JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
How do JW's know that the bible is inspired?
by cappytan inasked a friend of mine this question the other day.
here was his answer: "well, because paul said, 'all scripture is inspired of god...'".
but seriously, that argument is like saying, "the bible is inspired because it says so!
Cappy, you are spot on. At the risk of beating a dead horse google a youtube video entittled "kissing hanks ass". It shows the insanity of the bibles inspiration among other things -
Prayer During District Assemblies
by Tenacious inthere's something that i've always wondered about yet could never truly understand.
does anyone know why during district assemblies a prayer is done during the last day after coming back from lunch?.
i can't quite remember if it's done other days but i believe this is done on the last day.
Stillin nailed it. That is the sole reason. All for show for the visitors -
Something tells me 1914...
by Monsieur inafter todays watchtower lesson, and the lessons coming, something tells me bigger and bigger new understandings are coming.
and that it will culminate with 1914. notice how jesus is now coming, and no longer already here.
the current understanding is both, he is here and hes also coming.
Possibly, they do need to jettison it at some point, but for now on the JW app there is a long video explaining it as truth. When that video disapears we will know the jig is up. For now... 1914, christ enthronement blah blah all "truth" -
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
I find it telling that you dont think Thor is real in this universe but your desert god of the jews is.... -
Comments at the WT this morning
by OneFingerSalute inso as i am "listening" to the wt study going on this question was asked.
"how do you feel about refined understanding?".
some of the comments were:.
Yea this particular bit of tripe was galling. Until today it types/antitypes were "truth". NOW they are not and every is cool with them not being "truth" as of today. They spend an hour explaining why they were wrong but its ok! We have it right now and isnt it soooooo awesome that we have it all together!!!! -
"New" publications
by leaving_quietly inlooks like two "new" publications are available on their website.
i put "new" in quotation marks because these appear to simply be the introduction in their rnwt in one and the appendices, maps, charts, etc.
publications named "an introduction to god's word" and "a study guide for god's word".
Yea they mentioned somewhere along the line that they were going to do this... Its just the info from the front of the silver bible -
Are the writers in the writing department purposely misquoting people?
by paulmolark inafter reading that great post about the june 1 article on science i got to thinking.
although it is great to believe there is this huge group of guys in the jw writing department that are constantly looking to mislead us by twisting the words of scientist etc... i really think it is more likely they are google researchers that do not have the ability to grasp the thoughts that are being expressed in the scientific article they quote mine from.. i honestly believe the reason that this happens is because of the individuals they use to write these magazines.
these are not college educated men.
Amd this is by no means limited to dubbie land. Its an age old newspaper ploy, the modern term being "pull quote" , to a one sentance snippet and run with it . You find snippet "A" that says what you want it to say, in context or not, and run with it knowing 99% will never verify it. -
behind the curtain: literature offer for the month
by Magnum ini was an extremely sincere, zealous pioneer.
i really cared about the people in the field.
i thought their lives were in danger.
@driving force- yes that is true but it was only a few years ago that they directed that. -
May tv broadcast
by New day insomebody on another thread suggested that those still in could express their opinions on steven lett's performance.
i am still in and i was shocked, dismayed and saddened by it.
i became a witness over 30 yrs ago and the issue of donations was a non-issue for so many years.. now, it is a huge one for the org.
Are you suggesting that a singing contribution box would be worse than the christian rock ballad they actually did use...? Never in my life would i have ever believed the org would use such a song to beg for money. I would have been less shocked at a singing contribution box. -
CO letter about using time or money to help out in Napal!
by DwainBowman ini was talking to my brother this morning.
last night at his meeting, they read a letter from their co. he talked about the earthquake.
he said that if some were moved to maybe take some vacation time, and go do volunteer work in napal.
That is interesting..... I never questioned it because the context seemed to support the pushing ahead rendering