Andrea Coelho ( |
I think there may be some hope for this one.
ff lays down the gauntlet - .
i defy anyone on this board to access and read the posts in the witness teens community without gagging.. such a waste of young lives - anonymous posting is not allowed - you have to give your congregation number and answer some borganisation based questions before posting access is allowed.
this is of course to prevent renegades such as ourselves from stumbling these pure innocents.. some of the posts are quite interesting - the old world versus the borg problem is always simmering away as you would expect.. go on, you know you want to.... have a look
i just learned through contacts with my family that they are trying to file a suit against me for reverse shunning!!!
what is reverse shunning?
or "shunning them"?
...trying to file a suit against me for reverse shunning!!!
They just keep getting weirder and weirder!
why is there death and suffering?
a biblical perspective.
I want to live forever in the paradise that the bible promises. But that's just my point of view and everyone views things differently.
Not everyone. Hello and welcome.
it was monday at the temple.
our sangha (buddhist community) meets usually on mondays at the local monastary.
it's not a pagoda or anytihng, it's actually an old farm house which has been well maintained.
For me, as small as it may sound, it was not feeling guilty about not attending meetings. Before I left I was really trying to get with the program in those areas I considered neutral or least harmful. After about a year and a half of not attending had passed so did the guilt and the awareness of what 'night' it was. It is a relief not to be concerned about it anymore.
I don't have pets so close friends bought me a stuffed Yellow Labrador pup who sits on the couch with me. No fuss no muss and NO dog farts!
Hello Amber2
That man is a 'Head Case!' Don't they hear themselves when they speak??
...I think you can be christian without adhearing to all the tenants of the faith. IMO it's more about a personal faith and conviction.I agree with you especialy when then 'tenants' are rooted in human thinking.
i used to wonder why with so many xjws on here ,or nearly xjws on this forum ,why it was not named so .
that way we would not have so many troll's and practicing jws come on this site looking for people in their own religion ( cough ) .
now when i see a newbie join and they are practicing jws ,i think maybe just maybe by them not knowing most here are out of the cult and they read the threads posted by so many knowing and knowledgable people on the forum ,that some may log off and actually think of some things that have seen.
...threads posted by so many knowing and knowledgable people on the forum ,that some may log off and actually think of some things that have seen. I wonder how many leave here with questioning what they have read, these are my hope's any way.
I have the same thoughts and hope as you on this subject. I am one of those who believe the Wittnesses are right about God and their primary teachings and VERY WRONG as an organization obsessed and lost in their micro-managing and social engineering in their futile quest for the perfect Christian!
those life stories of bros and sis's in the awakes and wts were always very inspirational and encouraging to me when i was in the borg.
everyone enjoyed reading them.
now i realise that these experiences would have been censored and edited for maximum affect on the readers.
My sis got a write up in the Awake! An exemplary pioneer!!!! She got two marriage proposals from the article. I guess if you like the pic/story, you write the society and they forward the letters to you. She's out now.
Now there's a HAPPY ENDING!
the military employs brain-washing techniques in basic training!
more, tomorrow at 11.. ..flash.
I wouldn't be surprised if they probably do use some sort of conditioning.
Hey no fair!More, tomorrow at 11.