I have grown to hate when people like esse come on this site and spew their vile over others. His experience as mentioned before is just that his. There is nothing wrong with that. Where I take issue is when he and others like him start casting his experiences upon others as though they had similar or the same upbringing.
What about those that have been abused. Had a friend or family member commit suicide. Have a close friend or relative die because the parents refused to allow their child to have a blood transfusion.
It is for this reason that he and others like him are FUQIN A**HOLES. People are dying here. Stop being like the KINGS of FUQIN A**HOLES those at the top of this cult that continue to kill people.
Stop telling people how they should feel, act, or otherwise. It's not any of our places to do so. Everyone here are at different places depending on the extent of indoctrination and personal experiences. People like esse drive me nuts because they can push someone already on the edge looking here over that edge. I personally want others like me who are starting to come out to not have to continue to endure others judgemental attitudes.