Unfortunately, sometimes older people are nieve when it comes to finances or how the real world works, but the problem is only compounded when you are old and a witness. I wish I could help my parents sell their house right now, but I really just don't know where to start, so I stay out of it. My only fear is that I will end up taking care of them in the future because they didn't plan things out.
JoinedPosts by Atilla
Can I rant/rave, please?
by Candlestick02 insorry i've been mia for a while.
started a new job and i'm swamped.
i'm only taking out time now during lunch to get something off my chest.
We saw the President today
by Mulan inwe just got home from visiting friends and family in new york state for 5 days.
we spent a few days in buffalo (dirty city, grungy and depressing) but we did have a great lunch yesterday, of buffalo wings at the original restaurant where they first served them.
and we saw the president's plane arrive this morning about 40 minutes before we boarded our flight.
It was cool. Huge plane amongst a bunch of tiny jets and 737's. Security was tight and an armed helicopter was circling the airport for an hour. It was BIG, red, and you could see the machine guns.
Ok, this is exactly what is wrong with the office of the presidency, it has gotten too big. This president and the presidents before them have gotten too important, too big for their britches. They fly all around the world and the country with this huge entourage and arsenal acting like they are a god and we must worship them. Well, I'm sick and tired of it, plus they are wasting our money. There is a need for security but there is also a need for humbleness. We don't need the president acting more like a 3rd world dictator every where he goes with a huge army. For instance, other heads of states such as Tony Blair often even fly abroad on a simple leer jet with only a couple body guards, not a whole army. Plus, essentially every president pretty much uses Air Force One as a campaign platform for the whole year leading up to the election, why should we have to pay for this? Everyday, millions of dollars are wasted just so the President can get to D.C. to say Buffalo, pathetic.
My last post will be on 4/22/04
by Brownboy in.
now is your chance to post your true sentiments.
this date will be my last post.. feel free to ridicule, humiliate, scorn, ravage, or whatever you all are used to..................as a disciple of christ, i should expect it.. brownboy
We both wake up in the middle of the night and see them flashing on our clocks
Do your alarm clocks have green or red led displays and have you tried replacing the batteries?
My last post will be on 4/22/04
by Brownboy in.
now is your chance to post your true sentiments.
this date will be my last post.. feel free to ridicule, humiliate, scorn, ravage, or whatever you all are used to..................as a disciple of christ, i should expect it.. brownboy
I wonder if you could apply this schedule ahead dating to other sins say like sex. For instance, you confess to the elders that you are having sex out of marriage and say you know it is bad and that you are going to stop, in a few days. No sense in going cold-turkey.
The JW Effect ? Lack of life planning
by Gopher inas jw?s we were taught that the day of jehovah was always near.
we were to keep it close in mind.
those using the world were not to ?use it to the full?.
Well, duh, but atleast my parents still got me braces, explain that one.
How Do You Make Friends Now?
by exjdub incodeblue's thread about the teenage years made me start thinking about another aspect of being raised jw.
in the org we had ready made "friends" by virtue of our affiliation.
i found that after leaving jw's it was hard to meet people and it took me a long time to make friends.
The normal way-that of common interests not common religion.
Special meeting this weekend?
by kj in.
my mother mentioned something about a special talk that's going to be at "all the khs around the world" this weekend.
Last I knew, there were fewer than 150 in the series, so that means that if you've been a JW for more than 3 years, you've probably heard them all (or heard certain ones multiple times). If you were a JW for almost 30 years, like I was, then you've practically got them all memorized.
I don't think that it always used to be that way but I believe in the effort to make things more uniform, the WT developed the select number of outlines that were only to be used for Sunday talks. I think that before the uniform outlines, local elders could be more liberal in their talk outlines. The problem was that sometimes elders would be very liberal and go off into some weird tangents, thus the need for preset outlines. Of course, elders will say that they are only outlines, and they can develop each outline as they see fit. The problem is that they are all looking at the same info, no real outside sources, so they all begin to sound the same. Plus, once an elder has a outline done, odds are that he's not going to redo it, thus, you''ll hear his same outline over and over and over, maybe with a new illustration thrown in, then over and over again. Most elders only have about 5 to 15 outlines out of the 150 done, but I did know this super dub in my hall that had them all done, go figure.
In the US: Our Children Will Be Subjected to Selective Service Very Soon
by gespro inhas this been discussed already?
if it has, please point me to the thread addressing this
i just heard this last night.
I think our current system already works like a draft. Who mostly joins the military in large numbers these days? Answer: Those who have the least amount of options when it comes to their future, i.e. the poor and minorities. Who doesn't join the military, of course those with money but even those families with modest amounts of money. I recently saw that out of all of the members in the Congress and the Senate, only like 2 or 3 of them actually had sons or daughters in the military. That's a serious disconnect when these representatives are the only legal barrier curtailing the President's War Powers with the War Powers Act that was enacted in the 70's.
I don't favor the draft but I do think that some kind of automatic military service should come into affect when you turn 18, boy or girl. I believe France and Isreal have similar programs for their youths when they turn 18 so that they have to put in 1 or 2 years of service and then go on to college or whatever. Of course, you could also have some form of secondary non-militarty sevice for all the dubbies who couldn't in good conscience serve their country.
Did the second-class status of JW women ever bother you? Does it now?
by True North inif the jw organization were considered a normal business operating without the protections of being a religion, it obviously would have to make some big changes in order to avoid being sued out of existence for sex discrimination.
i wasn't raised to think that women should be relegated to second class status or that they should have less opportunities than men or be relegated to a limited set of life roles.
however, when i became a jw, i freely accepted all the sexist nonsense that came with the territory without ever being bothered by it.
The whole second-class status bothered me especially when it came to giving talks. It always seemed like talk no 3 for the sisters was merely "window dressing" in order for there to be some appearance of equality in the org. for women. However, even though there was about the same number of men and women in our congregation, women only ended up giving a talk like every 3 or 4 months compared to me who ended up giving a talk atleast once if not twice a month. That's why it sucked.
Bullied into quitting my job?
by Nosferatu inhey all.
lately, i've been recieving heat at work for not doing my job.
i was hired to assemble, repair, and test electronics.
If you do decide to quit, you should dump as much trash as you can find on his car or right in front of it. Other than that, this sounds like a bad exra scene they deleted out of Office Space. Good luck.