BTW, which factions of blood does Jehovah consider "holy"?
This is the only point I can concede to you.
"a man in west bengal who refused to provide a blood transfusion to his critically ill daughter because his religion forbade it has been arrested.".
"jehovah?s witnesses view life as god?s gift represented by blood.
they believe in the bible?s command that christians must ?abstain from blood (acts 15:28, 29).
BTW, which factions of blood does Jehovah consider "holy"?
This is the only point I can concede to you.
hey guys, i haven't been around in a while and it's nice to be back.
i have some questions that have been bothering me, and i need some help.
i am a christian and i have been witnessing to a jw, yet there is one strong hard question which i have trouble answering.
...not individual everlasting life. The blessing on the righteous / meek is collective.
If that were the case where is there any hope for us individualy?...There is none, John 3:16 thankfully tells us differantly.
Genesis 2:4b--3:24 is not the continuation to 1:1--2:4a. It is an alternative story where everything is different, from the creation of vegetal, animal and human life down to the "knowledge and death" kit for mankind. Genesis 1:28 does not refer to "humanity before the fall", for there is no fall in the 1:1--2:4a story.
I don't know how to respond to this. How you or anyone can read Genesis 1:1 to 3:24 and not see a clear and logical progression???
...the doctrine of resurrection logically and historically implies the survival (not necessarily immortality) of the "soul" rather than it opposes to it.
Jesus was very clear about the future of the dead in John 5:25-29.
- the "specific number" is obviously symbolic (as the 12,000 "tribe" figure it is made of)
Even though Revelation is largely symbolic chapter 14 verses 1, 3 and 4 are clear when they refer to 'the Lamb' and those 'bought from the Earth.' Also, John 10:14-16 makes clear the fact there are two classes of sheep that Christ sheperds.
- the whole Revelation scenario implies the passing away of the present earth and heaven (21:1; cf. 6:14).
Implies? It is very clear about Post Armageddon events for mankind, Satan and his Demons and the Earth. The Witnesses do not have everything right, even so, they do have the main things right. ...You may have the last word on this. ~ Flash
hey guys, i haven't been around in a while and it's nice to be back.
i have some questions that have been bothering me, and i need some help.
i am a christian and i have been witnessing to a jw, yet there is one strong hard question which i have trouble answering.
Why did God create the Earth if (like I believe) we are going to end up in Heaven? What was his purpose in creating the Earth? How come we end up in heaven? If you can, please provide Bible verses
IMO, the key to bible reading is for us to use our discernment, Matthew 24:15b.
"a man in west bengal who refused to provide a blood transfusion to his critically ill daughter because his religion forbade it has been arrested.".
"jehovah?s witnesses view life as god?s gift represented by blood.
they believe in the bible?s command that christians must ?abstain from blood (acts 15:28, 29).
For what ever reason, Jehovah views blood as Holy and put it 'off limits' to mankind. How far advanced medicaly might we now be and how many lives might have been saved if humanity respected God's wishes all along?? Who is really to blame for these deaths, God or Humanity?
i have only one simple point in this post, but it comes out of several threads that i've read recently - including the evolution of humanity, existential/spiritual pathologies, and marital infidelity threads.
the observation i am making is that consciousness does appear to move toward wholeness and union.
in one sense it appears there are lots of divisiveness in the world, but on the other hand it is all already connected by cause and effect, mutual interdependence and interaction.
But the basic dynamic is just one that is connected and involved in the world, rather than being no part of it or wanting to get away from it, trascend or be beyond it in some way.
Most everyone makes a contribution to the advancement of the whole (or desires to do so). As for being separatists, even non-conformists like to be around each other.
hey there girlie !!
i read this in another thread :i pulled a muscle in my back a couple of days ago and so yesterday the muscle tension/inflammation caused a rib to be pulled out of place!
how wonderful that feels...*lol*.. .
the muscle tension/inflammation caused a rib to be pulled out of place!
I'm sorry to hear your hurt. Why not get some 'muscle relaxers' from your Doctor?
Maybe you can help me about the Lord's prayer. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. If there isn't a new system, then what does that mean?
The prayer is proof that God's Kingdom will be a reality on earth. Jesus wasn't offering false hope.
i've noticed that usually when someone who is very religious finds out that i am an atheist, they become very agitated even though i never actually said anything negative about their religion.. are they embarrassed?.
do they think i am condemning them?.
do they see me as a threat?.
Do they see me as a threat?
This one gets my vote. I think it's often the same in reverse (not in your case though Elsewhere).
don't know how to start this... the other day, i was at work talking to the fellas there.. somehow they mentioned 'cults' - and i blurted out something like "jehovah's witnesses are also a cult.".
they quickly said "don't let p**** hear you say that.
he's a jehovah's witness.".
Then I tried to figure out WHEN those three times were... hmmm... birth... marriage... Oh! and death! "Yeah, he continued. And you only have to participate at one of them - when you get married." Richard is a funny guy!
LOL, Yeah he is funny! Wasn't ancient Israel commanded to gather just Three Times a year? Who decided on weekly Synagogue meetings anyway, it wasn't part of the Law!?
the actualy quote from my borg source is this... .
"billions of hearts will soon stop beating.
it was given by a circuit overseer in a talk about armegedon.
"Billions of Hearts will Soon Stop Beating."
How about the Six Million Minds that Stopped Working???