Like people did to me when I went out in service, HIDE BEHIND THE CURTAINS AND WAIT TILL THEY LEAVE!! LOL pc
Posts by pc
How Do You Handle Dubs At The Door?
by Elmer J. Fudd init seems as though i'm never prepared.
i would love to have a simple statement to present to them.
any suggestions?.
Brooklyn Building sale
by pc ini told my dad that it was rumored that the building sold for 120 mil.
my dad said no he heard about 200 mil.
not sure if that's true or not.
Pintail- Welcome I haven't had the opportunity to welcome you. PC
Brooklyn Building sale
by pc ini told my dad that it was rumored that the building sold for 120 mil.
my dad said no he heard about 200 mil.
not sure if that's true or not.
I told my dad that it was rumored that the building sold for 120 mil. my dad said no he heard about 200 mil. Not sure if that's true or not. So I say" man their getting as rich as the catholic church 950 mil a year plus 200 mil not to bad".(LOL) He then acts proud of it(how disgusting). So I say you would thing they could pay the poor bethelites aliitle more than 90 bucks a month. He says well they take care of everything for them. It's just so pathetic.
Joan Cetnar from PFO Ministries
by ellderwho inthis past weekend my wife and i had the privilege of having joan cetnar stay in our home for the weekend to attend a counter-cult seminar at deputydogs(forum poster)church.. she is a forth generation witness, who lived a few miles from bethel on her familys farm.
she told stories of her youth, like when the brass from the towers would come to her familys farm for a little r & r. these are the likes of covington, knorr to name a few.
i sat there in amazment listening to her tell these stories with such insight on the upper echelon of the org.
I think I am going to the conference. Some of my families old friends who have been out for years told me about it. They now live out in Oregon, but come back here to go to it every year. PC
Hola, amigas y amigos! Es Cinco de Mayo!
by Nathan Natas in.
that's about everything from my hs spanish class.... this margarita's for you!
Sounds like a great idea, I'll join you. Mine will be homemade red wine. pc
I received an e-mail from Ray Franz
by pc ini wrote to him to express my utmost respect for him and his wife and all they did by writing his books.
i wasn't going to say anything about it to anyone because i thought maybe that would be disrespectful to him.
to day in rereading it for the 20th time i just felt so melonchly about it.
I wrote to him to express my utmost respect for him and his wife and all they did by writing his books. I wasn't going to say anything about it to anyone because I thought maybe that would be disrespectful to him. To day in rereading it for the 20th time I just felt so melonchly about it. His 82nd birthday is May 8th. What a truly wonderful and loving man and to have been so persecuted by the JW's. I haven't been posting very much because I go between anger and such complete sadness. I really haven nothing to be sad about however. I have a great life, wondeful marriage and kids. I won't really loose anyone because most of my family is out. It's my dad and my brother who are still in. I just can't believe sometimes how we all stayed in for so long. I have been trying to talk to my brother and his wife but they just think everything is made up. Anyway this is kind of a bizarre post but I know everyone here for the most part will completely understand.(That is the sadest part of all)!!! hugs to all PC
WBTS Rand Cam Scandal
by nemo inthis is my first time posting on any site.
i am still one of jehovah's witnesses but am inquiring about information about rand cam.
i have recently been questioning my faith and the organization, due to some situations.
I have a question about the Rand Cam. I was speaking to my sister-in-law about the UN and she was not disturbed by it(Duh! LOL), but I mentioned the Rand Cam and she got interested. I have read alot of the posts on it. What I was questioning is did they know the engine was going to be used for military and when was that? (Does my question make any sense)? PC
Daughter Has Lump On Throat
by Corvin inlast week, my middle daughter, 15, found a large lump in her throat.
it was about the size of a quarter.
when she pointed it out, it was very visible.. the doctor said, after viewing the ultra-sound pics, that it was either a cyst with an unusual hardened mass inside or a carsanoma, [not sure of spelling] a cancer attached to her thyroid.
I hope and pray that it is nothing to serious with your daughter!
I also want to let you know of a great book if it turns out to be a thyroid issue. The Thyroid Solution by Ridha Arem M.D. I was recently diagnosed with a condition called Hashimotos thyroiditis and I have done alot of reasearch involving the thyroid gland. If you have any questions I would be more than happy to answer or tell you where to go to get some information.
Again, even though you may not believe in it, I will pray for her. (((hugs))) PC
JW's just called on me.
by pc ini just had a 40 minute discussion with two jw's.
i told them i really can't believe jesus was ever an angel.
i showed them rev 22:12-21. i told him that clearly states jehovah and jesus are both called alpha and omega.
They also asked me if I thought that there was one religion that was right. I said no, I believe that anyone could be saved. Thay said did I believe that there ever was a chosen people, and I said yes. They then said that all had lost favor at one time. I said so you believe that there was no one following God throughout the rest of history after the Jews. They said yes until the Watchtower. So now I am going to show them research on the beginnings of the JWs. Pefect way to bring up the information on Russell and Rutherford. PC
JW's just called on me.
by pc ini just had a 40 minute discussion with two jw's.
i told them i really can't believe jesus was ever an angel.
i showed them rev 22:12-21. i told him that clearly states jehovah and jesus are both called alpha and omega.
They also said that the JW's are humble because they have changed things when they received new light. They said" the other churches never change anything".