That it was the "TRUTH"!!!!!
for me it was the belief that all people who refuse to become jws are intrinsically bad.
if someone doesn't accept the "truth", naturally it's because "satan-the-devil" has hardened their hearts.
when you're a dub, you tend to ignore the ramifications of this.
That it was the "TRUTH"!!!!!
workmates, friends, school friends etc,.
do you ever mention it, or if someone asks you your religion, do you ever mention it, or keep it in your past ??
I am happy to say it now!! I tell everyone I grew up in a CULT! When they look at me confused, I explain I was a Jehovah Witness and then tell them how brainwashed everyone is. I feel it's my duty to get the word out. PC
the idea of god is either a fact,like sand,or a fantasy,like santa.. the idea of god has guided or deluded more lives,changed more history,inspired more music and poetry and philosophy than anything else,real or has made more of a difference to human life on this planet,both individually and collectively,than anything else ever has.. to see this clearly for yourself,just try this thought experiment:.
suppose no one in history had ever conceived the idea of,rewrite history following that premise.the task daunts and staggers the imagination.
.from the earliest human remains----- religious funeral artifacts-----to the most recent wars in the mideast,religion----belief in a god or gods----has been the mainspring of the whole watch that is human history.. if the idea of god is a fantasy,a human invention,it is the greatest invention of all human history.. there are only two possibilities,"to be or not to be",that is the question.. blueblades
For myself, I believe God is real. I have found since leaving the JW organization he is much more in my life. I often wonder why (and this is just about me not meant to insinute anything about anyone else) all the doubt. In the end if I'm wrong who cares. I hopefully lead a life not looking down on anyone else, respecting everyone's views. I am not here to be a preacher. I teach my children everyone is a special gift. For the really horrible events, I can't possibly understand why they happen, so I don't try. When I die I believe there is a reward and nothing I can possibly imagine could be as grand as God has planned. I read the bible and feel God's mercy for us will be much greater than we could ever understand. I look at the Bible and the historical evidence of Jesus and what that crucifiction was like. I look at the way Jesus lived and I thank God for his son. PC
i find myself going through the motions whenever holiday time rolls around, you know, just going with the crowd, etc., but in my heart of hearts holidays mean nothing to me; so i don't ever feel like decorating or doing anything personally that is holiday-related.
am i the only one who feels this way?
could it be a result of my jw upbringing?
I too have felt the same as everyone else here. Even though I've been celebrating holidays since my kids were born(about 12 years). This year is was so different. After finding this website and reading COC and other books I felt no longer guilty. I have started traditions with my family and hopefully they will carry them to theirs. The main thing I found is to do something in the community to help others. I remember my mom always saying things like" so they give a family food for Christmas and then nothing for the rest of the year" or " everyone I speak with say's you have the right idea, I can't wait till it's all over". I found it very different. We got involved with a program and gave food to a family who needed some help. MY kids helped and we bought some gifts for the family and felt great. Something is better than nothing in my book. That's the problem with JW's, they do NOTHING for anyone. They are the least charitible organization out there. PC
i always thought around 125 or so.
i just asked my brother how many are in his hall and he said about 80. i thought that sounded very low.
anyone have any info?
I always thought around 125 or so. I just asked my brother how many are in his hall and he said about 80. I thought that sounded very low. Anyone have any info? PC
so the latest is, that micheal jackson has been drinking wine out of soda cans and giving it kids.
its bad enough that he's drinking alcohol out of soda cans, but then giving it kids.. and the best part, white wine=jesus juice; red wine=jesus blood.
can these tales get any more sordid?
So maybe that's how his hair caught on fire during that coke commercial years ago, the Jack Daniels ignited!!! LOL PC
i remember when they would discourage kids from taking colors or coloring books to the meetings.
so i thought ok, i will give my kid a pen and my book of bible stories to keep him busy.
then they said that was a bad idea because he might write on the furniture and it wasnt good to teach them to write on the wbt publications.
Blondie, I was visiting my parents. How old I was had no baring on the incident. The elder was single, and a hard nosed JW and didn't want to be disrupted during the book study. It wasn't that my parents supported me or not, the elder wouldn't do it. So that's the whole point. He didn't want to be inconvienced for some 2 year old. That was another example of how the Witnesses operate. pc
i remember when they would discourage kids from taking colors or coloring books to the meetings.
so i thought ok, i will give my kid a pen and my book of bible stories to keep him busy.
then they said that was a bad idea because he might write on the furniture and it wasnt good to teach them to write on the wbt publications.
I remember visiting my parents, and they of course they wanted me to go to the book study with them. My first child was about 2 years old at the time. First, when we got there we all had to use the back door, take off our shoes, and walk on the plastic runners. Then during the study my son started getting tired and crying alittle. I decided to take my dad's car and go back to their house. The study conductor was parked behind my dad's car in the driveway.He would not move his car during the study. I had to sit in the car for the next 40 minutes till it was over and "HE" decided to leave. I was so angry I almost could not control myself. I just ranted and ranted at my parents. Another story of the LOVE the JW'S show for children.
i mean when it comes to life, death, god, the universe etc.
have you gone and learned about other religions.
what do you feel is the purpose of life?
Greeting's Joysome.
This is just my read on religion. I am certainly not looking down on anyone or expecting anyone to agree with me. What I have come away with is the feeling I had my whole life growing up a JW. I think the bible gives some great advice. It's mankind that screws it all up. The whole thread that runs through the bible is LOVE. I think if everyone treated each other the way they wanted to be treated we would all be much happier. In regards to life I try to experience all that God has given us. The earth is a remarkable place and there are remarkable people. I take advantage of both. In regards to death I believe there is a heaven I'm not sure what or where that is. Jesus came as a gift for all of us and who am I to even begin to suggest who's included and who's not.
Anyway, just my thoughts not that anyone cares!!!
thursday afternoon i picked up three friends of ours from england: a dear elderly jw lady (who hates that term) who is headed for 80 faster than she'd like, her son, and her son-in-law.
son hasn't been "in" the witnesses for years and years and years -- drifted out -- and sil is an elder.
i was nervous.
Nina, I so happy for you. It sounds like they're good, loving people which is what JW's are suppose to be. It gives everyone hope, that there's a chance, that someone else will have that kind of experience. PC