In a recent topic someone mentioned how much they have drifted from God since they "left the JW's."
As someone brought up in the org (inactive for several years)I have found this to be similiar in my case. I don't know how much I believe the fan/plug analogy (remember that in the Live Forever book?), and often think that a measure of "feeling" close to God is an emotional thing. Of course I can be totally off-base with my own feelings on the matter and don't mean to offend anyone by saying that. I just don't know how else to express it honestly.
After reflecting over my years in the org, I realize that I never really got to know God, but was more involved in the typical JW lifestyle/religion and of following the policies and procedures of man. When I "left", there was no relationship with God, as it never really seemed to exist in the first place, except somewhat when others would pray. In my own praying it never seemed totally real.
It has been over the last few years that I've also given serious thought to how much Jesus actually has been more of a God to us than Jehovah (according to the NWT). It was Jesus who actually seemed to create us (everything Jehovah did was through him), and we pray through him.
Of course, JW's aren't really supposed to venerate Jesus as they would God. This is all quite confusing though! Anyway, I'm posting because I want to know if anyone can identify with my feelings of estrangement and even belief in God after seperating from the org. And also, since Jesus seemed to do so much for us, do you feel the same confusion I do over why he seems to have way less importance when it comes to praying and showing thanks?
I try to pray often and yet I still feel that God is not real. Each day I wonder more and more if he is really there for us and really cares. Sometimes the points of atheists/agnostics get me thinking... but I have a difficult time accepting that there is no hope at all for anything.
Another thing... could my relationship with "him" be more difficult on account that I've never had a strong father figure in my life?
I hope I've articulated my thoughts well enough not to be misunderstood in my inquiry. But I'd appreciate your sincere thoughts on this.
Thank you.