JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Return to Jehovah -
by coalize injust because i'm an hopeless curious, and it's a bunch of year i didn't open a wtbts book, i downloaded right now the new booklet "return to jehovah" in french (my language).. i read the 3 first lines, and i was already bored.
what is this childish way of speaking ?
it's me, it's just the french translation or it's the case in another language too?.
Its not written so simply in english but in the end the result is the same: who could ever go back, really, after realizing its all nonsense? -
The " Knockout Game" or a Cowardly Punch ?.
by smiddy ini started this op because of an interchange of two posters on this board which hit a nerve with me , as the title suggests.. i think the video clip /u-tube shown was self explanatory that it is not a myth as one poster said., which was viewed under the subject of the confederate flag.. i cannot imagine the chaos / fallout that would occur if whites adopt the same "game " as these guys.and go around doing the same thing.
which is probably happening anyway .but it needs to be stopped pronto.. are you up to it usa ?.
i am in australia and we have seen a trend take place here which is very troubling.
Is there a difference between the two...? A rose is a rose, as it were.
Of course its a real 'game'. I see it played in occasionally in DC but much more so in baltimore. And of course its cowardly... Nobody picks a bodybuilder to try.... A hit when a person isnt looking or a hit to the back of the head is by definition a cowardly act.
On the Relevancy of The Institutionalization of Sin
by Perry inchild murder, sodomy & corrupting the human genome are not new sins, they are old ones.
what is new is their institutionalization.
but even that isn't totally new.
"Jumping the squatch"
On the Relevancy of The Institutionalization of Sin
by Perry inchild murder, sodomy & corrupting the human genome are not new sins, they are old ones.
what is new is their institutionalization.
but even that isn't totally new.
"Child murder, Sodomy & corrupting the Human Genome are not new sins"
correct! The god of the bible has murdered more children, in the flood alone, than all men combined. But what does child murder have to with gay marriage....? As for "corrupting the human genome... Dear Thor perry, what in the hell are you talking about...? How does legalizing gay marriage corrupt the human genome? Do you know what those words mean? Behavior cannot corrupt genes. But lets look at the rest of your sentance....
"What is new is their institutionalization. But even that isn't totally new. It's all happened before..... before the flood and in Sodom & Gomorrah"
Do you see what you did there, perry? You were trying to be cute and tie in sodom and gomorrah to current events... But it was so clumsy you showed your CD. See it...? Let me help. You state "whats new is their institutionalization". Then you immediately state "but even that isnt totally new". Which is it perry? Is it new or is not new? The referance from the bible claims to be from about 4,000 years ago, not new new by any stretch of imagination. You are also appealing to the ancient example of sodom and gomorrah as an appeal to history, implying that the same way the desert god to action against them he will take action today... But you cant have it both ways. It cant be new and old. Thats text book cognitive dissonance.
I agree with OTWO that this type of thing is your cry for help. Your mind knows something wrong and you want help sorting it out. You come here knowing you will get help. Its really ok perry. Continue to think and reason. It only gets better.
I wont pick apart your whole post as it would take all day but there is one other statment that i feel personally compelled to comment on:
"I am against practicing homosexuality for one reason only, God says no. I am certainly against the institutionalization of it for the same reason, and no other. God also says no to adultery and a number of other things that some people find pleasurable."
I cant even begin to address this without my rins hurting... Dont worry perry it will all make more sense as you slowly reason and accept the obviousness of the truth.
Ironically in the end i agree with your premise. Gay marriage shouldnt have been legalized.. But then i dont think ANY marriage should be legalized. Nobody needs the states approval to love and live together, to decide to raise children or not, to buy property together or not etc etc. A different thread though, i suppose....
Caleb & Sophia RC badges
by oppostate intake a look at this caleb & sophia rc badge for children.. .
what's the motivation to make special childrens' badges?
i smell indoctrination!.
Wow are those from the branch?? What a switch from the days when we were told not to bring coloring books for kids or entertain them as less than adults. No sunday school, no sir! Our kids sit with us and get the same indoctrination. Just wow.... This is definatly aimed at retention of kids, giving them something to relate to. In the way My generation that grew up on transformers these kids will grow up on these two pod people and look back fondly on them, quoting them word for word. Its scary scary smart and manipulative -
Hitler admits the truth about the truth....
by _Morpheus insubmitted by the governing body for your approval!
credit freemindfade with on the script.... http://youtu.be/ldiwqqbcd5w.
Rotfl -
Hitler admits the truth about the truth....
by _Morpheus insubmitted by the governing body for your approval!
credit freemindfade with on the script.... http://youtu.be/ldiwqqbcd5w.
Sorry godzoo I disagree. Completely different videos. That one started off well and had me chuckling but it went off the rails at the end.... It didnt end particularly well.... But to each his own of course. -
JW's and Violence
by TD inmy wife and i have recently gotten hooked on the history channel's series, vikings.
(my wife is full blooded norwegian....).
to be honest, the show is quite graphic in spots, but certainly no more so than a history book i own of the same time period.. anyhow, we made the mistake of mentioning the show if front of jw's last night and they were all thoroughly shocked that we watch it.. i tried pointing out that big chunks of the ot are not materially different and that even the confrontation between david and goliath would get an 'r' rating if it were visually portrayed in any detail at all.
Hi TD.... I agree that its an individual dubjie thing but i have long noted in my area that they will condemn a paper cut on a tv show and cheer when david cuts 100 forskins off of his slain enemies
How are the JW's reacting to the new USA gay marriage laws?
by purrpurr inpersonally i think this is wonderful.
i have nothing against gay people and wish them only the best.. but of course i'm in a minority of one, the jw's around me are posting away on fb the most homophobic vitriol imaginable.
a lot of them are even saying that it's the start to armageddon!!.
I havent heard a peep but it was just yesterday.... My sense of it is we will hear the typical 'oh its a sign of the last days, declining morality' blah blah... In the washington metropolitan area its a common thing to run across or interact with homosexuals. Once you stop seeing them as "gay" and start seeing them as people even most witnesses get over it. They will make broad statments about homosexuality but its not going to phase them personally all that much locally. -
Slow motion pioneers
by 1Averagejoe inobserving our local unemployed pioneers and how long they take to get to their first or next call, usually taking the longest route to get to one they know won't be there anyway.
along the way it's gossipy this and that.
Yea i too pioneered when it was 90 hours and worked a regular job... Sigh..... I would say even then (early 90's) there was a definite social element but that serious element was strong. Now it really does seem to have swung to be almost totally social. Not just people standing at carts, in all phases. They tap lightly on doors, they slow walk all the time, return visits are always people not at home. Its always too hot or too cold or too rainy.. In the old days it was neither rain nor sleet....
its awesome! Nothing better than seeing a doomsday cult peter along with no real sense of urgency :)