JoinedTopics Started by Sherwood
WTF? Cancelling our Karma.
by Sparkplug infrom the years 500 bce to 800 ce, the religion is in its classical age.
according to religious studies done at the
the same source simplified it by using the explanation that life is bad and unpleasant so the hindu must want to die.
JW says Jehovah's People aren't Brainwashed
by Honesty inwell from what i understand a cult is something that expects you to follow some man.
you must give up your individual thought processes and just go with what you are told to think.
this way you are released from individual responsibility.
How many people did Satan kill in the Bible?
by Stan Conroy infor some reason i've been wondering about this lately.
i've read the bible end to end many years ago, and i can't recall how many people satan personally struck down.
i'm not talking about twisted reasonings and long term implications.
Anyone have the pic?
by Swamboozled in.
anyone have the pic of the society with the christmas tree in the background taken in the 20's?
thanks in advance.. swam
Did you stop believing Armageddon is coming?
by plmkrzy inhow many just stopped believing in the jw predictions/description of what armageddon is all about?
ive met exjws that stopped believing in everything they were taught and ive met some that stopped believing in everything except armageddon.
ive heard comments like: boy wont they be surprised when the day comes and they find out they arent the only ones surviving.
JW speechless!
by turbonium in;&version=31;
i showed my jw friend those verses.
it works with jw altered bible also.
Peace and Security to follow some day
by Sherwood in1 thessalonians 5:1-11 .
5 now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you.
2 for you yourselves know quite well that jehovahs day is coming exactly as a thief in the night.
Did you think that you knew more ?
by A Paduan in.
as a jw, were you convinced that you knew more theologically than "those in christendom", yet hadn't really even read the bible ?
more than say, a monk who over a thousand years ago hand wrote one, and read it everyday ?
Earthly Temple always to 1 high priest in DA heavens
by Sherwood inonce upon a time, jehovah god created adam and tested his perfect flesh, mind and heart as the first human regarding the spirit he would manifest, the soul he would become.
adam had the potential to be the father of mankind on earth for all eternity.
adam sinned in paradise on earth by being disobedient to jehovah gods rule (thus sovereignty) and lost that potential.