The WTS always thinks it has the most correct view possible, no matter what the subject or the content of the view itself.
When resurrected ones discover what God's
Kingdom is accomplishing in fulfilling Jehovah's purpose for the earth,
... Everyone living will delight in sharing
in the vast educational work needed to teach the billions returning from the
grave, who will also need to accept God's ransom provision.
Their overlooking the vast RE-educational work that also has to be done to God's people. Freeing them from the negitive conditioning they've recieved from all man made rules the GB has heaped on them over the decades. Matthew 15: 3, 9, 13 and 14
A couple of additional observations.
Translation: Resurrection due to time and unforeseen circumstance. There is no guarantee that individual JWs will survive until the great tribulation, to be able to live through it.
I'm begining to believe that the GT is started by man and/or Satan. The way the scripture reads, it doesn't appear to me that God starts it, the scriptures say that it "occurs" and that God 'cuts it short'...and unless God halted it, " no flesh would be saved." Matthew 24: 21, 22 and Mark 13: 19, 20. So it might not be a 'given' that 'faithful witnesses' will ALL survive it and not need a resurrection.
Christ’s reign of a thousand years begins
In the Time is at Hand, Russell point to 1872 as the end of 6,000 years of human history and that the Millennium would start in 1914.
Millions Now Living Will Never Die Pamphlet
This is why I believe the Evil Slave arrived right after, or perhaps during the end of, Russell's reign. Matthew 24: 48, 49, Luke 12: 45, 46 ( Habakkuk 2: 3, 4, Matthew 24: 44 and 25: 1-12, 19, Mark 4: 24, 25 and 13: 33-37, Luke 12: 35-38 )
Thanks again Blondie for your time and effort in putting these reviews together!