What makes me SO sad is that the WT makes the followers believe that they are actually showing LOVE by not talking to df'd/da'd ones. In MY world, ones shows LOVE by being there for their friend/family, not shunning them. Human contact whether a physical contact or a kind word is healing and NEEDED.
It's no wonder why we need to de-program from all these warped WTBTS teachings when we walk away. They twist what's natural in our hearts into some theocratic mandate under the banner of LOVE in order to control people's behavior and do what's contrary to what we feel is right and just.
Those who just do what they're told while trusting the man behind the curtain will walk away from this article believing they are being more loving by following the shunning policy than not. More loving = good. My parents will believe it is more loving to cut off natural affection to their flesh and blood than to be human...viewing their conscientious daughter in the same lawless light as a demon.
This article will have huge emotional impact on many.