Hello cyberguy,
Believe me I can RELATE! However you choose to handle your exit the outcome will be the same, you will be shunned and ostracized by all 'loyal' witnesses. The question for you to decide is how painful do you want your exit to be? The fade is longer and more agonizing, in my opinion, than just leaving. I've done both during my time as a Witness. Do you live by yourself or are you with other Witnesses?
"I?d like to get out, but I?m having difficulty because I?ve grown up in it, and it?s hard to get into the "world," as JW?s call it!"
You don't have to leave Jehovah to leave the Witnesses cyber. I don't know what your belief in bible is, I for one believe it contains God's word, yet, not every word in the bible is from God or His Son. I also believe the Witnesses have the basics right about God, man and the future.
It's not easy worshiping Jehovah alone, yet, for my/our own mental and emotional health it's better to put distance between us and the congregation.
"...I?ve talked to several x-JW?s recently, but in the final analysis, I have to divorce myself from it. Also, my brother is an avid JW, self-righteous Elder, but no longer talks to me because, as he said, "I have very negative feelings toward the organization."
That's typical, and part of the guilt manipulation they use. If you disagree your a problem, if you stick to your dissenting positions your 'hardened.' The ancient Jews had this same problem of narrow thinking and elitist views. Look what happened to them long term.
"...I think it best if I do the "slow-fade-thing" if possible."
That's your choice, there is no right or wrong way, it's what works for you.
"The local elders are nice to me..."
This is only temporary, once they see your determined to chart a new course away from the organization they'll shun you also.
"...but realize that I know the Bible much better than they do and are afraid of confronting me, as I see it."
That's funny, I enjoyed this too. The last meeting I had with the Elders they couldn't get out of the room fast enough :) Besides, they're not trained to think on they're own. They use scripted answers and statements and playbook strategies. When we use our logic and correct critical reasoning they get frustrated.
"In any case, I?m trying to deal with my situation, but it?s becoming harder and harder as time goes on."
Of course, because your using your mind and see the organization for what it is, warts and all, it becomes harder and harder to play the game.
"Once a person realizes that JW?s are not the "truth," it?s all down-hill from there!"
Yes, it is. We change in they're eyes, it becomes an us vs them situation. We become the enemy.
Good vs Evil and in they're small, dictated world, we're evil. 'How dare you question the organization of GOD!' Is their position. Just like the ancient Israelites the murdered Jesus!
"...Therefore, I will eventually stop going, but I'm trying to do the "slow-fade-thing!"
If that's best. I know for myself being away from the Witnesses, yet, not being in the 'world,' it can be difficult at times, but the freedom from all the man made and unnessasary rules is worth it. Free from all the guilt and fear, free from the constant pressure to do more. Free to have a life again or perhaps in your case for the first time. Again, I don't know what your beliefs in God and the bible are, I just wouldn't attribute the error of men to God.
If you want, feel free to PM me any time. Plus, there are many others here your could help you and support you. Perhaps ask for their opinions in a new Thread. ~ Flash