JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Accidental Posting of 2015 Release on JW.ORG
by rosesinbloom ina couple of weeks ago someone posted that jw.org accidentally posted the 2015 regional convention release.
i can not fine the thread now.. i saw a picture of it yesterday.
a sister had downloaded the pdf and read it that night.. it is a 16-page brochure entitled "return to jehovah", with a purple background.. it has been designed specifically for inactive ones are those who have been raised around the truth but never baptized.
And whats more the brochure is nothing more than a reprint of a wt article -
Huge Shift in Doctrine?
by Lemonp ini am not sure why more people aren't talking about this?.
the march 15 study edition of the wt has some major changes!
- all unbiblical "types and antitypes" are now dropped.
Thank you for the link, that does seem pretty big but i need to think about the implications....
one that jumps to mind is that jesus supposedly inspected and choose them in 1919 and they use a bunch of trumpet blasts in revelation to prove it... So is that all gone now? They also used that tripe to justify themselves as being choosen the faithful slave. So is that gone? How do they prove they were choosen if it wasnt after the temple inspection ?? The more im thinking on this the more it seems a pretty big deal
Who REALLY believed in the idea of living forever on earth??
by stuckinarut2 inseriously.....even when you were 100% in "the truth", did you really believe in living forever?
Damn right i did.
I also belived that if i wore my lucky socks i played basketball better.
now i believe that if i die worthy i will get a seat in valhalla.
i also believe that if i kiss hanks ass he will give me a million dollars when i leave town.
Updates on other silly things i belived in the past as i learn and grow out if them.
Huge Shift in Doctrine?
by Lemonp ini am not sure why more people aren't talking about this?.
the march 15 study edition of the wt has some major changes!
- all unbiblical "types and antitypes" are now dropped.
Well the tree dream they have always related to jesus words about the gentile times, the only connection between the two being the the single word "time", but they did do a big service meeting part with a video about 6 months ago affirming the teaching so it does not appear to be changing anytime soon.
as for the 1919 teaching i havnt seen it because i cant be bothered to read the rags. Do you have copy paste?
Question for atheists and nonbelievers
by pressman ini profess to teach the truth to you all and get you to all to think and believe.
believing in christ through his words and not through evil religious cults, like hoj and jw, can and will save you.
do you all realize that every time you are victorious and receive something of value through your hard work and sweat, it was our holy god who blessed you.
Lol this must be a prank.... Miz is back -
The Treasures of Nimrud
by fulltimestudent inin happier days, the discovery of these treasures could delight the eye.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxcfxv7jo04.
What about the raising of over 6,000 monistaries in tibet by china...?
Or the huge loss of historical and cutural history by the peoples liberation army of china...?
Question for atheists and nonbelievers
by pressman ini profess to teach the truth to you all and get you to all to think and believe.
believing in christ through his words and not through evil religious cults, like hoj and jw, can and will save you.
do you all realize that every time you are victorious and receive something of value through your hard work and sweat, it was our holy god who blessed you.
Yes people like pressman, perry and the like believe that god is going to give you a reward when you die but in the meantime he gives you a little bit of a reward now. Maybe you find 20 bucks in the street, maybe you win a small lotto. Never mind the person who dropped the 20$ and dont worry about the thousands who wasted money on that lotto and didnt win.... Its hanks way, sorry gods way, of blessing you now.
All the evil, on the hand, comes from satan. Maybe ypu get a flat tire on your way to church. Maybe you drop 20$ that you were going to use to help the homeless. Its satans way of holding you back!
Words cannot express how glad i am to be free of jewish superstitious thinking. The Force now guides my life and im much happier for it :)
Question for atheists and nonbelievers
by pressman ini profess to teach the truth to you all and get you to all to think and believe.
believing in christ through his words and not through evil religious cults, like hoj and jw, can and will save you.
do you all realize that every time you are victorious and receive something of value through your hard work and sweat, it was our holy god who blessed you.
Sorry dude, im not kissing hanks ass with you today if he wants to give the million dollars he knows my bank account # -
Having Faith in the Bible
by william draper ini know many on here have lost faith in the bible , is it possible that is because ones do not have the right perspective regarding it .
we have usually been taught by bad teachers , or ignorant .
i believe if we take an honest look at the bible , we will see that it gives us the best answers to crucial matters , it gives us some amount of bearings ( understanding ) , which without having such knowledge we would all be more like walking zombies in amanner of speaking , we would be lacking hope in something better , for surely something better is to come , how can we be sure , .
The fact is that we know that God allows these things to happen ;
Actually we DONT know that as a fact, you are simply stating it is so which dosent make it a fact at all.
which brings up another point ,
No it dosent since your first point wasnt actually a point and what you move onto isn't coherently connected by any supported conclusions but lets take a look anyway...
where do we find the best explanation as to why God allows these things to happen .
I assume you were going to tout the bible as answer to this strawman but you never even attempted to knock this particular strawman down. Instead you ignored it and went right to this:
I don't like this , but what can I do , what can we do , possibly as a people we are not doing enough of the right things , we allow so much corruption in our society , and then we look at God and say . . . we don't like what you do , and we are ourselves not doing right and making excuses for our selves .
Ahh the coup de grace! Its not gods fault but our own! We allow this so its our fault.... The problem is YOU were addressing the supposed superiority of the gods morality as expressed through jewish fairy tales. You cannot start with that premise and then switch it to 'oh look how bad we are' when it gets shot full of holes. Let the good lord stand on his record alone.
Animal are so superior to "WT elders"
by TheFadingAlbatros inanimals are a gift from god.
they allow us to see god in depth and in all his ingenuity and his superiority.
men especially "wt elders" are unable to compete with animals to let us understand all the glory of the allmighty god
As a former elder i find your need to specify them as particularly dumb to be curious. I am very fond of earths fauna and am facinated to no end with it, in all its attendant forms and do agree there much to be learned from it but i do not see how it is particularly or specifically more instructive to the middle managers of small american based cult than to anyone else. Perhaps you could elaborate on that aspect....?