Hold me! *wimpers*
Tell me you did not say this.
A child yes, a woman maybe, a grown man afraid of ???
Hold me! *wimpers*
Tell me you did not say this.
A child yes, a woman maybe, a grown man afraid of ???
i've visited this board before and enjoyed it very much.
i was disfellowshipped many years ago, then went through 7 years of not even thinking about jws.
three years ago i started studying the bible.
Hi paulE I enjoyed reading your post. I could relate and had to laugh when the customer said the Witnesses "was not very satisfying spiritually" It was a compliment to you and no doubt your 'normalness.' The Witnesses have become so much about rules and so little about genuiness I'm surprised anyone joins them. The relentless conditioning we recieved from the WTS is deep and long lasting I afraid...but not permanent!
i was outside watching a yellow jacket fly about collecting pollen from the clovers out by the smoke area.
it was pretty neat.
how does it know these are flowers?
It was pretty amazing and interesting. I attribute it to God making all things for their purpose
I agree whole heartedly. Creation is wonderfuly DEEP.
I think the only reasons people don't believe or don't want to believe in the existance of a Creator is the gross errors of 'religion' or the 'accountability factor.' Many people just don't want to answer and be accountabe to anyone, even God.
hebrews 5: 11-13
11we have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn.
12in fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of god's word all over again.
Has the average dubs brain become so atrophied that he has to be told to be nice to people?
Atrophied by design. The progressive dumbing-down of the congregation is both deliberate and calculated. It leaves a vacuum in the thinking abilities of any Witnesses who doesn't fight to keep their minds clear and focused.
Not only is the Watchtower down to serving milk, not solid food, they?re putting it in sippy cups so nobody makes a mess.
This was FUNNY!
...the WT articles for study, is aimed at behavior modification, and presented at such an elemental, really condescending level.
Your right, behavior modification is the goal. Combined with social engineering to produce the GB's vision of a Spiritual Master Race. Condescension is ALL they know. Their elitists dealing with the ignorant rabble beneath them.
some dumb congressman taking a loaded glock pistol onto an aircraft.. a guy was just jailed for 9 months in the uk for arriving at heathrow (from washington dulles) with amminution in his jacket.
but hey, he wasn't a congressman ... just a black guy.
Anyone who travels a lot and has make-do accomodations can easily forget things,
When I used to carry my (licensed) handgun, I knew at ALL TIMES its location.
comments you will not hear at the 4-18-04 (week of 4/12-18, 2004) wt study (march 1, 2004 issue)
review comments will be in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes will be in red and quotes "".
They are "measuring themselves by themselves" by researching the WTS publications, not the Bible.
That explains why they started quoting themselves in their publications. When I first saw that many years ago, I thought, 'What???' I knew they had desended farther, I just didn't know why...Now I know. Thanks.
some dumb congressman taking a loaded glock pistol onto an aircraft.. a guy was just jailed for 9 months in the uk for arriving at heathrow (from washington dulles) with amminution in his jacket.
but hey, he wasn't a congressman ... just a black guy.
Typical Double-Standard when applying the law! You know the outcome if it were any of us sneaking a gun on board!
Yes, jail him, definately!
since many of us have been coming to this board for a while and have gotten to know each other, some may have forgotten about our jw stories of how we all got here.
why dont we all pick one or two important posts from our past, that either we wrote as our introduction, or that someone else wrote that helped you.
it would be great to be refreshed of all your stories.. provide the link to it below:.
My parents kicked me out of their home 3 years ago when I started to question things. I was engaged to a ministerial servant and a regular pioneer shortly before everything happened. Although I haven't been DA'd or DF'd I have been labeled an "apostate." Up untill recently I have had NO relationship with my parents. My mother wrote me a letter recently asking me to repent and come back to Jehovah. I responded with the following letter. Her heart was softened and we have begun rebuilding our relationship. I'm posting this in it's entirety with nothing edited. I hope it may help some of you who are estranged from your family.
My situation is similar to yours (Flash's profile). I am waiting for the day when my children and my friends realise that God doesn't expect them to surrender their brains to men (no matter how spirit-directed) and that it's NOT a sin to think criticaly.
now is your chance to post your true sentiments.
this date will be my last post.. feel free to ridicule, humiliate, scorn, ravage, or whatever you all are used to..................as a disciple of christ, i should expect it.. brownboy
I guess I just bring out the best in people...............
Your probably not a bad guy, just don't come off like your the smartest one in the room.
now is your chance to post your true sentiments.
this date will be my last post.. feel free to ridicule, humiliate, scorn, ravage, or whatever you all are used to..................as a disciple of christ, i should expect it.. brownboy
Most people on this forum attempt to make some profound statement in hopes of gaining some recognition by their long time acquaintances. The truth is, most that are here to criticize the WTS have no room to talk. BrownboyI came from the same organization, and left just like everyone else for the most part.
I am not a part of the organization (WTS) which is based on falsehood, but I am a true witness of Jehovah in all respects.
Such meaningless words.........................no need for response. Don't expect anymore from me.............you all have a great day.
This is a bold statement, and I stand behind it 100%.
It is found in the bible book of Revelations................look it up.
..........How dare you call me stupid. I walk with the righteous ones.....................Jehovah is my witness. I have insight, and I understand................it is written in my heart. That is all you need to know from this point on...............
Brownboy, A Chosen One
Feel free to ridicule, humiliate, scorn, ravage, or whatever you all are used to..................as a disciple of Christ, I should expect it.
I don't need attention. My sole purpose of being here is to sound a warning of the things to come.
I have said enough here and have gained no ground. No serious debate has erupted where intelligent people can bring their minds together and formulate a possible answer to a serious topic..............the end of the world.
Feel free to post your feelings in debate .....please do it with respect and consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others..............have a great day.
You apparently don't know how to read. I will only respond to those that provide an intelligent response...
This will be my last posting. (14-Mar-04 08:01) I will provide further information on my web site at ..............thank you.
To everyone,
I have never placed myself above anyone. I speak truth. I am who I represent myself to be on this forum.
Come back when you have a balanced view of yourself!