JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
"This Generation"-- New Light AGAIN
by FusionTheism innew "jesus--the way" book, pages 258-259: .
"truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.matthew 24:32-34. thus, when his disciples see the many different features of the sign being fulfilled, they should realize that the end is near.".
so now "this generation" is simply the disciples who see all the many different features of the sign?.
I can see that, cappy and OTWO. Especially with regard to printing things generically so as to allow for future changes which is sort of my point. If they believed the overlapping thing was long term why not print it there...? Instead its gone from both the insight book and the revised greatest man book. I cant help but feel this signals a change is imminent, although i freely admit that there is some wishful thinking on my part thrown in... -
"This Generation"-- New Light AGAIN
by FusionTheism innew "jesus--the way" book, pages 258-259: .
"truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.matthew 24:32-34. thus, when his disciples see the many different features of the sign being fulfilled, they should realize that the end is near.".
so now "this generation" is simply the disciples who see all the many different features of the sign?.
Thats my question/speculation blondie. It dosent specifically undo the overlapping nonsense but it is conspicuous by its absence -
"This Generation"-- New Light AGAIN
by FusionTheism innew "jesus--the way" book, pages 258-259: .
"truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.matthew 24:32-34. thus, when his disciples see the many different features of the sign being fulfilled, they should realize that the end is near.".
so now "this generation" is simply the disciples who see all the many different features of the sign?.
Wow.... I need to read that (my head hurts just thinking about thinking about that) but that may be all i need to exit stage right, through the door even.... -
Doing away with Calculating How Close we are to THE END
by FusionTheism inthe watchtower study edition, august 2015, "keep in expectation!
" article:.
paragraph 3: "after looking forward to the end of this system for what may seem to be a long time, however, some may wonder, do we still have sound reasons to keep in expectation?
Im not sure i can catagorize this as 'new light' per say becuase it just typical FOG from a cult, but it does seem to lend itself towards a future official revision of the generation teaching. On a personal note i really really need these sons of bitches to revise that crap. As soon as that wt comes out im officially done. I have made such a stink over that amongst those i care about, for it to be officially change will be all i need to be 'stumbled' out of this god forsaken cult. Please please please brooklyn publish something official on that!!!! -
Being lied to by parents
by What is Truth? ini mean pretty much all parents lie to their children at some point about something and usually it was to protect them or just wasn't something important and it normally doesn't affect the relationship between them and their child.
but how does a person reconcile and recover their appreciation for their parents after finding out almost everything they taught them was an evil lie?
i don't mean going back to the same relationship as i know that is gone, especially if the parents are still deceived.
Respectfully, thats immaturity talking. As someone who grew up in the cult who is now a parent, i assure you your parents belived it and did their best with what they had, like most parents. Love them and help them if they are so inclined, if not.... Just love them as you would want your kids to love you dispite your imperfections :) -
rc if you are df your not considers a sheep but if you just become inactive and sin you are still a sheep
by poopie inwow i was at regional today
And as any elder can testify, the differance between being DF'd and not is a vote of three of men. Hows that for being arbitrary...... Your eternal life depends on not having pissed off two of the influential people on a JC or them not having a personality conflict with you. -
LOL LOL LOL!!!!! Has the G.B./Org ALREADY left this planet????
by The Searcher inat 10m 20secs of the convention's new video release, the father tells his daughter that she is too young at 17-18 years old to consider dating - because even at 18 years old, her husband wouldn't be mature enough to be her 'spiritual head'!.
i'll bet her father had her baptized when she was "spiritually mature" enough at 10 years of age!
the org's chariot is really being driven out of control by some guys who are heading for a thelma & louise finale - keep this stuff coming, please!!!!.
Well, to barrow logic from mothers of long ago: if person x jumped off a brodge would you follow?
In other words, the fact that your wife got baptised at 15 dosent make it any more smart for someone else. It also dosent make it legal or mean your daughter was smart enough to know what she was doing.... Your point remains valid and on target. At 15 neither you nor your wife would have allowed to marry. The org preaches baptism as even more serious.
How do i know when the GB are lying...?
their lips are moving
Planning for the future: Funerals
by enigma1863 inmy dad is now the only jw in my family.
i am technically inactive.
i am concerned about when he dies.
I totally agree funnerals are for the living. If no other realitives are dubbies.... Do as u see fit. -
Lett likes big butts, and he always lies.
by cappytan inthe parody video is being released before the "official" release on sunday!.
video being re-edited...stand by.. edit: here is the re-cut with wingcommander's excellent input.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5h1cj527s4.
I just watched this again.... It made rotflmao all over again