JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
ladies , its not just me, is it?..
by sowhatnow inok ladies, has there been any documented studies on the role religion or society plays in keeping women in an economical and social disadvantaged state ?
im wondering how many other women out there in the world, who either being raised or being long term followers of a strict religious faith,with traditional family structures, have upon either divorce or death of a spouse find it nearly impossible to find a mate or economic stability , and live out the remainder of their lives struggling and either bouncing from one guy to another, being disappointed or used, or simply alone.
i have personally felt, that i, being a xjw and now divorced woman , with no acceptable work skills,[ ie: fancy resume with degrees] living of low wage part time work and barely any alimony , will simply be viewed as someone trying to get another man to support her.
Well, as someone also not a woman, i can only offer my male perspective: you dated two guys, you didnt hit it off immediately (so it seems).... Thats life. Two guys out of thousands in your area. Its a small sample size. I would keep looking, maybe vary where you look and keep an open mind about who you are willing to give a shot too yourself. If your only looking at fairly well to do men in your age range , meaning stable with good jobs amd no wife, your going to keep getting the same result. Guys looking for a good time with minimal strings attached. Theres a reason they have gone this long not married or divorced themselves. They dont want marrige. Maybe you could look at guys who are not as well off, perhaps who have fallen on hard times etc etc, maybe a bit of shared circumstances would give a chance for more intimate understanding of one another... Just a thought.... -
Lol his initials are "NA", right cappy ;) -
Jw cappy.... -
They dared !
by coalize in.
i can't believe they had the cheek to come out with that explanation.. it's no more "new light" it's "new scam"!!
Your even assuming mark and claire are real. They could be andre's parents -
Eternal life through brain transplant into an android body only a matter of time. Religion no longer needed.
by fukitol inhumanity doesn't need to continue believing in hocus pocus pie in the sky religious hogwash and pipe dreams to have hope of everlasting life.
nor is it necessary to find the fountain of youth or turn off the aging process.. it's only a matter of time until science achieves it.
maybe not decades away, maybe not even centuries, but eventually..... ....mankind will achieve eternal life through a transplant of the human brain into a future highly advanced robotic body.. already the scientific fundmentals for it exist.
Wow with android bodies how long could generations overlap....? -
Who was Jesus?
by Coded Logic inwho/what do you think jesus was?
and how did you arrive at that conclusion?
Forget jesus, who was Bilbo Baggins????
Probable Discovery of Life on Comet Philae
by cofty inaccording to leading astronomers the probe philae that landed on the comet 67p last november may have discovered microbial life..... sadly neither the probe nor the orbiter rosetta are equipped to test directly but the evidence is interesting.
these are not easily explained in terms of prebiotic chemistry.
the dark material is being constantly replenished as it is boiled off by heat from the sun.
Calling it "probable" seems a bit optimistic. It would be better categorized as "possible"... But interesting and exciting nontheless! -
Eternal life through brain transplant into an android body only a matter of time. Religion no longer needed.
by fukitol inhumanity doesn't need to continue believing in hocus pocus pie in the sky religious hogwash and pipe dreams to have hope of everlasting life.
nor is it necessary to find the fountain of youth or turn off the aging process.. it's only a matter of time until science achieves it.
maybe not decades away, maybe not even centuries, but eventually..... ....mankind will achieve eternal life through a transplant of the human brain into a future highly advanced robotic body.. already the scientific fundmentals for it exist.
So does Dr Gero..... -
Evidence of God.
by Jaewook kim insugar water will show blue light over the sun.. salt water will show red light over the sun.. our body components, salt sugar water.. blue blood vein and red blood... definition of our body in his form.. this is the evidence, of our god..
Evidence- the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
there you go! Now that you know evidence is, you can fix your post to read "stupid idea that proves nothing more than that users will click on thing for a laugh"
Mufasa!!!!! Oh oh oh say it again.....