In answer to the seven points of Perry
1) Socialism benefits the few at the expense of the many : TRUE, that's why is a better system for everybody, except the few. A country with 100 people not poor is better than a country with 2 very rich and 98 very poor!
2) Capitalism encourages entrepreneurship while socialism discourages it : FALSE! It discourages entrepeneurship for those who just want to use this way to make more money. It never discourage entrepeneurship for those who have a great idee and want to make something usefull.
3) Capitalism leads to innovation : False, for the same reason than before! It's not the capitalism who leads innovation, but the education!
4) Capitalism produces more economic growth : TRUE, when the economic climate is good. But when the climate is down, capitalism produces more economic disaster.
5) Socialism is too slow to adapt : TRUE, it's just a consequence of the one before. Socialism is like a diesel. More slow to react but more resistant to attacks..
6) Socialism is inherently wasteful : TRUE and FALSE. So is the capitalism. A socialism well managed is less wasteful than a capitalism well managed. A socialism badly managed is more wasteful than a capitalism badly managed
7) Capitalism works in concert with human nature while socialism works against it : TRUE, VERY TRUE. That's why socialism is far more civilizated than capitalism. Capitalism is a prehistoric jungle, socialism is an advanced civilisation. To be civilised is to go against your human nature to live together!