Before i post this, i want to be clear one critical point: the policy regarding child abuse is abhorrent and dead wrong. Im not making any excuses for it...
now i will make an excuse .... The one aspect that is rational, IMHO, is the statment that there is a differance between a predator and someone who is technically a pedophile.
Case in point: locally there is a growing spanish population. Its not uncommon for an 18 year old to be involved with a 16-17 year old, usally an older boy, younger girl (but not always). Technically the older party is a pedophile... But is (s)he a predator...? I dont see it that way. There may be a matter of 6 months age differance, maybe a year. Its happened and that person, legally, was a pedo. The parents of the girl called the police and the elders had to report him to legal. Legal didnt classify him as a predator although he was delt with judicially as was the girl... My point is i actually agree with the distinction between two kids doing what horny teenagers do (even though one crossed the imaginary 18year old line) and a 50 year old guy preying on an 8 year old.
There needs to be some mechanism to distinguish, some common sense grounds to differentiate between the two cases and i support that common sense standard, which is what that church principle addresses. I also think every parent has the right and the responsiblity to call the police long before the local cult gets involved which is where i differ greatly from the church on this, but as to any action the church feels is nessary, a common sense differentiation between a predator and two hormonal teenagers is only logical.