I wish you well...but you'll be back someday or at least lurking around!
Posts by Flash
I'm going to try to go... Confucious' Farewell...
by Confucious ini'm going to try it for the sake of myself.
from this day onward.
i'm going to try and stay away from anything jw related.
help me to answer JW
by male30baroda inearlier i was jw and serving as ms but recently i resign from watchtower, but i have some question in my mind please help me to understand more.
1 in hebrews 10:25 bible says .
.not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near.
Q. 1 in Hebrews 10:25 bible says . . .not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. . . ...so If we are not with society with whom we have to gather? Or when some JW show this verse what we can say.
The purpose of gathering is for encouragement, what if 'the meetings' were not encouraging or even worse, discouraging...why go???
Hebrews 10:25 is an exhortation NOT a command!
Q. 2 who is faithful and discreet slave?
Faithful and discreet? As defined how, in comparison to whom? Have the members of the Governing Body been used by God's Son? The answer I believe is yes, the important question is 'by how much?' Totaly in everything? Is nothing out of their own minds and hearts? Matthew 19: 7and 8, Proverbs 22: 6
Q. 3 when they said we have anointed ones with society what we can say to them?
The ancient Israelites knew they were God's Chosen yet it did not mean they were free of error or guilt for that error. Jeremiah 8:1-6, John 8:39
The Governing Body is guilty of Pride, Presumptuousness and Oppressing God's people.
My sisters are braindead b**ches
by flower injust thought i'd share.
in case anyone else out there has three sisters that are braindead bitches too...i know how you feel.
i havent talked to two of the three braindead bitches for a couple of years (ever since that goddamn article came out in the km) but one of the braindead bitches lives about 10 mins from me.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-14-04 WT Study Highlights
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 11-14-04 wt study (october 1, 2004) highlights
review comments
tender affection and love.
Although my husband had been a faithful Witness for almost 60 years, many of those in the full time work, nobody has visited or even called in the two years since we stopped attending meetings.
Your only as good as your last meeting and Field Service report...Now you and your husband are deemed as undesirably weak or even as 'bad association.' " What a loving Organization we belong to "
IMO, stay strong in prayer and in bible reading.
Three Questions
by StinkyPantz in.
if you were guaranteed honest responses to any three questions, who would you question and what would you ask?
1. Why am I so angry all the time ? 2. Where do these ideas come from; or, what is the source of inspiration, creative and otherwise? 3. What the hell do I really want? CZAR
When I had major anger issues a technique called Sentence Completion helped me a lot, maybe your familar with it. Write at the top of a sheet of paper something like - "I am angry all the time because..." or "I am angry because..." and complete the sentence with WHATEVER pops into your head. Write quickly, do not censor anything. Don't worry if it makes sense or not just keep completing the sentence and let the answers flow freely. It REALLY helped me release a lot of my anger and I was better able to work on the rest. I'm sure it would work well with # 2 and # 3 also.
Best Wishes ~ Flash
Which GB member Dying would make the biggest difference
by stillajwexelder inwhich gb member dying would make the biggest difference?
Three Questions
by StinkyPantz in.
if you were guaranteed honest responses to any three questions, who would you question and what would you ask?
To the GB:
- How 'Spirit Directed' do you believe you are?
- How 'Spirit Directed' do you want everyone to treat you as?
- How is your leadership not like the leadership of the religious leaders of ancient Israel?
To my children:
- Is unquestioning obediance and surrender to the will of the GB really what God requires?
- Does thinking for ones self always equate to pride and becoming a follower of Satan?
- Is there ANYTHING in which you disagree with the GB/WTS/Organization on?
To my fellow posters here:
- In spite of all we know that is wrong with the WTS does that mean there is no chance of them being used by God today as His Christian witnesses?
- Because of their error/s should we act as if everything we learned and accepted from them is untrue or invalid?
- What do you believe the history of the errant ancient Israelites means for the Witnesses today?
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-14-04 WT Study Highlights
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 11-14-04 wt study (october 1, 2004) highlights
review comments
tender affection and love.
"HAVE TENDER AFFECTION FOR ONE ANOTHER" "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another."?Roman 12:10 NWT
The constant flow of mixed messages from the GB is, in my mind, the major problem. The GB talks about love all the time, yet they don't act loving. They act in an un-loving way to all the congregations by imposing their narrow 'human' standards on them, their condesension, their manipulation along with their new expanded view of shunning, to name a few things. So why would they think the individual members of the congregations wouldn't follow their example and emulate their actions and judgemental attitude? Their next WT study article should be, 'Do As We Say, Not As We Do'
Circuit Assembly
by mann377 injust a note for all those who have not been to a circuit assembly latley.
i went with the wife to keep peace in the family and thought those on the board would like to see the program.
of interest was the last talk "pay constant attention to divine instruction".
I love this quote!
by Billygoat in"people take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.
just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
-h. jackson browne