I enjoyed reading everyones thoughts and comments on this. On ocassion i sit through the CBS just to make it look like i care and i had some very similar observations as island man. The whole study was head scratchingly obtuse, trying to convice us that 1) somehow the written word is infallible and 2) god almighty has no better means of commuincation than pen and paper.
If his written word is so infallible able then how did his very name get erased without his permision (according to dubbie tradition)? Hardly a case for accuracy when the author cant keep his oh so important name on his work.
as for point 2, island mans concept of personal revelation is far superior to any book and especially one that hasnt been updated verified or even commented on by its author for 2,000 years. Two. Thousand. Years.
As a side note to the lesson, they cited this scripture in exodus as part of the virtue of the written word as opossed to god talking directly (and unerringly)
Ex 20:18-20 "Now all the people were witnessing the thunder and lightning, the sound of the horn, and the mountain smoking; and seeing this made them tremble and stand at a distance. 19 So they said to Moses: “You speak with us, and we will listen, but do not let God speak with us, for fear that we will die.” 20 So Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid, for the true God has come to put you to the test, in order that the fear of him may continue with you so that you may not sin.”
woe woe woe.... Wth??? I thought god didnt test anyone? And are you seriously telling me god cant use his inside voice to speak to us, he HAS to yell and thunder? He couldnt calmly chat with isreal and let them know what was up? The whole 'lesson' was a house of cards that falls apart with a modicum of thought.