JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
A flaw in JW logic on sin and transmision
by _Morpheus inthe "special talk" this year was about family happiness.
as always seems to be the case it was a bait and switch job since the talk had actually nothing to do with how to achive family happiness and everything to do with jw doctrine on why familys are unhappy.
mine is unhappy because of jw doctrine but thats the implied irony in attending the sunday indoctrination i suppose.. that said, the speaker trotted out the oft used jw illistration of a dented bread pan to describe why and how sin was passed from one human (adam) to another (all of us).
Excellent point vidot! I read information regarding what is essentually the shortening of dna or a critical component of dna as cells divide. I dont pretend to understand it fully but my take away was that process was related to aging in all things and thus death. No "sin" there. Puts a lie to the whole thing -
Why I think the Governing Body are the world's ultimate 'predators'
by Esse quam videri inin a previous posting i made the statement that the governing body were the world's ultimate predators.
i will now give some reasons why this may be so.. for the purpose of this post i will provide the following definitions: .
- predator - a human who lives by predation.
1)Carcharodon carcharias
2)Crocodylus porosus
3) Accipiter gentilis
4) Poecilotheria metallica
5,384) Governing body of jehovahs witnesses
A flaw in JW logic on sin and transmision
by _Morpheus inthe "special talk" this year was about family happiness.
as always seems to be the case it was a bait and switch job since the talk had actually nothing to do with how to achive family happiness and everything to do with jw doctrine on why familys are unhappy.
mine is unhappy because of jw doctrine but thats the implied irony in attending the sunday indoctrination i suppose.. that said, the speaker trotted out the oft used jw illistration of a dented bread pan to describe why and how sin was passed from one human (adam) to another (all of us).
Island man, you exanation makes as much sense as anything. Prologos points play right alomg with yours as well. Animals had no access to the tree of life but had never sinned either. as for the explanation of the tree of life, i was aware of the jw stance that it was symbolic, but thats not what the scriptures explicitly state. -
A flaw in JW logic on sin and transmision
by _Morpheus inthe "special talk" this year was about family happiness.
as always seems to be the case it was a bait and switch job since the talk had actually nothing to do with how to achive family happiness and everything to do with jw doctrine on why familys are unhappy.
mine is unhappy because of jw doctrine but thats the implied irony in attending the sunday indoctrination i suppose.. that said, the speaker trotted out the oft used jw illistration of a dented bread pan to describe why and how sin was passed from one human (adam) to another (all of us).
The "special talk" this year was about family happiness. As always seems to be the case it was a bait and switch job since the talk had actually nothing to do with how to achive family happiness and everything to do with jw doctrine on why familys are unhappy. Mine is unhappy because of jw doctrine but thats the implied irony in attending the sunday indoctrination I suppose.
That said, the speaker trotted out the oft used jw illistration of a dented bread pan to describe why and how sin was passed from one human (adam) to another (all of us). In short, a dented bread pan can only produce dented bread since its the mold for all bread. We are dented since our mold, adam, was dented.
Im certain im not the first to ever comment on this but it struck me today just how flawed this illistration is. It makes "sin" a genetic abnormality. If thats the case, so be it. The flaw becomes the bible itself. The bible never describes "sin" as something inherent. It always describes sin as ACTIONS on our part or even the lack of action, but never as some genetic defect.
In order to bridge this gab between gentics and actions jw doctrine says we are unable to always do whats right because adams sin somehow corrupted his dna and passed on to us the inability to make "perfect" choices 100% of the time....
Clearly adam himself was unable to make "perfect" choices 100% of the time! How is this a genetic defect on any level? Its so convoluted this weird wedding of modern science and bronze age superstitions. Add to it the jw doctrine/bible teaching that adam had to be banned from the garden so he didnt eat from the tree of life and thus keep living! That particular teaching dosent harmonize at all since it ties life to the eating of fruit from a certain tree, NOT sin or genetics or the weird amalgamation of the two.
Its no secret im not a bible believer at this point but if anyone could shed light on a christian persepective on this is be interested in reading it
These guys crash a Kingdom Hall on Memorial, video included
by Crazyguy inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=7mars2mtaui.
to funny nice job....
indeed, DJS. As has been noted however, this stunt seemed more abput garnering attention and self importance than actually helping the people in that hall. A better motive would lead to more rational actions and more favorable results. -
These guys crash a Kingdom Hall on Memorial, video included
by Crazyguy inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=7mars2mtaui.
to funny nice job....
DJS, I find you and i agree on many things but i diverge slightly on the issue of assumed nonviolence of the agitators. I wouldnt go so far as to say i assume they WOULD be violent, but once they step outside of accepted social norms and disrupt a church service all presumption of peaceable intent is lost to me. -
Hold Me, Thrill Me
by Hold Me-Thrill Me ini'm going to be honest and from the heart when i say that for 40 years in the jw religion i was very happy in my ignorance!
man, what a trip it was.
i loved every minute of it but then i was absent the bad in my religion.
No need to apologize. I didnt suffer at the hands of the org per say, meaning it wasnt mistreatment that woke me up. We all have varying paths to finding the truth. -
Is door to door activity over?
by badcompany injust curious about others experience.
i've been living just a few miles from a kingdom hall for 9 years.
i've been called on 0 times.
It is for me ;) -
Disturbing Demon Watchtower Subliminal (NEW)
by artcritic inwarning children do not enter this page or those who are sensitive.
i have warned you.
scroll to bottom of page.
😂 -
Disturbing Demon Watchtower Subliminal (NEW)
by artcritic inwarning children do not enter this page or those who are sensitive.
i have warned you.
scroll to bottom of page.
sigh... Wow. Talk about stretching..... Im not sure the warning for children was nessary since theres actually nothing to see. I barely see it when you highlight it and use your mirror image technique on it, let alone see it when the picture is unmodified.