the NWT would read
"If anyone [appointed] among you, my [brooklyn] brothers, claims to be [other than] a Governing Body, they are really big assholes and liars."
i was reading a "bible teaching sheet" printed of the cbn website this morning.
i went to look up a scripture they refered to, romans 3:34 in my father's black j.w.
bible, and it was not there.
the NWT would read
"If anyone [appointed] among you, my [brooklyn] brothers, claims to be [other than] a Governing Body, they are really big assholes and liars."
just wanted to mention i reached my next (un)theocratic goal: with this month not turning in a fieldservice report, after six month in a row being irregular, i have become inactive
As i don't want to DA myself nor want to be DFed ... i think it is called fading if i just don't go there anymore. When starting i didn't expect it to be so easy, never got a call because of non-present fs report.
just wanted to mention i reached my next (un)theocratic goal: with this month not turning in a fieldservice report, after six month in a row being irregular, i have become inactive
Just wanted to mention i reached my next (un)theocratic goal: with this month not turning in a fieldservice report, after six month in a row being irregular, i have become inactive
comments you will not hear at the 5-30-04 (week of 5-24-31, 2004) wt study (4-15-04) abbreviated
review comments
will be in black and parentheses ().
I also thought of the rendering of "loving-kindness" to be a strange way opening this article. Often it is translated with loyalty - and we know this should be on the FDS.
Also Threats and acts of terrorism could really be things who make it difficult to help others. The brother helping to fix the car must be very brave - you never know if it's not a car-bomb.
as soon as anyone knows the new releases can you post on this site please?
How about posting the badge, is it copyright protected? Would be fun to wear it at the convention ... if going there to get new publication.
on saturday may 29th, there will be a talk given at the district assembly in my area, called "walking in the path of increasing light".
i will not be able to attend this talk.
does anyone have any insight as to whether this is an announcement of some "new light"?
These talks are normally used to show how the knowledge increased during the last years / decades. Just some historical review i would guess ... i.e. boring stuff.
from our readers (awake!
july 8 2004)
pinatas i read with interest the article ?the pinata - an ancient tradition?
For me it seems they definitely say "no, don't extend this to other things like birthday party or chrismas" while not stating it clearly.
Odd enough ... this clarification comes in an answer to a letter of readers! Who - apart of apostates - puts attention to this?
Before starting the fade i reported the time in about 5 minutes parts. I took the overtime for the next month and couldn't imagine that some of the brothers where cheating. But the last months i just wrote something - so the elders won't inquire
we'll be at the meeting on sunday with old jw friends (of a different congo).
it'll be the visit of the co we missed due to an apostata fest.
what is strange: i tried to prepare for the wt-study and could hardly go through the heading scripture (wonder how blondie does it every week.
I'm sure at least th CO knows of it. Two elders met me and talked about the meeting (i thought it'll be about the UN thingy i asked them) and the PO said "you know, heaven sees all"
I'm not quite sure if we are gonna tell them about our status - they both are grown up "in the truth" - so we'll see.
we'll be at the meeting on sunday with old jw friends (of a different congo).
it'll be the visit of the co we missed due to an apostata fest.
what is strange: i tried to prepare for the wt-study and could hardly go through the heading scripture (wonder how blondie does it every week.
We'll be at the meeting on sunday with old JW friends (of a different congo). It'll be the visit of the CO we missed due to an apostata fest
What is strange: i tried to prepare for the WT-Study and could hardly go through the heading scripture (wonder how blondie does it every week)
Did some of you ever tried to "pre-study" and how did you manage it? For me it is only some months of not attending and i have been so upset by those thoughts of intoctrination - i hardly can stand.
We do it - i hope - just to give a good (un)witness