i got six the first time
Posts by tink
Opinions Please....Engagement Timing
by Stacy Smith ini've been seeing a very nice guy for two months now, every day, almost every minute.
as you know it can become very obvious when a guy is about to pop the question.. i have been very honest with him about when i'd be willing to marry, which is to say not until i graduate from college which is still a 1 1/2 years away, of course i hear things like "well a couple can wait but be commited right"?.
anyway i've bounced this off of my friends and have several opinions already but i thought i'd ask it here.. how long would you date someone before you considered accepting an engagement ring?
i don't think she's stringing him along. just because she may not be ready for a proposal yet doesn't mean she's not genuinely interested in building a future with him.
marriage = jw + jw
by HapEMelissa indoes the marriage of an active jw have to be to another active and practicing jw?
thank you for posting that. that is absolutely the best, most hilarious thing i have read all day!!!! i copied it and sent it to like three people already. it was too good to keep it to myself.
Arson at the Kingdom Hall
by detective ini hope this isn't a repeat... .
from yesterday's boston globe: .
That only contributes to their sense of martyrdom and to their persecution complex, making them think that they are (of course) the true faith since no other churches in town got torched
that's exactly what i was thinking. i mean, it's terrible that the congregation was burned down, but you know this event will be milked for all it's worth and then some.
Best Films Ever..........
by ScoobySnax into be safe, as usual i resort to fluff........ ok your favourite and worst top 3 films ever.... top.
1. starwars.... rotj.
2. jurassic park.
Man from Snowy River
i absolutely freaking LOVE this movie!! it is probably the only movie i loved as a child that has lived up to my memories of it as an adult. classic. love it. i had such a huuuuuuuge crush on jim craig as a kid!!!
czar, i'm surprised you found 'the royal tenenbaums' depressing. i thought it was overwhelmingly charming and sweet. i love wes anderson.
Another one of my lunatic ideas....
by logansrun inyou know, i was thinking to myself the other day.
"self: why did you leave the jws the way you did?
there are all sorts of marginalized young vixens who are hot and horny -- you should have stayed in, hung out along the periphery and engaged in all manner of licentiousness.
*cue the sesame street music*
this and most other recent posts by bradley brought to you by the letters S, E, and X, and by the number 3.
sunny days....
you're so subtle, bradley, i can't possibly imagine what's been on your mind lately.
Do you believe in Soul Mates?
by Lost Diamond inhow many here believe that we all have a soulmate somewhere in this world that is especially for us, or do you believe that the person we happen to fall in love with becomes our soul mate?
i don't believe in soul mates and i never have. but then again i don't believe in destiny or the existence of "souls". i think there are lots of people out there who could be equally "right" for any given person....that's a comforting notion, in my opinion.
*cough* *cough* *sniff*
by tink inuuuugh, i feel like i have one foot in the grave right now.
i am soooo miserably sick it is unbelievable.
i really thought i was going to die yesterday, i had this horrible raspy cough and a super high fever, you know the kind that makes you feel as if you're moving under water?
eeew MD!!!
spoil yourself
on that note, i'm off to a bubble bath with a cup of tea and a good book :)
I want to ask her out...
by DanTheMan inthere's a girl in my math class at community college who...omg she is such a hottie.
a babe-alicious babe.. i am very inexperienced in these matters, i guess you could say i'm relationship challenged.. how do i approach her?
she seems to struggle a bit with the material we're covering in class, and it comes pretty easy to me.
that you all really do want us to approach you, which is the opposite of how I tend to think.
i think it's all in the approach itself. stuff like honking your horn at a girl crossing the street or making sexual comments to her as she passes you standing with a bunch of your friends or doing anything that makes her feel as if she is being made a spectacle of is definitely not appreciated. but if someone approaches me in a nice respectful way and doesn't try to act like something they're not, i always appreciate the gesture, and i always make sure to be really nice and thank the person for making an effort even if i'm not single or particularly interested in them....positive reinforcement never hurts, i guess :)
*cough* *cough* *sniff*
by tink inuuuugh, i feel like i have one foot in the grave right now.
i am soooo miserably sick it is unbelievable.
i really thought i was going to die yesterday, i had this horrible raspy cough and a super high fever, you know the kind that makes you feel as if you're moving under water?
lol @ stacy!!! i feel a bit better, but i've still called in sick to work. i have absolutely no speaking voice. i barely even have a squeak left in me.