outside interests to help ease her away and distract her. I would drop nuggets of truth about the truth. I would do everything i could to make our family more appealing than the cult. In the end its what she knows and it takes its toll. I havnt ever been able to make permanent progress and frankly its gotten worse. The return to the cult is like going back to a drug. Shes more addicted everytime she gets sucked back in.
While we all want to believe that every jw is brainwashed and would wake up if they were presented with just the right aspect of TTATT, the real truth is: its also a choice. Some people LIKE the cult. some people WANT the cult and we simply cannot force them to see it our way. Accepting that is just as much truth as learning that the org isnt gods representative on earth.
I feel your pain, in my own way, i live your pain, in my own way. nobodys life is without regret and sorrow. Dont ever give in to it. You have the power to make choices and live happy despite whatever obstacles there may be. Choose to keep fighting for her or choose to let her be a jw bit whatever choice you make i hope its to choose to keep living!