Posts by Flash

  • jgnat

    Is Imperfection the same as Sin?

    by jgnat in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    lately i have made some pretty bold statements about the value of dialogue.

    so i thought i would put it in to practice.

    i've picked this topic, one i have not studied out thoroughly.

    1. Flash
    2. Narkissos
    3. Brummie
  • Flash
    Flash, by example and by definition, I have concluded that sin and imperfection are NOT the same. Sin is worse, because it is a willful choice. For instance , a child can make a bed imperfectly, but the act is not sinful. That same child, having a screaming tantrum in the middle of the bedroom floor because HE DOES NOT WANT to make the bed, is far worse than imperfect. It is willfull rebellion.

    We are in agreement. Unless the childs parents laid a law on the child for his bed to be made 'perfect' no sin is made. The differance is in our ability to consistantly choose at all levals in all areas to live by law or not. As it is now, we cannot by nature, flawlessly adhere to law, God's or man's. If I were perfect and were learning to play the piano, I, because of my inexperaince will make mistakes in playing the music. I will be for a time, un-skilled and my playing will be imperfect.

  • tresbella


    by tresbella in
    1. social
    2. physical

    )o.k so last night i made a vow of celibacy to god.

    an official promise in prayer to not fornicate so that maybe i too can have a special wedding night.

    (my boyfriend was surprisingly supportive) i remember reading a scripture that says a promise made to god should be taken very serious.

    1. Nosferatu
    2. Narkissos
    3. Flash
  • Flash
    1.) ...I remember reading a scripture that says a promise made to God should be taken very serious. Anyone have any suggestions in how I can keep it?

    Yes, it is. I suggest you watch where you are, who your with and when. Above all, NO PETTING!!! Keep your clothes on, your legs closed and stay sober!

    >>>>Keep focused.<<<<

    4.) ....I was accused of asking too many unnecessary questions and was in risk of "independant thinking" and not "conforming to Jehovah's standards" (this was due to my relentless research and the more I found out about like organ transplants, inconsistincies in the wt and failed prohecies; the more I wanted to speak up )

    Do not surrender your mind Jehovah doesn't require it! You may have to keep your mouth closed for now. We're all free and independant within our minds.

    I don' t have my college degree yet, no car, no money. (I'm only 21) so until I become independant I can't just say I don't wanna be a wittness anymore and still be able to live at home...let's not forget the fact that I would have to quit school so I can start working at walmart just so i can get by). And all for what? Just so I can "be true to myself?" I got the rest of my life for that. -TRESBELLA

    You already know the answer Tres;

    ....can I just put on that stepford smile and pretend I'm that perfect angel that the elders want me to be?

    Play the game until your out on your own, and without guilt. 'Dumb like a Fox' remember?
    5.) Where do you draw the line between being a follower of God and not being one? Is it your actions or faith or both. Can you be an ax murderer and bank robber but at the same time have faith in God and still be considered a follower of God?

    First answer, We either live by His standards or we don't.

    Second answer, NO.

    6.) Am I still that generation that "may never get old" that I was always told when I was younger or has that changed? I don't hear that expression used anymore?

    I say yes, I don't hold to the Society's new view of 'the last generation.' I believe they had it right the first time.

    7.) So why is their crime, violence and everything else bad? Is it b/c God's sovereignty was tested like the WT teaching explains? What is your explanation.

    We are in the Last Days and things are only going to get worse until the GT and Armageddon arrive.

  • pc

    Question regarding your faith in God or not.

    by pc in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i was wondering about different people on the forum.

    i was raised a jw since birth but never had one ounce of spirituality.

    i did the fade and have been out for years.

    1. Satanus
    2. seven006
    3. LittleToe
  • Flash
    My question is to those who now do not believe in God or the bible.

    Did you attend any other religious type groups since leaving JWS or read the bible. What changed your point of reference.

    I enjoyed your Post.

    I don't qualify to answer all of your question because I do believe in God and live my life based on most of the teachings of the Witnesses. My point of reference changed when I reclaimed my mind from the WTS. I now scrutinize and criticaly analize everything from them. I only accept what I believe is right and reject the rest. That is how I 'make sure of ALL things and hold fast to what is fine.'

  • jgnat

    Is Imperfection the same as Sin?

    by jgnat in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    lately i have made some pretty bold statements about the value of dialogue.

    so i thought i would put it in to practice.

    i've picked this topic, one i have not studied out thoroughly.

    1. Flash
    2. Narkissos
    3. Brummie
  • Flash

    Sin is Lawlessness (1John 3:4) Our being imperfect is our hard wired inability to adhere to God's Law without deviation. So yes, imperfection and sin are one and the same.

    If I might add;

    Sin = Lawlessness = Chaos = its nature. That is, I believe, why "God is a God not of disorder but of peace" 1Corinthians 14:33. Also, the Order, the Law of God is Love. God never does anything unloving (like lie) because, I believe, it would be self destructive.