JoinedTopics Started by Heatmiser
We've lost an ex-JW from Missouri in Iraq
by keeshah inhe was from my congregation in missouri.
i remember him well.
he was 6 yrs younger than me.
Long-Time Bethelites Organizing To Leave Headquarters!
by bjc2read inthe following link shows there are serious problems stirring at bethel headquarters for the watchtower society.
it appears, many long-time bethelites are organizing to leave headquarters!
here is the link,.
No Gay Marriage for Iran
by truthseeker inwhile gay canadian's celebrate their new "marriage rights", there is no such celebration of anything gay in iran.. it's interesting to see the extreme contrast between how gay people are treated in the west as opposed to the middle east.. .
report: iran gay teens executed .
by 365gay.com newscenter staff .
Thinking outside of what is allowed
by coolhandluke inthis is my first post.
i have read and benefited greatly from all of the posts on the board.
i just wanted to share a little of my story perhaps to gain insight into myself, and perhaps just to share with like minded people.
London mosque surrounded by armed police
by Ellie inaccording to the news a london mosque has been surrounded by armed police and a man has been shot dead on a london train
More explosions London Underground
by Crumpet inhttp://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-1189833,00.html
i don't think anyone has been hurt though - all unconfirmed!
one on a bus and one on underground.
Are you a sheep?
by peacefulpete innews story illustrates the problem with being sheeplike: 450 sheep jump to their deaths
Do you ever weigh yourself before and after you use the toilet?
by Elsewhere in.
it can be very entertaining to see how much you, well, "lost".
(it also helps if you have a digital scale that can measure fractions of a pound)
Google earth.........freaking sweet!!!!
by Heatmiser inhttp://earth.google.com/
i have been playing with this for a couple of hours.
it is sweeeeeeeeeeeet.. glenn